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Days: June 2019 Discussion Thread

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Ron is the right writer for Days but he’s hindered by a bad cast and no budget. I’d scrap the entire cast except for Jack, Marlena, Victor, John, and Jennifer and start fresh with returns and “new” characters (Andrew Donovan, Alex Kiriakis. Steven Hawk, etc). 

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I’m kind of glad Eileen didn’t return for Kristen to be wasted on that loser Brady Black. I’d be over the moon with this Nicole mask story if Kristen were pulling out all the stops to get John back, but because it’s Brady, I just don’t care. AZ is turning in a fun performance, though. Sadly, “Bristen” is just one of the many awful TomSell legacies this show is unable to get rid of. 

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I agree about Andrea as Hattie. But JER brought Hattie back and turned her into a cartoon. Andrea's Hattie, while slightly one note about Marlena, had some depth. Deidre's Hattie is just campy and almost like if Marlena were a split personality. I don't mind because Deidre is clearly having fun but I agree on Andrea's Hattie.


I'd like to see current Jack's reaction to Bonnie. He'd be mortified by her. LOL. I think it'd be priceless.


Sidenote, I also don't understand why, even though Jack has no memory, he hasn't made an effort to bond with anyone (like Adrienne). It just feels a little strange to have him so isolated with Eve, but I guess I can get why (plot purposes).


I agree. I thought Eileen spiced up Eric Martsolf and he's been better ever since, but yeah ... Ari looks to be having so much fun and I love how Kristen has been reminding viewers Nicole wasn't such always a crying wet dishrag. I don't mind folks evolving but I miss the spark Nicole used to have. I get the character has been through the absolute ringer and any real life person would be traumatized, so no wonder she cries all the time, but I think they can better balance her. It was like when 2009/2010 and they tried to turn Sami into a supermom heroine. It didn't work.


Anyway, yeah I'm kind of glad it's not Eileen's Kristen playing this Brady [!@#$%^&*]. But I still will always prefer her. I think Haiduk does a good job, and is capable in the role for sure. I'm also guessing Eileen may not want to be tied down to soap contracts anymore and I think they want Kristen on contract. But I'm not sure how they can after this Nicole stuff. Maybe Haiduk's just on contract for this story so they can play it out?


And I 100% agree I hate that Kristen is doing all of this over Brady Black. Laaaawd. But I'm sort of entertained by the story so ... Ari and Stacy seem to be having the time of their life.

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I truly can’t blame Jack for not wanting to get to know Adrienne, lol


I am more interested in him getting to know Will (his nephew by marriage) and Sonny (his namesake nephew), especially since Will is supposedly a journalist.

I don’t think JER did anything wrong with Hattie. He only wrote her for two episodes. And I didn’t mind Dee in those episodes. Dena wrote Hattie longer and worse. As for Ron, I’m fine with his writing for Hattie, but Dee's performance just doesn’t work. Your assessment of her being like an alter of Marlena’s is spot on.

Bristen also creeps me out because I watched her mother him in the 90s. Plus, the Brady character has always been a waste of airtime as an adult, IMHO.


I hope Nicole gets her edge back when she reclaims her life from Kristen. Speaking of Jack, I loved Nicole and Jack’s dynamic circa 2002. Would love to see that revisited.

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Yes! I enjoyed Jack and Nicole in 2002 as well. Brash and Cwickly were quite good and never given much of a chance.


I kind of agree about Brady as a character. Every "romance" of his has felt like a waste of time. But I like Eric Martsolf and I like when Brady's reacting to Xander or other things, Martsolf does comedy well. I thought Martsolf was awful on Passions but he's grown leaps and bounds. I agree Brady feels fairly pointless. So does Rafe.


And LOL at Jack not wanting to get to know Adrienne. 


Agreed, I very much would like to see Jack bond with Will and Sonny. I also wish while Jack had been gone that they had used Steve more with Abby and JJ. But I guess when you have a kid who kills a woman, a bastard child to track down and being framed for espionage you're kind of busy ...


I agree about the acting, lol! 


Drunk Maggie was fun and unintentionally hilarious at times. I also liked the weird Maggie/Xander bonding "sesh" they had and how Xander's so caring of her already (setting up Xander/Sarah, I presume, which I could potentially be here for as long as they don't water both of them down too much to make it work)


Very true on the shift Deidre makes in her acting. I'll have to rewatch more closely, but thinking back, yeah she does start to shift her style. I guess it makes sense because, like you said, the material ... she handles key scenes well though when it's called for.

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