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Bill Cosby

Marco Dane

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How unfair that the stink of this scandal has rubbed off on all of the innocent people Cosby made famous on his shows. Many of them have plenty going on for them (thanks to their career launching Cosby roots), but from here on out, in every interview/article, there will always be at least one line referencing this blot.

I've been wondering how Phylicia Rashad's handling this. She has a pretty healthy Broadway career. I don't know what if anything she's working on now or in the near future, but she'd probably dread doing press.

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So the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Temple was also the same man who served as Cosby's attorney in the civil suit that was filed by the former Temple Woman's Basketball Director of Operations in 2005. The suit that was settled out of court. So the attorney who represented Cosby allowed a known rapist to continue to serve on the board? Maybe someone needs to ask for his removal also. Aren't our universities tainted enough?

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I don't think it's dissmissive, she's suspicious of the women in THIS case.


You know, it's totally conceiveable that Cosby liked to screw groupies and run a casting couch. and when things didn't go how they wanted for these thirsty women, either getting parts, or notoriety, or whatever... then they come back on Cosby like this to get their 15 minutes of fame. Just a thought.

Edited by alphanguy74
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This assumes the premise that Cosby's legacy deserves to remain intact. If that legacy is based on lies and psychopathy - which its fairly clear to me that it is - then it deserves to be torn apart. Even if you unfathomably manage to believe that all these claims are lies or whatever his deluded fans and apologists are claiming, there's enough anecdotal evidence from people in the business that Bill Cosby is just an megalomanaiacal a$$hole who has successfully hid behind his squeaky clean image for decades to warrant a little sunshine and truth telling.

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I'm not talking about his personal life. I'm talking about his professional life. I'm talking about the horrible way he treats the people he encounters in the process of doing his job. We've seen writer after writer come out about Cosby being mean and abusive during interviews, cast and crew members of his shows are finally coming out to say how poorly he behaves, the fact that he wanted NBC to tell everyone to watch the Cosby show during the LA riots shows a stunning level of narcissism. Now add in the way he's repeated attacked and shamed other comics for their language or subject matter. Or the way he tried to get that AP reporter to sweep his [!@#$%^&*] back under the rug by saying that it would affect the reporter's credibility. Cosby's legacy has been holding himself up as an example of what other people should aspire to be. That deserves to be ruined.

If I were talking about his personal life, I'd mention the fact that he's a cheater who tried to throw his own kids under the bus to save his own skin but he's hardly the first to do that.

Regardless of whether you're looking at his personal or professional life, Bill Cosby no longer deserves the respect, affection or status he's benefited from.

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Cosby will never come clean. He'll die obfuscating and dodging. I remember reading that some of the women are filing a class action suit against him. I hope that comes to pass if for no other reason than everybody having to go on record. Cosby's deposition alone would be fascinating material for any profiler.

Edited by marceline
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