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DAYS: July 2014 Discussion Thread

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I think the storyline itself just seems weak for what they are attempting to set up. I've been uninterested in it from the beginning when EJ slept with Abby. I am not really sure what the writers want with this, and what the plan is. If it's for EJ and Sami to become adversaries again, there needed to be a stronger catalyst to make this work. It would have been a stronger reveal if Sami said she never loved EJ and all she wanted was to bring him down and take control of his company. That would have been worth it and a twist to really ignite old hostilities. As it stands what is the real consequence of this storyline? Is it solely to end Ejami? Ok, but what else? Where are they heading with this? Have EJ in prison and Sami ride off into the sunset with the DiMera's company? I doubt Stefano is going to let that happen. I just don't get where the foresight comes in with this storyline, especially for 4 months worth of additional story.

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They're still airing to the fall and each story on the show has had multiple surprises and fun twists, I very much doubt they're just going to have Sami and EJ standing in the same place for six more months. I know you're an EJ fan upset with this story but let's at least try to be realistic here.

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It's not even so much that I don't like the story, but I just don't see many possibilities that this could spur from. As it stands we are left at ground zero again for EJ and Sami with them being adversaries, which ok fine, but as I said before there were better ways to do that outside of the affair that would have given stronger motivation and a clearer genesis point to get these characters to where they currently are now. I don't see how this is going to help Abby from a story point of view either. She gets humiliated for the better part of a month and then she moves on, because there is nothing else Sami can do to her. Abby is squeaky clean outside of her affiar. All in all it just isn't a great story for any of the characters involved because the stakes are so low, and there is no consequences for what's happening. As it's been said above EJ and Sami have done worse to eachother and created far more reviting television with their previous grievences with eachother, EJ vs. Sami part 12 could have been done without half this much wasted airtime using other means.

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Good for Eric for calling Sami for acting like an immature child. LOL at Sami putting on the water works and laying into Ben about how hurt she was by Little Abby

LMAO at Theresa busting out in prayer. I didn't think she knew any. I see nothing wrong with her knocking out Old Man Black


AbiSlut trying to drag Eve is laughable. She tried this ish with Nicole and looked equally as stupid. Eve should file charges against her

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THAT was a classic Eve moment that even she would've pulled back in the day. And it's fun because you want her to tear into Abby, but she also deserved that slap so it was fun. I hope Abby actually becomes an interesting person with a real purpose now that this secret is out. She more suited for the righteous, bitchy judgmental hypocrite type than her brother. But the whole Horton clan needs to calm down with the holier than thou act.

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The entire eppy was really good!

Sami and Eric really should have more scenes together. And I'm super happy that Sami's family is sad for how hurt she is, but tired of her evil as if she has been snow white. At some point, you have to grow the [!@#$%^&*] up.

Abby is so out of her league with Eve is shameful!

Die, John Black, Die! PLEASE!!!!!

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I loved Theresa clocking that old fool. At least Drake came alive a bit before John was knocked out. I enjoyed Theresa vs. John.

I'm really over drunk and drugged up Brady though. It's still somewhat entertaining, but let's move on ...

I haven't watched Tuesday's episode and just caught up yesterday with the last week, so, here are some late, random thoughts.

I always love Sami and Eric scenes. I agree she should grow up but my god I have MISSED YOU Samantha Gene Brady! Her throwing down the gauntlet to EJ was glorious, as was his meltdown.

I was a bit meh over Sami raging at Abby with Granny Horton and her bun in the background trying to emote. Jenn speaking for Abby and in Sami's face was hilarious to me. Sami could wipe the floor with that twit. Those scenes fell a bit flat to me, honestly, even though they were good.

LOVE me some Eve Donovan and Kassie DePaiva! Her "daughter" on the other hand? Loooord. It's bad acting Mia all over again. She's not horrible all of the time but her pouty acting leaves a lot to be desired and I hate seeing JJ all neutered. Him with her makes little sense to me other than it will drive Eve vs. Jennifer. I also wasn't thrilled with Bev inserting herself into the situation like that with JJ and basically throwing herself at him. I don't like how she's been thrown under the bus for "Paigey". MaryBeth isn't terrible but she's wasted on Paige. I'd rather watch Rory than those girls, TBH.

Roman and Marlena having the hots for each other does nothing for me. BLAH. Let's not go here, please. I don't care. It's not Wayne's Roman so I have ZERO interest in this.

But DAYUM do Hope and Aiden have some chem! I loved their waltz and near kiss. Those scenes were perfection and exactly what I want to see in a slow-burning couple. Really nice. LMAO at the gala though. They can afford board members at DiMera but they can't pop for a few extras and throw in some other cast for a gala? I also lol'd at how Hope and Aiden were in Kristen's old hotel room. Was it said that's what it was for or were they trying to say it was a different venue? I can't remember if it was even touched upon or they just used the set and hoped no one would care or notice.

Vegas was equally laughable. This show deserves a bigger budget. They could also use a few more cast members. It's too small of a cast, even though I love how it causes them to interact a lot more.

Will and Sonny are soooo boring but I could watch Freddie Smith any day. I'm not getting into the debate of Guy vs. Chandler anymore. Chandler's long gone, Guy's here, let's move on from who looks better. Ari's going to be the most well rested baby in the history of soaps. Sami's scenes with them fell a bit flat as well. Sweeney was terrible in them and Eric became a kill joy. Will acting like a hurt 5 year old over Sami and EJ's failed relationship irks me. Grow up.

Love Clyde creeping around Tammy-Sue's bedroom and finding her stash of IDs. He intrigues me but I feel he's going to be written into a corner, contract or not. I enjoyed seeing Caroline, even if she was in scenes with the boring twosome. It was also nice seeing her with Eric. I love Caroline's relationships with her family. Love Peggy McCay.

Kate and Sami at the board meeting was fabulous. Loved Sami owning the board of directors and Kate's letters from Stefano and EJ were hilarious. Kate's faux surprise at being named co-CEO was hilarious (and obvious). Love these two together. Loved Kate's text to Sami.

I could actually get behind Daniel and Eve. Kassie and Shawn work together soooo much better than Melissa and Shawn do. Jennifer and Daniel are ridiculous together but Eve and Daniel seem much more suited for each other and I didn't despise him this week! That's a start. I'd still love it if he left tomorrow but I didn't hate him, which was nice. And he didn't have his usual huffy attitude in scenes with Paige and Eve like they were a nuisance to him. Do you notice how he gets that way with just about everyone?

Jordan and Rafe ... zzzzzzzzzzzz. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! Same for Ben. ZZZZZ. Wilson is mildly better than Gaston and has a bit more screen presence and doesn't seem to have a permanent frown like Gaston did but meh ... he's liked because he's hot, not because he's that great of an actor.

Good week. The show is FINALLY picking up again and I love it. I just think the show could use a few more cast members and maybe a little bit more ... oomph ... with other storylines.

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