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GH: January 2015 Discussion Thread

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I may have liked Britt but Britt, Felix and Kaka are great starts to a much needed cast purge, IMO.

Franco and Silas need to be next on the chopping block. I don't think they're ready to cut The Staff or Killer Miller just yet. I'm OK with Sabrina now that she makes cameo appearances but she's another useless one to be honest so mark her down as well.

They can also cut their losses with recurring folks like Carlos.

I'm sure Obrecht, Julian and Ava are safe. I love Maura West but Ava has run her course at this point. I'd hate to see her go though.

deVry has reminded me this week why I sort of liked him back in the day so I go back and forth on him. He's been better.

I do have to admit the show has been watchable and slightly enjoyable lately. Not perfect at all but I'm liking quite a bit of it.

Jackie tweeted that she appreciated the love/support for her scenes Friday. I'm glad she's getting some love again. How they're using Bobbie is exactly how recurring veterans should be used. However, she needs more scenes with Ryan Carnes. Instead of Lucas watching the 'Girls' with Jules, it should have been Bobbie and discussing Fluke, Bill, etc.

I miss Kristina Wagner though. Good for her getting a gig on Hallmark with the ex-hubs. I can't believe how ignored Felicia and Mac are. Very disappointing.

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They need to cut Jullian and Obrect and Franco and Silas…and take Nina with them…Id fire Miller and recast Jason again. I'd give Tony Geary his pink slip…he needs to stay in Amsterdam. I'd also get rid of Sonny…and recast Carly. Thats just a start. This show needs a major overhaul.

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I think that's a bit much ... I'm trying to be realistic here and not my own personal wants for the show. I think Sonny and Ava both should have exited when their characters went to prison. But they haven't and Mo re-signed. So ... I haven't minded Sonny this last week. Benard looks awake and somewhat interested in what he's doing. I also have to say Tony is trying but he also needs to probably exit stage right [or left, whichever he prefers]. Luke is played out and worn out and this could be a good exit point for him as well.

I like Laura Wright just fine as Carly, but I'd love to see Sarah Brown or Tamara Braun back in the role. I think all three have done a great job. Laura's Carly isn't bad by any means. She has excellent chemistry with a lot of people on the cast. I still wish back in 2004/2005 that Brown could have been enticed back to play Carly again instead of that mess that was Claudia and her wasted stint on B&B/ATWT or whever the hell she was.

I'm 100% on board with Jillian and Obrecht also leaving but I don't see that happening and they aren't that big of an issue for me. I can tolerate them and somewhat like them, but they aren't necessary at all.

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She was at ATWT then playing that whiny ass sap Julia Larrabee then. Gosh I hated her ass! I so glad when Les [JJ's daddy] came and offed her ass. :P Only good thing that came out of that whole arc was JJ [who later became my favorite child of Carly & Jack's], and I liked Keith [Julia's brother], who was criminally wasted on Lily. I always felt that they should've paired Kin Shriner [Keith] with someone like Colleen Zenk [barbara].

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Marc Samuel tweeted he believes he will be filming again soon but I agree, Felix is all but done.

Current contract cast is comprised of 28 people. In credits order: Geary, Benard, Grahn, Herbst, Monaco, Elliot, Wright, Thompson, Zampogna, LoCicero, Duell, Blakemore, Hughes, Storms, Castillo, Richmond, Rylan, Craig, West, Howarth, Easton, Alderson (soon to be gone), Christopher, de Vry, Paevey, Antoine, Stafford, Miller.

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I agree that Felix is good and done. Sucks because I feel like the love story should've been between him and Brad. Or Felix and Lucas from the very start. IMO, I'd just prefer if GH steers clear of gay characters altogether. They've been reduced to nothing more than Golden Girl and Knots Landing gossiping hens.

And with the cast size, it's reasonable when you have a head writer that is capable to use all his characters. Sadly, this is not the case with Ron. Half of them can go due to lack of story [i.e. Rylan (who want back at Y&R anyways), Zampronga, LoCicero, Blakemore, Richmond, Craig, Christopher, Antoine]. And the rest need to go [minus Herbst, Monaco, Elliot, West, and Hughes] because I don't care for them period.

GH seriously needs to drop an atom bomb on Port Charles and start fresh.

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You guys need to get a grip - this is not some sort of fanfic purge time where we can start naming everyone we hate and imagining they're about to get canned. They have finally, blessedly lost Kristen who may or may not have been mutually pushed, and IMO they will soon lose a few more like ME and possibly Teresa Castillo. But Michelle Stafford? They won't give up the ghost on her for at least another nine months. Roger Howarth they are now tripling down on, emboldened by some people's response to the Halloween wedding. And Marc Samuel is already off-contract, just like the half the [!@#$%^&*] regular cast of this show!

28 is just a number, it's not what they deal with every month. It's not that a big cast isn't great, I love big casts on soaps, it's that GH cannot manage them all successfully. But they don't care! And they will not do what you want.

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Not at all! It's just silly to think that KA leaving, possibly by her own choice, means we can now assume everyone we don't like is about to be disposed of. I wish this show would purge more people, and Kelly Thiebaud and KA are a good start. But they won't get rid of half the people I want gone.

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