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GH: March 2015 Discussion Thread

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I have no problem with Michael using his connections, something Scummy does regularly. Scummy fans are going off and behaving like Michael took Avery from a good home/parent. He didn't. Avery was just another of Scummy's inevitable victims. Scummy is a dead end character. Every chance each regime has had to give this slime a turning point, they pass so they just trash other characters to make Sonny appear to be a viable character. At this rate, I don't believe he is.

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You've seen him in my icon thing off and on for a few months. The wonderful Ryan Hawley from Emmerdale.

Outside of that...um...he was in some cheap-ass horror movie called Devil's Pass, and a few British shows, if you ever saw those.

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I tried to watch it today. Too much of the Sonny storyline. I am in the camp that thinks he looks good with his beard though.

I thought the scenes with Michael and Tracy were entertaining, and Morgan is still hot. That's about all I could stand to watch before I gave up.

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This is probably some of the more egregious pro-Sonny writing, as Guza never would have sacrificed Michael for him.

All those people who were thrilled about "Cartini" because they were sure Maurice would quit in a rage...as they say - be careful what you wish for.

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Michael being raped in prison wasn't the worst of that story. The worst was NO ONE changed from it. Young men being raped in prison is a reality, so I won't hate a writer for penning it.

Sonny "The Hero" is the ABSOLUTE worst thing anyone has written for this POS!

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None of that was about Sonny. It was also done to try to position Michael as sympathetic. All of this story is just throwing the character around for Sonny-propping purposes (and bad melodrama purposes).

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