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Y&R: June 2017 Discussion Thread

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Adam vs Nick was good at one point. If they hadn't taken Adam to such dark places that rivalry could have gone on for decades. Kyle vs Nick or Noah would make some sense if they could have found the right actor for Kyle but they never really did.  People always talk about women having the classic Y&R look, but Y&R had that for men too. Some of their casting mistakes have been going for guys who can't be both love interests and believable when it comes to business.

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Am I missing something with this Charity Concert?  So...Victor set it up because he thought Nikki would like to play again, but she despises him for it.  And he is coming off like a d.ick.  Why are they writing him so confrontational if he's thinking he's doing something that Nikki wants?  And if she is dreading it so much and her MS is getting the best of her, why is she so damned determined to do it?  They are barely talking and she seems to loathe him.  If I disliked someone that much and they set me up to perform at a concert, I'd laugh in their face.  What gives?  It just makes no sense.  Y'all please fill me in if I've missed something.


They have definitely switched up the Dina story.  No doubt.  Her scenes with Ashley at the end of the show were nicely done.


Graham shirtless.  A nice way to end the week.  But why ruin it with a sweaty ass Gloria.  Yuck.





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There has been some speculation that this is somehow a setup for writers to usher Nikki back to Jack.  I must admit, I'm not particularly interested in this unless the writers can find a new angle in which to present them.  I mean, it's pretty predictable where these characters will end up.


How I wished Y&R hadn't killed off Bobby Marsino, he could've presented a good side storyline (even if Nikki ends up back with Victor, which is always a pretty safe bet).  

Remember when Victor went on his "Finder of Lost Loves Tour"?  

The writers could've had Nikki seek out Bobby Marsino (who has just been released from witness protection after the remaining mob members have been killed, died of natural causes or have been convicted and incarcerated) and want to explore some deep-seeded feelings (a holdover from their days at the Bayou when Bobby admitted he had a 'thing' for Nikki). This would cause a whole host of complications.


I remember MTS mentioned that she wished she had gotten to work more closely with John Enos, so...

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I've been mocked for suggesting this for Graham but anyone who knows anything about soaps knows that this has been a soap staple and it is a soap staple because it usually works.  Oh well, I guess some folks are unable to see this kind of thing coming.

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MA is great. Did anyone notice how she was looking away from Ash at certain points during convo? The interaction between them is excellent now that they moved ED more into cautious than shrew. 


Nikki/The Worm was unexpected and actually worked. 


JM and SC really like working with each other. After Scott kissed her, Sharon's smirk and body moves back at Nick was great and seemed more like an ad lib between actors. (They both looked like they were going to laugh.)


The Sharon reform is a success and having her calling out Nikki/Nick - in a caring, not b!tchy - because of her history with family was great. 


I dont mind Jack/Nikki leaning on each other. But turning into Jack v Victor - silly. 

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I figured that this was an angle to revive Jack/Nikki.  They actually never bothered me as a couple but this setup is weak.  If anything, Nikki finding out that Victor had a hand in "killing" Adam should have been more that enough to start things up with Jack.  She leaves the Ranch to get some time alone, happens upon Jack and they reminisce about what could have been...it writes itself.  This Charity crap is just weak. 


Bobby would have been great here, I agree!


The actor playing Graham looks damn good for 42.  Hell, he looks good for any age.  I vote for more shirtless Graham.  LOL.


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Jack + any woman = fail.


I like Nikki owning up the concert to prove herself to Victor, especially given the recent events. This happens all the time in real life. When you feel somehow forced into something by a loved one and you're too proud to say no. It works for me. Plus, organizing a fancy concert is something the show needed. (Hopefully it won't turn out like that godawful charity around NYE). 

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I don't have a problem with Nikki feeling that she needs to accomplish a task on her own to prove to Victor that she can, it's just that the inherent conflict lacks complexity, so there will need to be more that follows this.  

I mean, when the concert is over and Nikki has proven herself, then what? Where will the story go from there? It might really payoff if there is something, some benefit lurking beyond Victor. 


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It's a shame Nikki couldn't have turned to Paul for comfort...given the friendship/history between the two that predates Victor.  Plus..they share a child..and Victor/Paul have always had a cordial working relationship in the past..as well as both caring about Nikki.  Paul vs Victor would be less played out...and its organic.

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Now that Jack isn't being written "Aunt Jack" anymore, I'm interested in Jack and Nikki. They need to stop faking the audience out when it comes to Nikki moving on though. Let it really happen this time. I'm not saying forever, but just for a few years and definitively.  I'd also love to see Victor get someone new. Not because I want to see Victor in a romance, but because I think it could be an opportunity for conflict and drama.

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People are enjoying it, MTS seems engaged but I wonder whether this story will lead to another even bigger story or will Nikki end up making a beeline back to Victor and that's the end that?  Or a predictable dalliance with Jack (which a lot of us feel is 'done and dusted') and then a beeline back to Victor and that's the end of that narrative?


Nick and Victoria have been planting seeds but so far, I haven't seen all that much introspection on Nikki's part.  Maybe there is something in the offing but it just makes me wonder whether we'll see some type of new resolve in Nikki post concert and how will that resolve show itself?


I don't have a problem with the basic premise of this but it seems more like an opening for a much larger narrative for Nikki, or at least that's where I hope it's leading.

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