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GH: January 2015 Discussion Thread

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Vixen, Bobbie and Luke still moved to Florida. I don't see where it's been said they were raised in Port Charles and grew up there. As young children, yes. That's what I was taking from it. They moved to Florida and somehow the house is in Bill's name. Pat didn't go to Florida with Luke and Bobbie.

I don't think Ron would ever tackle incest or transgender. He's not a strong enough head writer and it would come off as a joke and an embarrassment. Bill has to be Fluke they just don't want to give it up yet for some reason.

In terms of today's scenes, does anyone think Bobbie came off a little suspicious towards Fluke? She looked wary of him. Maybe it was Jackie playing that but I wonder if Bobbie could end up figuring all of this out? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Kelly Monaco looked bored and mumbled again. She's like a walking xanax when not with Jason Thompson. Zzzz.

And no, Kevin wasn't on today, of course, and no Jake never had a session with him off-screen.

Maxie and Nathan are GH's version of DAYS' Ben and Abby. All they do is screw. Ugh. At least Felicia's on tomorrow. FINALLY. So is Mayor Macy Gray and Scotty. And Lucy.

Of course so is annoying ass Spencer.

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I know but I just don't see him going there. I really don't. He's asking for trouble IMO if he does. But then his stans will call it the bestest ever. So I guess I'm optimistic he won't make it THAT muddled. Just have it be Bill and call it a day. Let's wrap this [!@#$%^&*] up. We don't need Pat as a transgender, we don't need incest, we don't need any of that because he wouldn't write it well. I know it doesn't mean he won't but again, I just don't see it and I'm not really sure why so many are even hoping or guessing that's it. Ron's predictable. I'm pretty sure it's Bill or some twin of Luke/Bill.

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I'm sitting here sort of at a loss. I think it's kind of arrogant to keep dragging this out. What makes RC think that someone pretending to be Luke is a compelling idea to begin with? Let alone twice? Is this to keep AG from getting bored? Why are doppelganger storylines still being written, period? They have been beat to death. The greatest one I ever witnessed was Janet/Natalie. Then you had brilliant bits of acting from David Canary and Erika Slezak playing one character pretending to be another. All of the subsequent ones have paled in comparison.

I am all for mining a show's history, and I've gladly accepted certain retcons. Michael Malone's Lord saga being my quintessential example. But it just feels cheap and fan-ficky when RC does it. His strokes are too broad and his dialogue writers lack finesse, and it all comes across as ham-fisted.

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Ron supposedly wanted to make Roxy transgender on OLTL. I don't see why he wouldn't do it. It would be, in his mind, "soapy," and he could get praise for how shocking and wild he is, and he could have a haha with some "she's a man, baby!" style jokes.

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We sure as hell don't need it, if she's going to look exactly like Luke. That's a joke right from the start. I think AMC tried to tackle this issue in a genuine way with Zarf/Zoe and even then people were upset about it. So yeah, no need for Ron to try it.

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Nope that was in 2009 originally that was gonna be Rex's mom in that bed that Roxy and Kyle visited

Roxy was gonna be revealed to be Trans

But they or ABC scrapped it and they brought Mitch back alive for that story mess.

And JPL was open to it and He was gonna !@#$%^&*] Seth. I so wish they had done that. I guess they told Brandon Routh they may do that & he complained so thats why we got Seth #2

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No I get that, but my question is since when did they live there as young children? I don't remember that ever being said before. I always heard they lived *somewhere* as young children and then moved to Florida and then Bobbie came to PC followed by Luke and Ruby. When was it ever established that they were born in PC/lived there was young kids? I think Ron made that up.

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