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DAYS: July 2014 Discussion Thread

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Thursday's episode: Another good one minus the Jordan nonsense which feel like the same scenes over and over.

The Sami/Will scenes were great. I echo others in saying it was the first time Guy Wilson really came alive.

Loved Johnny torpedoing EJ's shmooze on Sami. Also loved how Kate weaved into their conversation at the pub and taking Johnny back home.

Days are playing all the right beats with Hope and Aidan and I commend them for that, but it's agonising to watch as a standalone story. It could have been done better if Hope had reached the conclusion that Bo had abandoned her months ago. She's still in grief over her marriage, she hasn't even got to anger and resentment yet...

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LOL at Jen and Nicole fighting. Im glad they aren't rekindling their friendship bc I was worried there for a minute.

Ugh to Daniel and JJ having a relationship outside of Jen. He had no business being in that house bc he and Jen are broken up so he shouldn't be in there if she isn't. There is no reason why he couldn't see JJ elsewhere

Pollyana practically called her mother a slut today. On a side note, I cant take Eve's scenes seriously when she has that orgasm humming playing in the background

I hate how everyone's calling Eve by a different last name. JJ's calling her Mrs. Larson. Most people are using Donovan. Eve herself is using Baron (which makes absolutely no sense now). I wish Days would be consistent. Donovan would be the one that made the most sense

Eve comes across more like Theresa's mother than sister. Which I guess makes sense considering the age difference but still its still weird to see these two as "sisters" considering the age gap.

Oh my god, can Maggie STFU about Dannifer? I swear thinking of them is the only way her dried up old vagina gets any stimulation

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So JJ thinks he might have got the rape gene from his pops? lol idiot

I like that Maggie was more concerned about Brady going to AA/NA than about John's wellbeing. Her Dannifer nonsense needs to stop though.

Eric/Nicole development is contrived nonsense.

I think I know where they are going with Nicole's hair - only a little bit further to go!


Anywho, Friday was kinda boring for me.

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Watching the Friday scenes with Eve and Paige and even though the Paige actress tries harder in scenes with Kassie I wish they would recast with a stronger actress.

I'm loving Maggie trying to help Brady. Their scenes the past few weeks have been excellent. Its amazing how I cant tolerate Maggie around Daniel but she shines elsewhere.

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My thoughts for the week that was:

1) Daniel/Jennifer are SLIGHTLY more tolerable with Eve in the mix..slightly!! And that's only because KdP is amazing! I'm loving her!

2) Haiden!! I'm loving the slow build up- let's keep it moving forward!

3) Loving the playout in Brady/Theresa story and Brady "waking up"

4) I really appreciated the Sami/Marlena/John/Roman scene this week. It was really quick. But it was a great family moment and felt a little bit old school Days. I also loved Sami's "that's a fact" line.

5) Grandma Caroline/Sami scenes ROCKED IT! I love the throwback of history to the Caroline/Victor affair and both actresses BROUGHT IT! Does anyone know the last time Peggy had scenes in DiMansion... it caught me off guard seeing her on that set.

6) Kayla! What?! Long time, no see!

7) Line of the week goes to Johnny "Abigail's cupcakes are the best!" haha. I love how much they have played up the cupcakes!

8) I'm shocked at how closely the Chase temporary recast actually looked like the real Chase. If I weren't paying very close attention I might not have even noticed. Kudos to Days for finding him (probably in a time crunch).

9) loved the throwback history with Hope and Ciara talking about New Orleans.

10) Will/Sami scenes were also awesome this week! So dramatic- that slap was great too! This only further proves that Guy Wilson would do GREAT with meaty dramatic material if they would just give more of it to him!!

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Watching Friday's show now, but the week was short of Stellar!

Hope and Kayla were like watching these 2 women from an old eppy. Two people interacting who should be interacting. It was very organic and I loved Kayla telling Hope that she is not wrong for liking Aiden.

Sami and Caroline were another duo that was great...well at least for the first 30 minutes. Then Sami/Allison began to work the nerves because you could no longer feel bad. The more she wailed about her great wuf for EJ, the more I was reminded of how disgustingly demented the relationship was. It was a huge blackhole going nowhere but destroying anyone who goes near it. Then you have to factor in Sami's past, and all you could think of is that Caroline should shoot her and put us all out of our misery.

Johnny going on and on about Abigail's cupcakes was bad enough, but that kid could not handle all of that dialogue. It was a tad painful.

Victor and Teresa was great (partial from Friday). I'm loving all of this story, but I wish Teresa were a bit stronger. She's giving it away.

Enjoyed Jennifer and Nicole until Nicole told she was not good enough for Daniel. My GAWD!!!!!

Eric still trying to become a priest again? I would have liked it better had he struggled with the priesthood and being with Nicole. As it stands, he struggling with being a priest vs Nicole's lie. Good grief! Do I need to write this myself? The lie could have come later. And how is he getting back into the priesthood after sexing up Nicole?

Drawbacks - Daniel, Nicole's hair, Daniel, Nicole's hair, Jennifer's hair.

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