Members DRW50 Posted August 6, 2014 Members Share Posted August 6, 2014 I could see Derrick knowing enough to leave one. Frankie I don't know. He has such a big ego he may not be able to resist trashing Zach for stealing his thunder. He is likely thrilled Zach is going because now he can be the star. He doesn't realize that everyone in there is sick of his routines and so are most viewers. Apparently both Derrick and Frankie think America loves them and is thrilled to see Zach go. Are they in for a rude awakening. Even if Zach isn't a big name, he's at least someone interesting. I wonder if the show will have a Team America task to show them that viewers don't want Zach to go, or if they will just throw in the towel. This is the third loyal, strong ally that Cody and Derrick have gotten rid of. They aren't likely to suffer the way Arlie did, because there's no Neda in the house to realize what a danger Arlie was. Hayden and Nicole are naive enough to believe Derrick and Cody are actually with them. And the show will likely encourage this, as they love Hayden and Nicole and will want to keep them safe. The show is screwed, because other than Frankie or adulteress Christine, the main target for the DE is Donny. If Zach and Donny both go, then they're left with absolute dross, aside from Jocasta in the DR. And this [!@#$%^&*] season has been extended to September 24. 97 days. The show already feels dead now, has felt dead for weeks - how are they going to drag this out for 2 more months? You can tell the show is hoping viewers will root for perky underdogs Nicole and Hayden to triumph. I would never root for them, not after Nicole saying Amber bullied her every day and Hayden talking about Amber's only value being as a maid and that he wanted her to fall off the balcony so he could hear her in pain. They are both disgusting people. It's no wonder that even now, with huge sweetheart edits in every episode, they still never top the Joker's poll, or come close. It should be a no-brainer, two generic white people in a showmance. A dime store version of Jeff and Jordan. Yet a lot of people just don't buy it, and never will, because you can't fake this stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 6, 2014 Members Share Posted August 6, 2014 Zach's mother wrote this to fans. I'm more upset with the stupidity of Zach's alliance betraying him and upset with just how unlikeable/boring the house is without Zach and Amber than I am with Zach going, as I can admit that Zach brought a lot of this on himself. Still, there are many fans, especially younger fans, who are upset, and who don't really know that much about the show, because they just started watching because of "Zankie." So it was nice of his mother to say this (what a contrast to Frankie, who thinks it's a great idea for his younger fans to hear him fate shame over and over). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted August 6, 2014 Members Share Posted August 6, 2014 I feel like we're slowly starting to see Donny, Nicole, Hayden and Victoria beginning to trust each other and possibly work together. And with Donny comes Jocasta. Let's hope we get a real back and forth going here. Derrick/Frankie/Christine/Cody/Caleb vs. Hayden/Nicole/Donny/Jocasta/Victoria. But Christine hates Caleb. Derrick and Cody do NOT trust Christine and they want to keep Caleb close. Derrick only seems to want Frankie around for Team America in fear he looks awful to the fans for voting him out. Damn you team america! However, the thing with Victoria is that while she seems to be getting closer to Hayden and Nicole (and Victoria doesn't trust Christine. Shocker, I know) is that Derrick is constantly in her ear. Derrick's just recently more or less told Victoria final two and firmed one up with Caleb. And one with Cody. I'm sure he has one with Frankie. He made some sort of thing with Nicole when they were co-HOH's. AND not to mention how he comforts Jocasta and cozies up to her when he has to. This guy has everyone misted, so hats off to him if he can pull it off but I sort of hope they discover it and turn on him. THAT would be great. I'm kinda curious how this all might play out. This cast is still mostly boring as [!@#$%^&*]. I'm ok with all of them really. Kinda meh to all them but I don't hate anyone and I don't overly like anyone at this point. Well I still semi-hate Frankie and Christine and would love to see them totally blindsided. They have zero clue everyone is on to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 6, 2014 Members Share Posted August 6, 2014 Oh the show would love a Hayden/Nicole/Donny "good people" alliance to dominate. The problem is Nicole is not a nice person in the least, and Hayden is the biggest !@#$%^&*] in there. With other assholes like whiny baby Cody and Frankie and Christine clogging up the drain, it's a bad mix. This week could have changed the dynamics and the game if Frankie had left. Instead it's just cemented the worst for the remainder of the season. Nicole is very lucky that if you get drunk and wander around your living room for a few hours, and tilt your head, she might look like Jordan. Allison Grodner eats that up. So she and !