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How To Get Away With Murder: Discussion Thread

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A Vanity Fair article calls the show "the most progressive on TV":


I wonder if the more conservative viewers are turned off. Like I said, even I was surprised by the frankness of the gay sex depictions, especially when the assistant took off his pants, clearly glancing down at his erection. I haven't seen many heterosexual scenes that suggestive on network TV. Happy that they are pushing boundaries, and good for Paul Lee and his team for allowing it. Too bad the show just isn't good.

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ABC: "How to Get Away With Murder" (9.7 million, 6.5/11)

First time it didnt win its time slot either.

last week the show had a 7.7 rating...remember the show started with an outstanding 9.4 rating.

Weren't you one of them that loved it at first? I really thought this show was going to be good but they way the story is being told is so off. The mini court murder mysteries are a bust ..IMO....

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B, I LOVE Laurel. I love Connor to a degree and I adore Wes.

I'm not invested in them yet I guess. Michaela gets on my nerves... I'm pretty sure if she could Buffalo Bill Annalise she would. Asher is .... as much as I like Matt McG.... I never knew I could hate him as a character but I find his character to get on my nerves so much.

So I like 3 out of however many supporting. I think Liza is hilarious but I still want it revealed that she either had an affair with Annalise's husband or she held an unrequited love flame burning for him.

Hahahahahahahaha Rebecca annoys me at this point as does Wes' boner for her. I don't think I could be so willing to help someone out of a murder rap that was so rude to me every time they saw me. Those two reminded me of the book, Why Mosquitoes buzz In Peoples Ear.

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Thank for you connecting the dots for me. Cuz I was trying to grasp the symbolism of it all but it was just too much sensory overload for one hour and I was just losing it! The only people I'm here for are Connor, Michaela, and the guy from Orange (I don't even watch that show but he's pretty damn hot).

I'm so over this strange little gremlin and his weird fascination with his next door neighbor. Who also looks like a nutjob. If this were real life the police would have been called in for stalking ages ago.

Annalise's husband is definitely THAT professor. Thank God I had brains in schools cuz I may just have dipped my toes in that pool....:)

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Here's the jpg of it but I have to find the gif for you!


See, I thought so... but I didn't want to presume because your name could be like a book you love or something but good to know so I don't mistakenly say Girlllllllllllllllllllllll.

Edited by London
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