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When real life gets in the way

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On the one hand, revisiting Laura's rape might have addressed a long-standing elephant in the room, so to speak, and yielded some great performances from Genie Francis, Tony Geary, Jonathan Jackson and Becky Herbst.  But, on the other hand, how can you even THINK about reuniting Luke and Laura romantically, without it sending a disturbing and ugly message to the audience?  Everyone involved in the story might argue otherwise, but I believe their true intent with that revisitation was to kill any hope of Luke and Laura reuniting whatsoever.

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These are from UK soaps. I'm probably missing a few. 


Hollyoaks, in 2010, was going to have a story about a woman named Loretta, who was upset when she was visited by a childhood friend. The original story plan was that they had killed a child when they were young, and had been given new identities. The family of James Bulger were upset about this story  as they felt it was based on his murder. Hollyoaks agreed not to do the story. 


In 2007, a little girl named Madeline McCann was kidnapped. This was national news. Eastenders and Corrie were in the midst of stories that were going to involve children being kidnapped for lengthy periods of time - Dawn Swann's baby on EE and Ashley and Claire Peacock's on Corrie. They had to abruptly rewrite the stories. 


Oh, and on Corrie in 2005, Claire studied to become a tram driver, which was supposed to lead to her crashing the tram into the local pub. Various tram officials complained about the story, and it never happened, although Granada said they didn't change their minds because of complaints. 

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At least a decade ago I heard a very different story on the aborted Max/Gabrielle reunion on OLTL that had zero to do with KDP, and that's all I'll say about that in public. I love Fiona Hutchison, for the record. Not reuniting Max and Gabby and sending them off together was a major mistake.


It is 100% true about Mark Consuelos, though.

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at that time, IMPO and still now, JD's death and they way the wrote Jock's death was very nicely done. he went out an oilman, working for the USA, and died a violent death. Jim's family was consulted and Larry Hagman has said he liked it as well...and Wes was supposed to be Jock but the National Enquirer published the story 2 weeks before the BBQ reveal, causing writers to re-write and re-film that entire sudden ending to that storyline......and what many don't know.....Howard Keel was asked to take over the role of Jock Ewing, but turned it down  because he and Jim were close friends, and he knew how much that role meant to him. 

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Well, at least someone (WN) had some sense.  It's called ACTING, ladies and gentlemen.  If you're worried about your spouse sharing a love scene with someone who is not you, then you need to ask some hard questions about yourself, and about your relationship.


And Mark Consuelos can just kiss my ass.



I wonder what might have been had they gone through with the original plan.  To me, bringing a character back from the dead is almost MORE ridiculous when a primetime soap does it.


Does anyone know whether Rock Hudson's AIDS diagnosis had any effect on his storyline on DYNASTY?  There was a HUGE uproar when we thought he might have infected Linda Evans with their kiss.

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 depends on who you ask, but he and Linda Evans went through [!@#$%^&*] because the NA again broke this thing. as far as Wes/Jock (Steve Forrest was supposed to pay Jock) there is an episode later in that season when JR and Bobby, looking for a terrorist JR got involved with, were casing the offices.....and there is a door with Jock Ewing on it. it would have been very interesting, but like they did with John's Roman,  this Jock would not have gotten all his memories back, so if it didn't work they would have went with Plan B...which is what they did. 

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I always thought that what the show did to Pam in the first post-dream season was the cause of Victoria Principal leaving (turning Pam into a Stepford wife and becoming obsessed with having a baby again).


I think a website had released what the plan was for the 1986-1987 before Patrick Duffy was lured back.. and it sounded way more interesting than what actually did show up on screen with the return of Bobby.

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So Bill Bell didn't originally plan to pair Victor/Nikki then? I wonder who Victor and Nikki were supposed to end up with. Could we possibly have gotten a Victor/Casey pairing?


I asked about this in the B&B Old Articles thread, but I've always wondered if Bill Bell originally intended for Brooke/Eric to become involved (that story had elements of Katherine/Phillip/Jill and Liz/Stuart/Jill) or was it a rewrite due to KKL becoming pregnant.

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IA.  But I guess their hands were tied.  Larry Hagman made it clear what he wanted, and because he WAS the show, or at least its highest profile star, they caved.  


Perhaps Nikki would have gone back to Greg Foster?

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Maybe, or Bill Bell may have reunited Nikki and Paul after the cult storyline. Of course little did we know the cult storyline would be rewritten to result in Nikki and Paul having Dylan.

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But see, bringing Bobby back wasn't the problem.  The problem was the whole dream thing.  Bobby could have been held prisoner ANYWHERE.  But for them to say it was all a dream?  Whomever thought of that should have been fired, tested for drugs, institutionalized and then monitored for life!  

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Casey was off the canvas by then so most likely not.


The story nikki was involved right before meeting Victor was a stalker story.  The stalker had targeted Casey..but when the actress left..the object of obsession switched from Casey to Nikki.  


In fact, I think the night where Victor saw Nillo performing was her first night back after the stalker ordeal so I think the freedom she felt at not fearing for her life influenced how she performed..and victor took note.


I think Nikki probably would have gotten involved in the Paul/April story more had the actress not gotten pregnant in real life.  I'm thinking Victor/Lorie would have had more focus without the Eliza Doolittle angle with Nikki.

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