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GH: January 2015 Discussion Thread

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That' really cool looking however they did that. I am happy for TG and JZ and how they have a story together after all these years. Love them and love the story because it stars them and I like that RC dug deep for obscure history here. And it is an interesting story that has you guessing. One of the best stories GH has done in years starring their most talented actor and characters from the period when GH was actually good.

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LOL at that video. It was cute and Jackie and Tony looked happy as could be in it. I may be sick of Luke and Geary but I do have to say it's nice to see Geary and Jackie together again and Bobbie and Luke in a storyline that touches on their past. It's not the absolute best but there have been some good moments and I like the usage of Bobbie.

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Friday was a good show. The closest its been to GH in quite some damn time!

Standouts were Jackie molesting that chair as Bobbie reminisced. That was a wonderful moment.

Helena telling Nik that she does not micro manage her underlings. I almost died when she said that!

Kman, as you were bored with Jarly, I found myself loving them more. I'm so ashamed :(

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I'm enjoying Jarly too. I think they have a much better vibe then I ever expected. I really never thought BM/LW would click, but I see something there. I think once all the chips are down they'll go back to being besties, but I really want their new relationship to start out like the old one did. There's a lot of potential for some fun drama there. Plus, for years Jason was written as Carly's true love, at least, imo. So I wouldn't mind the show going to back to that undercurrent.

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I don't dislike Jarly, they have a nice chemistry but I was just bored by those scenes. They were nice scenes. I'm all for them bonding and even jumping in the sack like their relationship started out as, but IDK, they were just boring me Friday compared to everything else. I just wasn't overly invested.

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You've seen that YT clip from the 70s where the neighbor stops Bobbie at the hospital and mentions how she used to alter Pat's dresses for Bobbie? Well RC saw it too and had all that referenced. Fluke talked to Tracey about the sister and Bobbie told Michael about her as well. My guess is that Pat was transgendered and since this wasnt acceptable in the 70s, left the family bc she couldnt come out. I think she had her gender reassignment surgery and now as a result looks like her brother Luke. She hates her siblings bc they forgot her, never looked for her and pretty much went on with their lives as if she didnt exist. I know this all sounds like silly fanfic, but look who's writing? I think the fact that they are even making Pat a thing now after all these decades is worthy of an eye roll, but whatever

We speculate about dumber stuff on here. Doesnt make duds into masterpieces

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Thanks, Cheap! Yeah, I've seen that clip. How weird that Ron is doing this all these years later.

What explanation did Luke and Bobbie give as to why they haven't mentioned/seen/talked to this woman in 100 years?

What day was this? I might just watch the episode lol.

ETA: You know Ron ain't creative enough to use your theory about her being transgendered. You know it'll just end up being that she's wearing a damn MASK. Lol

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