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Y&R August 2019 Discussion Thread

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Totally reminds me of 5-6 years ago when I stopped watching it. No fun in watching nearly every character act selfish and jerky 5 days a week. It's worse now because Adam is the only story and they've managed to run a new, compelling actor into the ground in less than a month. Nobody wanted a rewind to 2013, Josh.

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I liked Theo and Phyllis's scenes today. He does seem intrigued/interested by her. Theo is also good at what he does professionally and actually seems to care about his job. I liked how Phyllis called out Kyle for his role in his marriage with Summer failing. Didn't care for Mariah trying to absolve Kyle of his part in that marriage happening/falling apart.


I think that Nick is acting like a bit of a brute. I didn't care for the way he got upset when he found out that the judge actually enforced the court order and that Adam was seeing Christian. I didn't like the way he threatened Michael either. I did like Adam and Christian's scenes together in the park. 


Also, I liked the flashback in the beginning of today's show from some years ago. When Victor and a little Adam were shown playing with a soccer ball.  That was a nice tie in with today's scenes with Adam and Christian when they were playing with a soccer ball. And Adam told Christian about playing with Victor when he was little but not knowing he was his dad. And then Adam proceeding to tell Christian that Connor was his brother & that he was his biological dad. 















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I have only been reading threads but - I've never liked the Adam character - I stopped watching for years but I remember his Mother being blind and a nice person years ago - I don't know if they ever explained why he became the darkest incarnation of Victor?  It's never made sense and I just won't ever like the character.  When Justin Hartley was in the role, I found things I liked about him.  But this latest incarnation - nothing I like.  But I would say that - you're right.  They were kind of on the right track when he had amnesia and was likeable.  When Victor pushed for him to get his memory back and he became the Devil incarnate with crazy demands of everyone and everything, and it became the Adam show...they should have left him with amnesia for longer instead of Katy Perri - coming in like a wrecking ball.  I'm glad for Summer tennis leading up to the U.S. Open.    

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There was a hint at something of a slow build when Chris Engen played the role, but then Sheffer came in and he became a complete psycho. 


I do like the current actor - I think he's very charismatic and seems to really be trying - but I'm sure he will be burnt out or fired soon enough.

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I didn't like the way that Nick was acting today. He continued to act like a brute with the way he cut Adam's visit with Christian short and then started punching him. I also didn't like when he said sc*ew Sharon, because she sided with Adam after she found Nick punching him. I think that Nick is acting too aggressive here and is coming across like he's trying to hoard Christian. He needs to follow the court order by the judge, which allows Adam visitation. 


Also, I didn't care for the way that Abby was acting today after she found out that Mariah was throwing the joint bachelor/bachelorette party for Kyle/Lola. Abby was overreacting to someone else giving Lola a party. She should have just offered to help Mariah with the joint one. Abby has often acted obsessed with Lola and making her happy. It's unfortunate to watch. 


And I thought that Sharon's/Adam's love scene was good. I think they have chemistry and look good together. 

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