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GENERAL HOSPITAL April 2019 Discussion

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I like Michael and Sasha but it feels predictably doomed. Hopefully not. I like the Sasha actress too.



And of course it ultimately becomes Sonny's storyline while Kristina's off-screen


Like Aiden's story (which should be heavier on Liz less on Franco, they can still paint him as the supportive stepfather without this ridiculous propping), it's really about Franco and Liz talking about Franco constantly and how great and reformed he is.

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Oh for sure. I'm sure they'll be over as soon as the truth about her not being Nina's daughter comes out, and she'll probably leave the country. It's too bad as I think the actress has been a pretty good find so far.


Had to roll my eyes at Franco the town hero getting recognized by the PCPD.

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I never understood the vitriol directed at Wes Ramsey. Maybe all the Laura Wright haters decided to hate her bf twice as hard. It’s absurd.


is Peter a good character? Not really, but WR sure doesn’t deserve the attacks he gets. And if LW is getting  it regularly from Ramsey, more power to her.

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I don't like Peter at all. I think Wes plays him a bit creepy, personally, at times. But I like Wes Ramsey, I always have. I do agree folks tend to blur the line between actor and character and I don't think Wes deserves any attacks on him. He's just playing the role he was hired for. Maxie and Peter feel forced, yet, hey, let's double down on them! I see NO chemistry. Friends? Family? Partners in crime? Sure. Peter and Lulu would be just as boring but it would make a lot more sense to me. Maxie and Chet actually have chemistry and Kirsten plays it way different, like she's actually interested in that angle. She knows Peter and Maxie are nothing.


I liked they attempted to give Felicia a point of view for a change, that was nice. But it still felt a bit plotty as a way to get Laura to go along with Ava's scheme. But I like Ava, Laura, Felicia, Kevin, etc. coming together, of sorts, to capture Ryan. I'm encouraged to see them still using Jon Lindstrom. But I have my doubts it will feature all of them. It's really an Ava story (and that's fine, I like Ava). I'd really like to see them give Scott and Ava a chance. The man who accepts her for who she really is has been right there under her nose the entire time .... but they don't seem interested in writing them together, but maybe they'll prove me wrong.


Mo looks so checked out. Please retire.


Lexi Ainsworth is doing an OK job but Kristina is beyond annoying. So annoying that I wish her family just said to hell with her and let Shiloh take her away forever. (Maybe it's time to kill the character off ...) I like nuValerie, but she wasn't give much yet. Definitely different than Brytni, but I almost prefer nuValerie, looks wise, in the role. And I think Brytni fits in so much better on Y&R. Brytni's Valerie was doomed right from the start when they tried to force Valerie/Dante/Lulu.


I like they're attempting to give TJ a few more things to do but he's a little green. I miss Tequan but I'm willing to give him a shot. NuJordan is soooooo blah though. If AJ were still alive she could have been a Keesha recast instead. (Tequan and Vinessa were often wasted, and much better actors, so of course their recasts seem to immediately be given more to do)


I about fell over hearing a Tom Hardy shoutout. He should be on the canvas instead of Finn (and so should Steven Lars)


Chase and Swickard remain cute and adorable (though we keep getting hot cops who only last a few years ... why not recast Lucky??). I'm OK with the actress playing Willow, and OF COURSE Harmony is her "mother" (we'll see ...). Wouldn't all of this had been even better if Willow were Lucy's adopted daughter instead and Harmony were Julie Devlin?


And if Kim's story were given to Brenda or a never-should-have-been-killed Karen? Or even a never-should-have-been-killed Emily? Of course Karen and Emily would be recast and played by interesting and likeable actresses. (and instead of Franco we'd have AJ)

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