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Why wasn't Kay Alden as respected by TPTB as Bill Bell

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Thanks, DeeeDee!

Damn. Two heffas (three, if you include Nikki) fighting over Victor Newman's sperm.

Y&R: Setting back the cause of feminism since 1973.

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Well the very fact that there was interference in the sperm swap story highlights the difference b/w the Bell and Alden eras.

Bell wrote the stories the way he wanted and would brook no interference.He spoke of network feedback and 'suggestions' but said he took no notice, As long as the ratings were good CBS/Sony pretty much kept out.

So you can imagine once he wasn't on the other side of the table,how others might be itching to have a say and Kay wasn't strong enough and didn't have the clout to have her way.

Did Bill's contract detail that he had final say? What sort of conditions did Kay have in her contract? I know those things are top secret but it's fun to speculate.

When was Bill's emmy interview conducted?-because he was already forgetful at that time.

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I found the idea of sperm being stolen and such disgusting (although the implications on the women, etc didn't reach me at that point) but then, and now, I still feel they did that story with as much realism and, I suppose, class as possible. On the other hand, in typical Y&R fashion, they never sugarcoated it or alluded to it. It was always, "the sperm," "the sperm sample" etc and I do wish they had sort of been less direct about it at times. LOL

I never knew this! Although the fact they planned to have long term repercussions isn't exactly a shocker -- that used to be Y&R's MO. Perhaps the whole two year story would have felt better and been better had the conclusion and follow through been allowed. When Diane so abruptly left town... I can never forget what a huge WTF that was to realize she actually was done. It felt really wrong (part of it was, I loved AD. She deserves huge credit for my obsession with the show).

Having said all this (the sperm was disgusting, botched conclusions, etc) that story did keep me glued to my seat for the duration. Me and my mom would cringe and then keep watching, hooked. laugh.png

This is why I wish she was still around and why her worst is still far better than many others'... not only is she talented and really knows the show, but she loooooooves the genre. And that makes the mistakes somehow better. It was true for all the great headwriters.

So Victor & Ashley would have gotten together after the pregnancy? Interesting. I knew there was the flirtation/dating during this but I never thought it would lead to much more. I wonder what they would have done with them. So I guess that would leave Brad to be with Nikki? And Diane, what? Chopped liver?

Not surprised at that.

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That story was great! laugh.png It was a perfect example of an out-there soap story that didn't go too far. The lead up to it was, again in typical Y&R fashion, done with as much logic as possible and the basics to explain the situation were covered. Besides, the whole thing felt like an ode to Don Diamont's supersexiness (don't start, Carl!) and I'm fine with that!

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Why would they have Victor forget that G.C had a 6 month waiting period just so he could re-marry Nikki? The same thing happen when he divorced Nikki and quickly married Leanna, Nikki had to break it to them that they weren't legally married because of the waiting period......

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I'm just going to go ahead and say it: It all sounds (and was) pretty bad but I've always felt that Diane and Nikki's actions were, at the very least, somewhat understandable and expected. Diane had a good reason (actually, many good reasons) to feel she had claim over Victor's sperm property. It was still messed up but I could understand the emotional reasons. As for Nikki, she was always pathetically obsessed with Victor and much prone to insane soapy actions to have/keep him (faking terminal disease). So that part makes sense and is one of the reasons why I love(d) Nikki so much.

But Ashley's involvement on the other hand? OK, so she and Victor were getting closer. But she went from thinking about Victor to suddenly deciding she wants a baby to suddenly stealing sperm and heading to Chicago and so on. Ashley didn't deserve that.

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The show had been building to a Victor & Ashley reunion from the time Eileen returned until the Abby reveal but they didn't count on Ed Scott's various backstage shenanigans or the surprise (to them) popularity of the Brad & Ashley pairing.

That said the story itself wasn't a bad idea. It was the lack of follow through (V/A reunion) that damaged the long term story.

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Victor & Ashley were pushed from Ashley's pregnancy (including the B/A marriage) to the eventual paternity reveal (where Victor essentially chose Nikki over her permanently).

Early on Brad was flirting with Diane (a HUGE missed opportunity) & falling back in love with Nikki.

Diane left town abruptly solely because AD was fired (only for the character to return six months later in the form of Susan Walters).

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