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B&B May 2019 Discussion Thread

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So gross.   I don't care if he does - the character needs to go and stay gone.  They never really knew what to do with him nor Caroline and should have just left them in New York.


And a brain tumor makes you a manipulative dic*??  I'm also betting on it...silly...


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So let me get this straight, Thudley brings back a totally useless character who hasn’t appeared in months for a couple days only to kill her off and have everyone talking about how close they were to her? GMAFB. Not a waste or a loss though, Emma was pathetic. 


As for Thomas, well he did try to blow up Rick years ago. However that whole scene implied he was indirectly responsible, the same old tired trick that was successfully  used on Sheila, Michael Baldwin, and Phyllis back in the 90’s. 

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They can have Thomas kill off cast members one by one when they find out 'the truth'.  Next up, Xander.  Then Zoe.  Then Flo herself and her mother.  So stupid.  I saw yesterday just turned it on toward the end when Pam was filling in Hope and Brooke that she had seen Thomas and Emma arguing....now why would they have been arguing - he didn't even know her.  He's only been back for like 2 months and she hasn't been anywhere around.  And then Thomas (always someone) again with the "NO one can talk about BETH around the OFFICE again!"  and he just did it by saying it.  So comical...and the same scene will pick up again today with someone continuing to talk about it. 


The whole thing - if "Thomas has a brain tumor" is so ridiculous because he's basically been this way most of his life...sure is a slow growin' tumor.  Does Taylor have one too?  He's crazy just like she is.  And Brooke with the 'he's not the most stable member of the family'...

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So I decided to stream Monday and Tuesday episodes after not watching for months. Xanax is so dead, which is OK. 


Do we know for sure that it was DumbAs' car that was directly behind BlechEmma's? It was heavily implied. Did they actually cut to Thomas driving behind her showing he was the one who was tailgating her. If not, that's a big out.


I'm glad Brooke/$Bl mentioned that C2 violated by him. Otherwise, what's great about B&B is that it only takes one or two episodes to catch-up on the current storyline. The downside is that I won't need to watch until the next 'shocking' event happens. 

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They showed Thomas's POV of the accident today.  He was blowing his horn (which I don't believe we heard in the previous episodes ... somebody's sleeping at the wheel) trying to get her to pull over.  So, technically, he didn't intentionally try to run her over.  BUT he also didn't try to help her, didn't call 911, and he just left her for dead after giving one of his signature (or only) crazy eye look as he glared down the cliff at her car and waited for her to "pass out."


Things that made me go "Huh?" at Emma's memorial service-type thingy: Why were folks like Quinn acting like they had any association with Emma?  How did I forget that Emma was a Barber?  How did Brooke turn Emma's death into a pity party for Hope?  I mean, how inconvenient that she died.  What did I miss when CBS News interrupted for a few minutes for a non-story?  The previews said the Avants would be there, too, but where were they (unless Myra popped up during the CBS News interruption)?

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More Psycho Thomas stuff today.  He does his best American Psycho impression in front of a mirror, forces Douglas to attend a barbecue that he doesn't want to attend so he can use him to get Hope, and buys some pills from a friend.  Is he about to drug Hope and rape her?  Or did he already drug her, causing her to think Phoebe was Beth (well, she is, but she doesn't know it yet)?  I'm not sure if Hope calling NotPhoebe Beth was just a accidental slip or if she's actually thinking she's holding Beth.

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I watched and FF'd most from DVR just now...he was pumping his muscles to take a picture for Grindr.


And I saw the part where "Vinny" or whatever the hood's name was...shows up at the Forrester mansion.  And Brooke and Ridge say "Oh HEY VINNY!  Good to SEE YA!"  And Beavis says, "oh hey, we need to have a private conversation...OUTSIDE".  Like, who is this person that showed up (Vinny), and they're always talking about security at the gate, and how did he just come in, and why is he meeting with Thomas - and you know him from....where?  And they need to have a private conversation about what...????  That's all I saw and the exchange of pills.  This show...I can't even stand to look at Hope now. 


Thomas gonna be rapin' erryone up in here.  Hide ya kids, hide ya wives, hide ya husbands cause he gonna date rape erryone up in here.  I don't want them to EVER redeem this character.  And has Taylor even seen him since his return?  She's the amazing disappearing woman along with the amazing disappearing Nanny...they never even mention Taylor.  It is so awful and I keep saying, I watch because of the comedy of how bad this show is.  Brad Bell is definitely not his father. 

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LOL! Yeah, Taylor was around when he first returned.  She was encouraging a Hope/Thomas relationship so that Liam would be free to go back to Steffy.  This added to the conflict Taylor and Brooke had at the time, along with Taylor kissing Ridge. There appeared to be a a story developing, then they shipped her off with Steffy and no one knows where she is now.


I wonder if she's having an off screen fling with Dr. Buckingham and they'll both pop up when the truth comes out abouy Beth?

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I thought of that or she's with another NuNuNuNu Thorne.  I would guess Buckingham and Taylor will also know the truth and no one will pay for anything.  


I see Beavis is drugging people...first Liam, then he can drug Hope and rape her and get her pregnant.  Yawn.  

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