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GH’s Head Writer Ron Carlivati Interview: The Making Of The Nurses Ball 2014!

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As glad as I am to "hear" how much the writers at GH enjoy amusing the hell out of each other in the writers' room with their [!@#$%^&*], someone needs to reminds them they're not the only ones watching this show.

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This man confounds me. On the one hand, he points out touching moments like Nathan and Britt giving Dr. O a ride, Felicia being there for Lucy, even Emma being there for her dad, and he's absolutely right. All of those were lovely little moments.

And then he says that Spencer is great and he can do anything they throw at him (literally, throw. They throw stuff at the wall and hope something sticks), calls the chupacabra (lol, spelled "chubacabra on the interview) a "little story" even thought it went on for ages and ages, admits to just wanting to have some fun with a pedo triangle (nevermind that it's crap), claims he wasn't trying to make a dig about Stamos, pretends he didn't realize the impact of teasing Blackie's return would have, says he loved the "bold and beautiful" line, Sh!trina ending gave the ball its "heart" etc etc.

Fave part, though: Him saying Tony Geary was performing in drag. I didn't know that about him but I am not. surprised. at. all.

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I don't think he realizes that not everyone thinks Sabrina hung the moon. I can't understand anyone but him crying at the end of that last act, as he says.

And while the idea of hanging some of the Ball on Kevin/Lucy/Scott is good, it wasn't utilized nearly enough until that last day. They seemed to be more concerned with, "how can we make Spencer and Sabrina even more of a part of this?"

And yeah - the kids are stylized. But they don't have to be that stylized all the time. There has to be some core of reality and humanity to the characters that makes them relatable and sympathetic, and Spencer, Obrecht, etc. have gone beyond camp. It gets to the point that nobody cares how many sad songs Kathleen Gati sings (and sings very well). I couldn't be bothered to pay attention to that number.

Also, the autotune on Brad and especially Molly and T.J. was unforgivable. They sounded like actual cyborgs.

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I get it...but all this stupid interview does is show how completely out of touch RC is with the show we see on air. Yes, an occasional reference to the kiddie triangle can break up this relentlessly dark show. But doesn't he realize those mini-mes had more of a through-line story than the adult triangle of Kevin/Lucy/Scott, who he was framing the Ball around? K/L/S got about one show every three weeks. Those kids have been front and center since October. Or at least Emma and Spencer have...Cameron rarely gets a pov.

If I cared, I would be pissed TIIC spent so much on licensing fees for songs for one event. There's no bleepin' need for anyone to sing more than one song, and certainly no need to stay through entire performances. They could have easily hired extras to be referred to as "other acts" to make the ball seem longer.

And Mac should have slugged Ephiphany during that stupid, caterwauling song. Mr Marbles might have been the worst ventriloquist act ever---but I loathe that song.

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There are so many things wrong with that interview. After I seized up reading how Sobbbbbbrina was the heart of the Nurses Ball[not Robin] I just can't.

Fairman blowing sunshine up RC's *ss is nauseating'

Those little children had no business being involved with an adult party where every year the hostess ends up in her panties

Lucy/Kevin/Bobbi/Scott/Mac/ Felicia would be more entertaining if they weren't only on once a month.

If Lesley was going to help Spencer, she should have been on, along with Monica.

The Luke bulls**t was completely out of place and unnecessary.

TJ and Molly's techno song sucked!

The circle j**k they have going on giggling in the writer's room is appalling! Grow up and do your damn jobs! I watch for entertainment. The NB was always a little hokey, but it was soooooooooooo OTT this year.

Obrecht's talent was on display, but she was the wrong character [along w/Felix] to run roughshod through the ball

I liked the scene where Obrecht and family left together, but a quick scene of them afterwards at a bar or Kelly's[for a deeeeeelicious BLT], or a bar or something that won't just be mentioned on a Friggin Twitter account would've fit in with other characters' post-ball.

Finally, grow up about John Stamos. Here's a man with a career outside of daytime that wanted to make an appearance with a quick story. Are these morons not aware that a scene with Blackie, Frisco, and Lesley would have pleased viewers that have been watching for over 30 years?

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Nicolas Bechtel as Spencer Cassadine is a true find! Are those clever and hilarious one-liner of his written by you? There were several during the Nurses Ball episodes.




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I would have so loved if both Blackie and Mike Webber the kid the webbers fostered in the 80s had come back for a few days for the 50th. I know John Stamos wanted to do scenes of dialogue with people important to Blackie.

Blackie and Mike reconnecting with Lesley who were both in PC when she died would have been awesome and hearing Mike call Lesley, "Mama Lesley" again a treat

But all RC wanted JS for was to play drums for The NB. I woulda passed too.

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marceline was right (in the current GH discussion thread): you can't even call Ron a hack b/c there's too much emotion behind the word (her words, not mine). You can't analyze or discuss his work anymore b/c there's just nothing there beyond the (bad) camp and stupidity. He's a bad storyteller, plain and simple.

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I admire Ron Carlivati. Good for him for keeping GH fresh and innovative. This board is so negative and the negative people here always try to bully those of us who remain positive about the genre. Ron is making well over a million dollars a year. How much are all of you complainers making? Go Ron and Frank!! Loved this interview.

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