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Hollywood Sexual Harrasment/Assault Thread


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Lena Dunham is a special snowflake who has been told all her life that every word she burps up is revolutionary. And for that very reason, she does not see how privileged, insular, unfunny (thanks @Khan) and clubby she really is. This is her original statement in support of that male writer:


"During the windfall of deeply necessary accusations over the last few months in Hollywood, we have been thrilled to see so many women’s voices heard and dark experiences in this industry justified. It’s a hugely important time of change and, like every feminist in Hollywood and beyond, we celebrate. But during every time of change there are also incidences of the culture, in its enthusiasm and zeal, taking down the wrong targets. We believe, having worked closely with him for more than half a decade, that this is the case with Murray Miller. While our first instinct is to listen to every woman’s story, our insider knowledge of Murray’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3 percent of assault cases that are misreported every year. It is a true shame to add to that number, as outside of Hollywood women still struggle to be believed. We stand by Murray and this is all we’ll be saying about this issue."


The statement says it all. The grandiose self-importance. The exceptionalism (I'm a feminist, but...) as she focuses on the "3% of assault cases which are misreported." What about the other 97%?? And perhaps most telling of all, the clubbiness ("our insider knowledge") with her close friends in show business. Lena's statement reminds me of Taylor Swift, with her mediatised 'insider' squad of privileged gal pals (as if that is the pre-requisite for feminism), who calls other women (Aurora Perrineau in this case) a liar. 


And yes, I know she went back on her original statement... she apologized for the 'timing' of it. 

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Lena Dunham has had to do so many of these "apologies" over the years.

Remember the Black NFL star that she made up that entire saga about because he was looking down at his phone instead of at her?

She believes that she should be the center of attention, at all times and how dare anyone say/do anything that is at cross-purposes to what she wants?


I've never believed the hype because I've met many Lena Dunhams throughout my life, at work and at school and I usually avoid them like the plague.  They're usually self-absorbed, they drain one's energy and are likely toxic personalities.

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Agreed. She wouldn't have to apologise so often if she didn't have a coterie of sycophants applauding her every word fart, and if she actually sat down and asked herself questions about what she is actually putting out there as a so-called media personality feminist.


The statement I posted is ridden with so much ridiculous, self-congratulatory nonsense. She should have slept on it and reread it in the cold light of day with a red pen in hand. Editing and considering the weight of your words is a true lost art!


She is so problematic especially re: black men and people of color generally. How is she so supremely confident that the white, male writer she knew for 'half a decade' (that's 5 years) didn't rape this young black girl? Is it because he didn't come on to her irresistible self? Ergo, therefore, he CAN'T POSSIBLY be a rapist! It's like when that NFL player was minding his own business at the Met Gala. It must be because he doesn't find her attractive! hates feminists!


I find her and her statements exhausting. There are many, many, MANY self-absorbed narcissists in Hollywood, of all genders, but she really takes the cake. She is never not promoting her own Deep Thoughts and posting them like "I know you guys have been asking about my take on..." Who? WHO is asking?

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Lena Dunham makes me sick to my stomach. What she did to her sister, the campus rape fiasco - on and on. She's a rampant narcissist and an attention whore - she always has to make everything about her. I don't believe anyone actually likes her outside of those who peruse Jezebel. The media wanted to make her a name, they desperately wanted to make Girls a new watercooler show. She fits everything that people were SUPPOSED to like, with the new queen of "not like other girls," but it never worked. 


She even made a spectacle of giving away her dog.



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She was the writer, creator and STAH! of Girls, which HBO was trying to make the anti-Sex & the City/new Sex & the City. She also has a 'feminist' newsletter and is constantly on Twitter as the self-proclaimed woke voice of womenfolk. Turns out she's not that woke. DRW50 and DramatistDreamer made reference some of the hinky things she has done. She's really just a narcissist who adores the sound of her own voice.


@DRW50 I can only concur. She does so much damage to women's issues too -- even though she thinks of herself as the spokeswhore of all things female-related.

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What I couldn't stand the most about Lena was her so-called defense against critics who asked why her show featured no POC.  I can't remember her exact words, but the gist of her argument was, "I don't include POC on my show, because I haven't been around many POC, so I don't think I would capture their perspectives accurately."  Okay, fair enough.  But your show IS set in Brooklyn, which is not exactly "Leave It to Beaver"-ville.  And you haven't been around many POC?  Again, you live in NYC.  What does that say about you when you live in one of the most racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse cities on Earth and you're STILL so insulated?  Have you ever tried to get to know us, understand "where we're coming from"?  And if you really cared at all about including POC on your show (which she did, later on, and from what I have been told, rather half-heartedly) and representing us fairly and accurately, then why not hire young, African-American women, or other WOC, to work on your writing staff?  Heck, Issa Rae, I think, would have been PERFECT for "Girls," both as a supporting player and as a writer/producer.


It's the same criticism I have lobbed against Woody Allen in the past whenever it comes up that he doesn't include POC in prominent roles (meaning, something other than maids and whores) in his movies: acknowledging that you know nothing about us does not automatically give you a pass to exclude us from your work.  We don't have to be the lead in your movies and TV shows, but dammit, we don't have to portray the maid, the whore, or the "big, Black, beautiful buck" of a personal trainer with only one line either.

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@Khan I believe when she was first asked about not having POC in her main cast, LD was like "I'm half Jewish and half WASP so I have two Jewish characters and two WASPy characters." She has a profound inability to conceive of anything outside her own experience. And no desire to do so.

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He must've been under the assumption that his last name was "Thrust," and not "Thrush."


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Thrush claims he has done so much to help women's journalists over 20 years.  He also preyed on 20 somethings who likely only hoped for a mentor or some small guidance. 

It's the Harvey Weinstein way (HW donated $$$ to women's causes and contributed to programs that helped budding women directors while simultaneously preying on women seeking a path into the business).

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