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Which actors and characters should Days axe?

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I wouldn't mind them trying for a "reset" / 2.0 whatever they want to refer to it internally, but don't make a huge stinkin' deal of it like they did in 2011 which ultimately backfired. Have returnees brought back in increments instead of all at once, while those who were axed slowly make their exits. 


I'm all for any of: 




Unpopular opinion, but if they likely keep Eric Martsolf (who DOES need to be rested for at least a year if not more), bring Kyle Lowder back as Rex, as he has ties to The Last Blast crowd (they can do a Chloe/Rex story with Brady's original face) as well as ties to Sarah (who, I wouldn't mind if they axed too).   HOWEVER, a girl can dream, and I'd like it most if they axed Martsolf and did an immediate switcheroo and have Kyle Lowder reclaim the role of Brady, and he can mix it up with Chloe, Nicole, etc. 


Here's the thing. Brady is John's SON. Not his brother. There needs to be a visual difference in the fact that Kristen used to be involved with John and now she's involved with John's son. Martsolf is pushing 50 while Lowder looks much younger (too much sun, but still, younger). 


For more recent characters from back in the day, how about a Nathan Horton or a Stephanie Johnson? They can be recasts for all I care. 


I'm sorry, this is a thread about people to get rid of.... the sad thing is, some of these characters could and should work (Sarah, Eric, etc.) but they're written so pitifully. 


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I say 'reboot' the show using Sami and Kate as the primary focal points. Build the rest around them, especially since they cover all the core family bases. Both actors and characters are easily the most compelling, interesting and versatile - they have the ability to convey strength and vulnerability while handling both serious drama and lighter moments. 


If DAYS should look at the most successful reboot in modern soap history:  Y&R's pivot to the Abbott family in the early 1980s. Bell changed the entire focus and tone of the show in less than six months. The 2nd best 'reboot' B&B shift to Steffy/Liam/Hope - despite the repetitiveness - it changed the focus away from 'old' characters like Jaquie/Nick etc.  

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It's time for a shakeup.


Rafe has been on since 2008.

Will has been on since 2009 (recast with Chandler in 2010)

Chad has been on since 2009 (recast with Billy in 2014)

Sonny has been on since 2011 (with a brief break)

Abby has been on since 2011 (with a recast from 2016-2018)


Meanwhile, Carrie has been in and out a dozen times. Belle, Shawn, Philip and Chloe are either misused, not used or just pop-ins. It's time for some fresh starts. Some fresh returns. Some newbies. They can age Allie and Johnny. Recast Theo and Joey. Bring back Lucas. Bring back Carrie with dead Rafe's baby (which then bring Austin back). Pair Carrie and Lucas again (why not try?) 


They have Alex Kiriakis, Andrew Donovan and Jeremy Horton, two of whom have never set foot on the show as a teenager much less adult. Jeremy deserves a do-over but Mike has been MIA for 10 years (and then another 10 years before his brief 2010 return).


I loved original Wilson (not so much anymore, but Will is valuable and could have been kept).


I can see how the show/Ron/etc. came to the conclusions on some others. It was beyond time.


I don't think Ciara is useless and I like Victoria in the role. The problem is Ben is tainting her. Ciara props him. Lives for him. Her drive is him. It's BAAAAD. They don't quite get how to make them a real supercouple. They also don't seem to want to address the fact that he was a killer. They should have had Clyde be responsible. It would have helped some. A cop out, sure, but it'd be better than Marlena, Will and Ciara propping him. 


Sidenote: real writers wouldn't have to prop anyone

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 just saying. I miss when folks could do bad things and not have to be 'redeemed' or propped. Ben doesn't need folks singing his praises. That doesn't = redeemed.

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It happened way too fast. Ron really needed to take his time with Ben and Ciara. Have her torn up and confused about having feelings for a serial killer and have him worried whether or not he's actually capable of love, care, etc. instead of turning her into a cheerleader and destroying countless characters. He basically needed to do what Bill Bell did with Bill and Laura: take enough time so that people are actually rooting for them in the end. He decided to rush it, which is one of his biggest flaws as a writer.

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Exactly. Well put. There's been no real internal conflict for them. Ron is a hollow writer, there's a lack of depth. But I could argue the same for all the other soaps. Gone are the days of really getting to know someone's motivations, etc. I mean, Ciara's literally seen Ben every damn day he's been in jail since the "time jump". Why aren't they being kept apart? (Yet, Wilson more or less are, even if I don't care about them anymore lol). That's called CONFLICT. But Cin stans would flip and bitch. I'm tired of soaps catering to stan-bases that do *not* help the ratings one bit. All this couple is is one big stan-bait.

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