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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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I work in a hospital and right now we're provided with one surgical mask that we wear until it is "saturated with blood or other bodily fluids" (that is the wording on our policy). We keep wearing the same mask even if we wore it into the room of a Covid-positive patient. We're required to wear the mask for our entire shift too (not just when with patients), so it's just nasty by the end of the day, much less by the end of the week. We have a few pairs of goggles for the whole hospital. I think we're supposed to be getting face shields that Ford is producing. I don't think we've had an issue with gloves yet, and our gowns are washable so I think we're okay there. We're using hand sanitizer that was produced and donated by a local company because we're out otherwise.


Saw a news story today that nurses from Kalamazoo, MI are being forced to go work with Covid patients in Detroit. They get an extra $2 an hour for doing this and PPE is not guaranteed. So glad to see these nurses getting such a great incentive for the work they're doing. https://www.woodtv.com/health/coronavirus/rep-kzoo-nurses-very-upset-over-forced-move-to-detroit/

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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I try not to get too personal on social media but a friend of mine lost three patients in the space of 12 hours in Brooklyn. A relative, who is a nurse is currently recovering from COVID-19 after being hospitalized.


I try not to get angry over things I cannot control but scientists have been talking about pandemics for decades now and yet the "rich" countries in particular have by and large, handled this pandemic poorly, with deadly results.  People need to start realizing that their votes have life or death consequences, it not to be taken lightly.  Do your homework before you cast your vote, someone's life (someone close to you, if not your own) will likely depend on it.  Allowing incompetent leaders like Johnson and Trump into office while shrugging your shoulders and hoping that only others suffer will come back on you.

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^^None of us are surprised by that, right?


OTOH Japan seems to have acted somewhat late (like most wealthy countries) at the same time the Japanese government appears to be learning from the missteps of other countries. This was done in countries like S. Korea and Taiwan with success. Even China did this, eventually, which seemed to be credited (along with lockdown measures) for flattening the curve.




There is a strange phenomenon of Hollywood exes sheltering and self-quarantining together. Wayne Brady made news last week when word got around that he was self-isolating with his ex-wife and her boyfriend. Brady and his ex share a teenage daughter so it's not that far fetched but it's interesting that Bruce and Demi are doing so too, especially given the fact that they're three kids are all grown and Bruce is remarried now.


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As someone who works in food service, I can tell you why cause gloves aren't sanitary. They would LITERALLY have to change their gloves with every surface/person, etc they came in contact with. 


Plus where I work we are told we're getting a limited supply of gloves, so they are being used by the ones handling the food. 


Hands can be washed /sanitized more often and gloves can't....

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I'm so sorry to hear about what you and your loved ones are going through.


Sadly I think that this may make people even less likely to believe anything will change. The response I've seen has been a lot of "both sides" and dismissal of the Democratic Party. 

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It frustrates me to see how many people don't seem to understand how gloves work. I keep seeing people at the store who wear gloves, touch the cart, touch everything on the shelves, and then touch their face, but they think they're protected because they're wearing gloves. Like no. Gloves don't magically kill the germs on whatever your touching. They're just as dirty as your hands unless you change them every time you touch something.

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