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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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I can understand why people are concerned and want to be cautious. That being said, I definitely think you bring up a lot of good points. I don't think that some (maybe even a lot of the) panicking is doing more harm than good. Including people panicking and doing all of the hoarding and as well as causing people (especially those who suffer from it) to have anxiety. I do believe that if the average person got this they will end up being fine. Of course people need to be concerned about the most vulnerable like the elderly, people with compromised immune systems. But one of the best things a lot of people can do for them is to try and remain calmer and also keep ourselves healthy. Doing things like cutting down on large public gatherings could definitely help but people can't stay completely shut down forever. And I also think that some people are stigmatizing this disease and the people who get it, which I think is wrong.


Some people have been acting like it's the bubonic plague and others are acting like it's a dangerous STD and that people that got it have behaved in some sort of very shameful behavior. Granted, there are people that get it like Rudy Gobert who have acted irresponsibly. But the average person that gets it, didn't do anything to intentionally get it or want to intentionally pass it on to someone else. I do agree about people being a bit OTT,  acting like it's going to be an automatic death sentence. (With an exception being vulnerable people.)


If healthy people do our best to stay healthy, that will help the more vulnerable people among us. And of course do whatever we can to help them while this is going on. We had a elderly client today call into the office at least five or six times, because he was worried about not being able to come into his appointment. Him and his wife have health issues that leave them compromised. He doesn't have a computer, and I don't think would know how to set up the virtual stuff. But we were able to work with him and set it up so his sister could get his paperwork/info to us. People should definitely help elderly people/compromised people in times like this, and do what we can to look out for them. And remain calmer so they don't panic even more than they already are.



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Thanks, hopefully the stores will restock here soon. I got an email from Walmart saying they will do their best to get things restocked for their customers all over the US. Hopefully, other stores are following suit.



I do think that a lot of people are concerned because there doesn't seem to be a real plan and it's causing them to really panic. Plus, they may feel like information is being withheld. It seems like a lot of places are on a bit of a shutdown for at least a couple of weeks. I'm curiously as to what the plan is afterwards. What is the governments ultimate goals here. What exactly would be an acceptable response/outcome for many people in the general public. People say they want to slow this virus down. But how much does it need to slow down to have them end shutdowns? (I wonder about this while I see tweets on Twitter, of people acting like everyone is going to be in danger/almost everybody could die, because someone decides to sit down in a restaurant to eat. See the Red Robin trend on Twitter, right now)  Or prevent things from being shutdown longer.


I believe that 49 people have died so far. What if at least few more people die after some of these shutdowns happen? (Which is likely). Goodness forbid if it's several. Regardless of what people do, the mortality rate on this is not going to be 0%, before or after the shutdowns are over. I think that people need to be realistic and honest about things. It's good to be careful, but things can't be shut down forever. I think that if Trump's response had been more like Obama's was to the swine flu, people would feel better. But a lot of them feel scared and unsure and it's causing them to really panic. 

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I don't really get the malaria comparison. Malaria is an illness that has existed for centuries and there has been vast research on it. Even though there's no vacchine, people know the risks and symptoms.
In the past, there were outbreaks in Europe as well – from the Middle Ages until the 1960s.
However, since malaria doesn't spread from human to human (except via blood transfers), smaller outbreaks can be contained quickly, and thus there has never been any need to shut down public life.


Coronavirus is a new disease with little research and it's highly contagious. You don't know how your body will react once you catch it.
In Berlin, most infections have been reported in the age group 25 to 39, so it doesn't affect "older people only".
16 people caught the virus in one nightclub in one night.


Of course there's no need for panicking, but I don't understand people who insist on their "right to go out partying" in times like these.


ETA: Austria is now also on lockdown. All public gatherings are forbidden and restaurants are closed.

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Generally if something is being pushed by groups that are tied to the DSA I don't believe it.



There's also stuff going around those circles about how China, Venezuela and Cuba are all teaming up with cures and bwahaha to America, those socialist and communist countries are showing you how wretched you are. I don't believe that either.



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I keep seeing people say that the reason de Blasio hasn't shut down schools is because they're afraid of what will happen to the children (or that their parents will lose their jobs if they have to stay home and take care of them).

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