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Random Soap Questions You Always Wanted The Answer To...

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 so here's a place to ask a random soap question you've always wondered but never got the answer to that perhaps a fellow poster can help with... 


On DAYS in 1994-95, when did we the audience know for sure that Gina was really Hope? I know there was the whole puzzlebox thing, but before that I know there was some character named Bobby Lee Cooper who seemed to have the answer to Hope's identity. I remember seeing a scene where he's talking outloud to himself about a bracelet or something that confirmed it. 


I've seen clips around 1995 at a nightclub that I've never known the name of. It's not Salem Club, which was introduced in early 1996 and last seen around early 1997, but this other place has mostly gray walls. Characters I've seen include Jack, Jenn, Peter, Carrie, Austin, Lucas, Billie, FauxBo, Billie, etc. 


More of an opinion than a factual nugget: For all you DAYS fans that were already watching before 1995, at what point (pre-Internet, etc.) did it dawn on you that, "whoa, Marlena is like, possessed by Satan or something?!"  Because they don't flat-out say it right away (though you'd be pretty clueless if the levitation didn't give it away on Christmas Eve, but perhaps you never saw "The Exorcist"...) 

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I have a GH question. Did Zander ever express interest in being in his baby’s life when’s Elizabeth told him her baby was his and not Ric’s?

Another GH question I have. How did Skye find out Alan wasn’t her biological father, and did she ever find her real father?

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Going back a long time but, on EON, I wondered at what point they decided that Sky Whitney #1 wasn't the real deal? I know when the character debuted he was, for all we knew, Sky. At some point the Jeff Brown storyline started. Was that the plan all along or did somebody along the way go "I know, let's make Sky an imposter"?

Also, on OLTL, why was it so hard to figure out which Gordon sister, the older Megan or the younger Sarah, was Viki's daughter if Roger Gordon didn't have any other children at the time she was conceived?

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These were the only 2 questions that I knew the answer. 


Jefferson Brown as Schuyler Whitney seems as if it was the plan from the start (although I can't get inside the writer's mind).  There were clues that Sky/Jefferson & Gunther/Bruno had a secret from when they first appeared in Monticello.  Gunther was always obsequious in front of others but would talk back to Sky when nobody was around (today, given Gunther's penchant for leather and "Sky's" foppish style, we would assume that they were in a sub/dom relationship, but those were more innocent times).  A review of their history supports the argument that they were popular characters written into a corner and in order for the actors to continue the real Sky and Gunther had to come back later.


Sky arrived before the winter holidays in 1980, just a few months after Raven came back as a surprise witness for her stepbrother Draper's murder trial of his mother-in-law Margo.  Draper's defence tried to place some reasonable doubt on Margo's lover Elliott Dorn, but Raven scandalously admitted that Elliott was in her bed the night of the murder  Meanwhile, "Sky" double-crossed his ex-girlfriend Martine into being arrested as a jewel thief and bought The Whitney mansion with the proceeds in March 1981.  Which was clever because "Sky" didn't have the means or knowledge to access the Whitney family fortune, but he needed money for his imitation to be believed.  Nancy was rescued from The Rexford Clinic where Dr. Bryson had done the plastic surgery on "Sky" in May 1981.  Raven and "Sky" married in June 1981, and he was dead by February 1982.   The audience found out that "Sky" was an imposter right after the wedding.  "Sky" triple crossed and shot Gunther in October 1981.  So, the walls were closing in, Nancy was suspicious, and only Raven (and her inheritance) was blind to Jefferson's motives.


Your logic is correct, especially because the whole story starts when Viki is going to her 25th high school reunion and finds out that she missed the final semester of her senior year (she later learns that is when she lived in Eterna).  Eventually, when she was finding her kid, she knew the person had to be 25 years old.  However, Roger didn't want Viki to know about Eterna, (to spare her the trauma associated with those memories), so he kept mum about the whole ordeal.   And, Roger's ecology group opposed Buchanan Oil's drilling efforts on Llantano Mountain which contained the remnants of Eterna, so there was some friction between the two families; and Megan and Viki's first encountered were not good.


Also, there was an imposter named Christine whose father was trying to scam Viki into believing she was the long lost daughter, (while threatening Roger to keep quiet), so there was a period of time that Viki didn't suspect any of the other women in town could have been her daughter (the story pre-dates DNA testing). 


Finally, post-Eterna, she had no reason to believe that Roger had actually raised their daughter because she was told that Victor and Larry had given her child away (which included the retcon that Victor paid for Larry's med school so he would keep the secret).  Roger had secretly rescued baby Megan and ran away so Victor wouldn't find them.  Amusingly, (given Megan's vanity as an actress), Roger lied that she was a year younger so that nobody would try to track them.  So, Meghan thought she was 24, when she was really 25,


The fact that Viki had felt partially responsible for the 1974 death of Joe Riley and Cathy Craig's daughter who was also named Megan was apparently just a coincidence caused by a change in writing staff. 

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ATWT: When Holden unknowingly slept with Rose when she was pretending to be Lily, she whispered to him what she wanted to do and he got a [!@#$%^&*]-eating grin on his face and said, "I thought you didn't like that?"


What was it?! I always interpreted it as anal, lol.

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Not to be crude, but yes (excuse the pun).


From Y&R Nick sleeping with Grace thinking she was Sharon to B&B Caroline sleeping with Ridge thinking he was Thorne, it all happened through the backdoor, so the participants were not face to face.  It is the only reasonable way to explain these plotholes (excuse the double entendre).  The CBS female characters were just a little freakier than the rest. 

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Since Camilla Scott doesn’t play Melissa when she does return, is she still considered a singer? 


Who the hell is Greta’s dad?


When did Kristen Blake become Kristen DiMera?


Does Will know his mom was raped and shot a man’s groin off?




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I am pretty sure you are thinking of Peter's club he owned, The Blue Moon.   He ran drugs through it and Jude St. Clair ran it, but it was around in 1994 because I remember Roman trying to arrest him for the drug smuggling in the last days of WN's Roman.  It was around at least until 1996 because Jack and Jen went undercover or some nonsense there to find proof Peter killed Jude.  I don't think it appeared after the Aremid story ended.

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Months prior to the levitation, Stefano had been luring Marlena away at night by drugging her, and then all day she would talk about "an evil spirit" that had over taken her, so it was clear something was up with Doc.



When Dani Andropolous returned as a teen, (years prior to her affair with Craig who had kidnapped her as a baby), she lied to the other teens in town that her father was an international spy.  However, her frenemy Hal Munson's sister Nikki forced her to admit her was still in jail.


This is just a guess, but she may have retired to raise her son on her own, which why he took the last name Nathan Horton, rather than his father's surname. 


Which leaves the unanswered question: Was the late Emilio Ramirez (who died when Melissa defended herself against his sexual assault and pushed him out of a window on New Year's Eve 1990, a few weeks before she left town) Nathan Horton's father?


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Melissa left town around May or June of 1991. She accidentally pushed Emilio through the window on NYE. . She didn't look preggers when she left Salem. She would've been at least in her 6 month. Nathan could be Brian's son. But i don't remember if they had become lovers. Maybe Nathan father was some random guy she met in Nashvile.

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