@#$%^&*] Hayden will get the golden treatment to the end. Well, she can have them. I don't want them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 6, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 6, 2014 I seriously think that Grodner cast this cast because of the complaints last season. Was last season horrible? Yes. But the drama and feeds were good. At least everyone was playing the game. The racist comments did hinder Candice and Howard's games (sadly), but they still played somewhat. I think Grodner did her best to make sure to cast meek, weak women so that we wouldn't have women like last season. She wants that sausage fest finale. And I agree that Grodbeast has a hard-on for Hayden/Nicole. At this point, they are OK with me. Do I think some of the things they've said were vile? Hell yes. But I blame the likes of Christine, Frankie, Caleb, and Nicole's insecurities for the hatred spewed towards Amber. Betcha their opinions will change finale night when everything is set straight. And when hardcore Amber fans eat their asses alive. But I think Hayden and Nicole are the lesser evils in the house. I find Derrick, Christine, Frankie, and Caleb just as vile. Seriously though, Kass needs full casting power for next season because she casts great characters for BBCAN, but you don't see it in BBUSA. And Grodner is that variable & problem. This show needs to go back to the basic--casting fanatics that love game. Recruits (and Frankie) is what killed this season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 6, 2014 Members Share Posted August 6, 2014 I keep forgetting Caleb is there now. Lucky me. I think Kass does better in BBCAN, although her main push in casting in recent years (she pushed him for years apparently) was BB14's Frank, who was a huge feed killer, awful on TV, and just plain awkward. So that makes me hesitant. The main problem is AG or CBS are too busy trying to find "the new _____." They also cast too young. I think Christine is the worst person in there, for many reasons, but I have a feeling her in-laws will never get past her behavior, and her husband also seems ashamed, so, while I don't believe in karma on Big Brother (I hate when people say that - come on, if there was karma, would Andy have won last season after his behavior in the last weeks of the show?), I think she's going to get it. I don't think NIcole would be that bad around other people. Hayden, I think he would be, but I guess we'll never know. I was just thinking about last season, as with Candice and Judd going, I also was close to throwing in the towel around this time. I mostly held on because of the returning juror rumor that was going around. This season I'm not even sure I will do that. I felt like the MVP twist ruined last season because Amanda became unhinged and the house just went along with her bidding. At least there was some drama, which we haven't had last year, thanks to Frankie, Cody, and Derrick (the first and third are drama-killers, the second is just a gutless wonder who sours everything with his snotting and whining 24/7). I wasn't one of those people who felt last season was better, but I'm getting there now, mostly because at least last season had some interesting people. I think Grodner wanted Christine and Nicole to be the it girls. I think she wanted them to be strong together and have some type of story about the "nerdy" girls who are actually so cool and smart. She didn't seem to care about casting for women otherwise. And they are both huge busts, so she's left in the lurch. Christine will likely be gone soon. Nicole I imagine will get a cuddly path to the endgame. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 7, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 7, 2014 Vote flipping now. DR (and Caleb) has convinced Derrick to boot Jocasta. Idiots. While I wanted a Frankie boot, Zach staying kills Derrick and Cody's chances. If they screw Nicole and Hayden over and Hayden wins HoH during DE, Derrick/Cody are second boot. They should've just voted Zach out and kept it moving. Zach is going to final two now (thanks to this move), and Frankie and Christine (who now know Nicole and Hayden's plans) will stick around until final six. Derrick can kiss 500k goodbye. Cody too. All of this to keep Zach who will choose Christine/Frankie over Derrick/Cody at the end of the day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members darraholic Posted August 7, 2014 Members Share Posted August 7, 2014 It is a horrible move by Derrick & Cody. I just pray Donny or Hayden can win the HoH in the DE. I'm worried one of the men will win and send Nicole or Donny home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 7, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 7, 2014 They aren't touching Nicole yet. They've said that the top two targets are Donny or Hayden. I wouldn't be surprised if Donny is booted along with Jocasta tomorrow. I blame DR for this bull sh*t. While I don't mind Zach staying, it doesn't create a power shift. It just keeps the same stagnant game going. Derrick controlling the house. Zach being Derrick and Frankie's mouthpiece/puppet. Cody