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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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Poor Billy Miller. Well, at least he tried. 


Big screen actors tend to save it for the final act. They don't start the first scene of a movie as if it's the climax. They build to that. Since daytime soap operas are continuous, some actors tend to be "on" in every scene instead of saving that for the climax of any given story. 

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I wasn't trying to be heartless, I was being blunt, I apologize that it came off that way.  It just seems to me that every other page someone is calling for Peter Bergman to leave or be let go because Terry Lester would have done it better. It's an exercise in futility.

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Unless Bergman chooses to retire or does a 'Muhney' he ain't going nowhere.


The problem is the misguided belief that unless he is front and center in a 'love' story or some business nonsense,viewers will tune out in droves.


Sensible long term writing would have set up the next generation and Jack would now be solid supporting as a father,grandfather and mentor.

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Bergman hasn't been helped by writing that emasculates him at every turn. He's basically turned into a handwringing Victorian housewife in his last however many relationships. He is super supportive loving husband/boyfriend until he discovers that his wife/girlfriend has horribly betrayed him and then he goes off to cry about it for months on end. They keep giving him this story because I guess they think he plays it well? But it actually makes Jack seem small and ineffectual and like the loser Victor says he is when he fails in love and business every year.

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They think it's clever. Jack is unlucky in love and attracts crazy women. It's part of his characterization. 


They also want to play jack as the underdog and a striver despite him being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So if he's succesful and reaches his goal, then they won't know what story to tell for him next. It's simpler to tell the same one. 


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I don't mind Bergman. He was screwed in them not setting up a proper love interest. I think Diane should've been positioned as his main love interest and allow him to focus on other things instead of constant women trouble. He doesn't have to be tame or boring, he just needs to grow up. 


On another subject, I have to get something off my chest. Say what you wanna say, but Joan Van Ark is the only Gloria that matters. I don't give a damn how much plastic surgery she had or that people had nicknamed her VaginaLips. From her first SCENE she infused that role with such warmth and nuance and I couldn't wait to see what she did next. Her relationships with Michael and Kevin were endlessly watchable. The way she courted John and even that cute scene where Abby asked her about her heavy makeup. I know it was Joan's choice to leave and that's fine, but I HAVE ALWAYS HATED JUDITH CHAPMAN AND HER SCENERY CHEWING. 


I mention this because her ass is doing it agai.  I'm okay with her in small doses, but damn they are killing me. Bringing back Joanna would've made more sense and positioned the story more towards Lauren than Michael which is what I feel Gloria is going to do. 


I just had to get that off my chest. I don't care how good the writing is or who is writing, but Judith Chapman will always be a horrible Gloria. 

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I'm no PB stan, but to say he's been phoning it in for years is ridiculous. Don't like Jack or the way PB plays him? Fine. But that is not a phoned in performance.


I've also read here that Josh Morrow phones it in, and quite a few here dislike the actor. I disagree, and I like the laid back and subtle performance Morrow often gives. He IS Nick to me, and I wouldn't want a recast. Some posters call for one recast after another, and that would be a disaster.


is JC chewing scenery? Yes -- because Gloria has spent her life chewing scenery. I'll take it. I like her on the show, and I don't think SSM will overwhelm us with her. Isn't there room on the canvas for even ONE outsized personality? 

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It's not about being campy, I'm just not a fan of her. The way she plays Gloria is frankly annoying and very one note. Joanna, Katherine, Sally on B&B are campy and big personalities. Gloria is a Judith Chapman is just a one note annoyance. 

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