Members allmc2008 Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 I'm sure if the internet was around in 1987 the same crap on the boards would be going on. I've watched plenty of old Y&R stuff from the 80s and the camerawork was often shotty----out of focus or would wobble. I've heard diolgoue for the younger actors that was just as bad and poorly structured scenes and episodes as well. On that note, I swear a few years ago someone said, 'When Y&R became an hour the structure became less clean and never recovered'. I'm sure one could justify all of SSM stuff by glimpsing at the older 'Old Articles' posts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DramatistDreamer Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 The Internet was around in 1987, only then it was known as the World Wide Web but the only people who really had access to and used it were scientists. I can remember using the World Wide Web as early as 1994 as a student, way before it was in use by the general public. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 That's ALWAYS been an EXTREMELY sore issue with Nikki which is why she's never fully embraced either Adam or Abby. Unfortunately that aspect of the character has been dropped over the last fifteen years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 Oh I'll never forget it as that's how I spent most of my first months here. There was little effort made to not chastise viewers who saw her writing as a sham, telling them that Y&R had always been this way (I think even with the gaslighting and miscarriage story that was such a low point in this show's history), that they just didn't get it, etc. I do think some of the criticism of SSM can be OTT, but there are a lot of insightful comments - a lot more than I've seen on here about Y&R in years. It makes me more interested than anything I see onscreen does. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 Oh I agree many do have insightful comments and critiques. Very well thought out posts. I mean, I'm not saying Sally doesn't deserve some criticism, she's not above getting it. I have lots of issues with her writing. I don't think Y&R is amazing television right now but it's far from awful. JMO of course. And in terms of MAB, I honestly wasn't really in the threads for Y&R at the time. I thought her Y&R was far more dreadful and offensive than what we're getting now. Not that it excuses Sally's shortcomings though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members edgeofnik Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 True - the issue, especially with Ashley, was with Nikki and Victoria, BUT Nick/Victoria had no grounds for treating Abby like nothing and hating Adam from get-go. Adam EARNED his hate from his siblings through his callous actions. Abby hasn't done anything bad and Victoria's attitude towards her is just petty and has never been a good story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members John Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 Is Dina Dying?. it sure seems to me they are setting it up to be that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 A lot of viewers want to give her more of a chance because of her immediate predecessor but when the previous regime was headed by Chuck Pratt there's nowhere left to go but up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 That is true (and doesn't she deserve a chance? Not saying you said she doesn't but just wondering). And the hacks before him like LML and MAB. A decade of destruction. They had years. She's had six months. Not an excuse and there's a lot I'd prefer Sally be doing that she isn't ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted June 1, 2017 Members Share Posted June 1, 2017 Well she did get rid of useless over staying his visit that's a plus yet she brought back some clunkers and added some too... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted June 2, 2017 Members Share Posted June 2, 2017 Nick & Victoria weren't overly welcoming to Adam when he first arrived. Adam's bossy behavior certainly didn't help things (especially once the gaslighting debacle began) but the Newman siblings were definitely NOT the warmest. Also s lot of what happened between the three of them was Victor's fault. Adam was no saint but it's not his fault his father passive aggressively used him (because of Hope's death) as a weapon in his war against Victoria & Nick. What makes it even worse is he would do the same thing with Abby if Ashley weren't around. Victoria has always been inconsistent about Abby. Sometimes she's been very warm to her little sister and other times (especially as Abby's gotten older) she's been very cold to her (which to some extent is fairly in character for her). Nick has been even colder to Abby (which is mainly a function of him being largely relationship focused over the past decade) but even when he does interact with her it's stilted and forced. The only 'real' Newman sibling Victoria & Nicholas really recognizes is each other (which is HIGHLY ironic given their own issues) but that (like Nikki's issues with Adam & Abby) has been conveniently dropped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted June 2, 2017 Members Share Posted June 2, 2017 What could have been...sigh..... Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted June 2, 2017 Members Share Posted June 2, 2017 She deserves a chance. The problem is that she keeps sacrificing character based work to push unnecessary agendas. For example Judith Chapman a fun actress in small doses. SSM could've easily featured her in a reduced role and given the majority of stuff she's done with Gloria over the past six moths to Jill. Not only does Jess Walton have the chops AND previous emmy wins to justify the work, the majority of the stories Gloria has been involved in would make 100% more sense if Jill were in her place. Same thing with Lauren. Don't do interviews about how Lauren is due for a "big" story then do a bait & switch where it largely features Gloria and ends after only a month. The only reason Y&R seems somewhat watchable lately is because the vets are giving it their all. If SSM's Y&R were filled with a bunch of younger actors & characters like the current iterations of GH or DOOL it would be in much worse shape. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted June 2, 2017 Members Share Posted June 2, 2017 Victoria and Nick were such twats during this time. I HATE how this show fired Chris Engen and turned Adam into a mustache twirling maniac. The character should've stuck to his roots and simply been a corporate raider who usurped Victoria as Victor's rightful heir before turning on Victor. I also hate how the show didn't align Adam/Abby as Victor's 'bastard children' (in Nikki and her kids eyes), and have them rival Nick/Victoria. That was nuked to hell when MAB thought it was bright to have Adam switch Sharon/Ashley's babies. Didn't he burn Ashley's fetus in the damn fireplace? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted June 2, 2017 Members Share Posted June 2, 2017 I agree with this completely. I really don't understand her fascination with Gloria. Chapman's fine in small doses as you said but to me, she takes up airtime that Beth Maitland or Jess Walton should be given. Agreed again on the Fenmore's storyline. It quickly became Gloria's. Now Lauren is barely on. Paul didn't get even one episode last month. Not really sure why Chelsea gets the attention she does, either. And I know she's the HW, but are we sure they're HER agendas? I'm sure Gloria is. Do we know what CBS wants to push? What she wants to push? What Mal wants to push? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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