being Derrick's flunky. Frankie being the DR's pet. Caleb being their shield. Victoria being a vote, and Christine being their rat. I'm prepared for a Donny/Hayden/Nicole/Victoria back to back boot. Zach won't create chaos after this week. Now that Frankie and Caleb have told him he was almost going a few mins ago, he'll fall into the background and cruise to final two. Yes, the house will be divided but it won't have the same affect as it would've had they kept Jocasta. Just give Frankie the 500k and be done. It's obvious now he's going to win. And to think they've added a extra week to this sh*t storm of a show. This is why I prefer BBCAN. Production makes sure to slap a power shift in the game week 4/5 every season, so that it won't result in crap results like this. One alliance bulldozing the entire season. Now watch after tomorrow, GrodBITCH will pull out all the twists from her ass to save Frankie and Derrick (if he survives DE). There are going to be DPOV, Coup d'etats, Jury returns, and whatnots being created so that she can have her dream sausage fest ending. As much as I love this show, I fu*kin' hate it for the simple fact that when they should've been slapping twists in the game (i.e. Amber or Britt's eviction weeks), they don't. But let Saint Frankie or Saint Derrick be in danger and fat ass Allison Grodner will move heaven and earth to ensure things go as planned. I don't believe that Derrick, who has been set in his decisions thus far would change his decision after word from Caleb tonight. He's been called in DR ALL f*cking day, so they've been working on him for the past few hours. What that fat, slobby EP does not realize is that the second Donny gets the boot, 90% of her audience is going to turn off the TV for good. Zach, Nicole, or Hayden won't even be able to keep fans watching. I hope appeasing Ariana-tards pays off when loyal fans turn off their TV and ratings plummet, which they've already been doing since Sunday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 7, 2014 Members Share Posted August 7, 2014 The ratings for Sunday may have been affected by football and the golf overrun. I'm not sure how I feel about any of this. The DR likely had some affect. Yet Derrick has always been unsure about whether to keep Jocasta, then when he decided to do so, he went into a panicky overdrive trashing Zach to the house. Now he's panicked again. For that reason I wouldn't be shocked if he flips later today and once again Zach goes (Derrick looked very nervous and unsure when he was up while others were asleep; he was counting on his fingers, he went in the DR, etc.). The main thing is Derrick is afraid of not having control. He has to choose between not having control in the DE, and not having control down the road, when Hayden has more numbers on his side. I never really felt like the house would be divided if Zach went, mostly because Hayden and Nicole were going to work with Derrick and Cody, and Derrick wanted to protect Frankie. I felt like the same people as usual would have been targeted. But I could be wrong. I think this could potentially bring in some immediate conflict, which this season has needed, but I can understand why people are tired of Derrick winning. I'm just going to assume Zach is gone until the votes are cast. As it is, if he stays, I can see why he would need to be loyal for right now, but I hope he wakes up eventually and stabs some bitches in the back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 7, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 7, 2014 I don't see Zach stabbing bitches in the back. I see him falling into the background, which would be smart, and watching his allies get plucked off. And I don't see them flipping back unless Zach does something stupid and confronts Hayden before the vote, and Hayden puts Derrick and Cody on blast, thus causing Frankie, Christine, and Victoria to flip and vote on their own or out of vengeance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members John Posted August 7, 2014 Members Share Posted August 7, 2014 Zach send on live feeds lsdt night when he was informed that He (Zach) will stay silent and not confront anyone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 7, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 7, 2014 We'll see how long it lasts. I'll give him till post Jocasta eviction for him to act up, only for Hayden and Donny to win HoH and for him to cower once again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juppiter Posted August 8, 2014 Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Sorry but Nicole is full of [!@#$%^&*]. Right now telling Frankie she had his back and he betrayed her. Um, you were gonna backdoor him. STFU. She should be pissed at Cody/Derrick, but she is too dense. The feeds are watchable now though. Just sucks that BOTB is still in effect. I think they'd all be paranoid as !@#$%^&*] right now if it weren't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 8, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Nicole & Christine won HoH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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