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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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I'm tired of people complaining one moment that it should be like the old days where the writers are consistent all year and not amp up the stories during sweeps then one moment complain there sweeps stories are boring.

Also, the show is still in repair mode.

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This is especially noticeable with scenes between Nick and Noah. The dynamic between them in those bar scenes are a little awkward.

I guess Sharon and Mariah do this a little but it seems different maybe because we've seen some scenes especially recently with them interacting more as mother and daughter (e.g. when Sharon advised her against seeking revenge on Hillary) and Sharon can always have some kind of adult conversation with either Chelsea or Chloe (even if a bit stilted at times).

I can't remember the last time Nick truly had a friend he confided in that he hadn't previously slept with.

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Is it kind of obvious these Dylan scenes were probably shot a while ago? I know everything is shot in advance but this looks like it was done separate from anything and everything else....maybe even longer ago than anything we're seeing.  There's no interaction with anyone else in Genoa City....just "cutting" to Miami and whatever case he's on.  It's just a little disjointed and I don't even really care...I wish they had done something better than this.  Maybe I'll end up being surprised, but this sticking these scenes in seem a little random.  Like piece something - anything - together to explain his exit.  Maybe like....a couple months ago...."let's just write and film this now and then we'll figure out how to work it in later.  If we can't, we'll just say he was killed while working a case and just leave it off camera.  But at least we'll have these Miami scenes in case."

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Today was slightly better than the rest of the week, at least it was so Gloria-centric.  It was good to see Sharon and Nick be able to have a civil conversation again.  And yea, the Dylan scenes are bizarre.  Again, slightly better today but it did seem disjointed @Fevuh from the rest of the show, even though they are trying to box his scenes in between Paul/Christine or Sharon.


I was beginning to wonder what was happening with Devon, has he been laying up in the hospital all week? 


It does seem like the new regime doesn't have any ideas for Chelsea, she's hardly featured these days whereas under Pratt, she was on almost everyday - Adam or no Adam.  Not that I'm complaining - it's just an observation. 


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There is a pacing issue with the show. One story is played heavily for a week then ignored the next. 


Sally isn't a fan of Chelsea. Even folks she doesn't have a plan for are still on. She seems to ignore her unless she can't. Wonder if it has something to do with her connections to Adam. Sally doesn't see the need for him. Maybe Chelsea falls into that category by connection. 

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Hey, maybe they're following Marland's rules that everyone touts when they claim all there is to know about soap writing and waiting 6 months before firing anyone?


Melissa Ordway is pretty but bland, Victor doesn't need yet another uninteresting child. Her scenes yesterday made her seem like a teenage working for her father and begging to not be an intern anymore. She's 30 playing some undetermined age. It's just all not a good look. These younger characters need definition. None of them aside from Hillary and Mariah have a thing that makes them them.  Not even Lily and she's been on the show for 15 years.


I wasn't watching when she was introduced but reading Chelsea's backstory and she's totally incomprehensible as a character. She came on pregnant with Billy's baby saying he raped her? And she did this multiple times with different guys? She gave her baby to Billy and Victoria to raise and then got pregnant by *someone* (I don't remember who), lost that baby and then got pregnant again and passed that baby off as Dylan's (and don't even get me started on this dude) when it was Adam's? And it's revealed that Jeffrey Bardwell, another unnecessary blight on the show, is her father?


She's a walking talking plot point baby incubator. I wouldn't want to write for her either.


These characters lack inner lives, goals and ambitions. They either need to be redefined or culled. 

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