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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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So I’m currently in the Phase 3 trials for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine here in the UK. I’ve already had two shots (first in January, second two weeks ago), and apart from a nature immune reaction 48 hours after the first shot, everything’s been smooth sailing.


The trial itself goes for two and a bit years, and my next check up is scheduled for September. I officially do not know if I have the vaccine or placebo, but judging from the reaction after the first shot, it’s safe to bet I have the real deal. The good thing about this trial is that due to the faster-than-expected rollout of the vaccines here in the UK, if I get called up for the NHS rollout vaccine, I can asked to be unblinded in the trial without any further consequences. So either way, it’s a win-win situation.

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What do you expect from money hunger franchise? They recently built a new stadium and I'm sure they lost a lot of money last year. They need to make money to pay for it.  A full house yet they lost. Not surprised since they are predicted to finish last in the division. 


Yes it's sickening!

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There is this weird denial about what is going on. Cases are rising again and some variants are more communicable and infect younger people at a greater rate than the original virus. Good lord, Michigan is in a state of complete disaster. But sure, let's open up when we should probably be closing down again.


I've been volunteering at a nursing home and you wouldn't believe (actually, I know you would) how many people give me flak about needing to mask up if they want to hug their elderly relation. I admit, the rules are a lot like prison visitation. A thirty second masked hug before and after the 20 min visit. But it's like people seem not to understand that even if they are vaccinated a variant could break through and infect all these vulnerable elderly people before anyone realizes it's happening. This pandemic is not over.

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Thank you! Yes, I've been debating this at my jobs. Even when I'm completely vaccinated in 10 days time I'll be wearing my mask. And people have still be running around here thinking that now that there is a vaccine it is just okay to run around without a mask. NO BITCA, IT AIN'T!!!! WHAT AIN'T CLICKING??? I just...sigh.


It does seem like the numbers are lower. However, it is not over. 

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