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At least we know why Lucious had a perm in the first episode. I presume that it had to do with that Wayward Pines TV show Howard produced and stars in whose trailer was shown at the end of Empire. Debuts on FOX in May.

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Just remembered, Wayward Pines is from M. Night Shyamalan. Yeah, I'm gonna pass. He had me cackling at The Last Airbender, which included the entire theater pissed at the pronunciations of the lead character names. Sorry Terrence. Not even you and your perm can get me to watch a single project from M. Night. PASS!!!

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Lucious gone get all those bitches, and I can't wait! JR has been down and out too but it never lasted long!

I'm actually salivating because ALL them bitches got stuff to hide. Rhandre/Vernon, Cookie killed someone, Anika and her crooked daddy! Lucious will reign supreme and I'm here!!!!!

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The season finale was a lot.

Lucious is pure evil, without the wicked smile of JR Ewing...he's just bad to the bone and thinks he's God.

Poor Vernon, I loved the actor playing him, such a shame that he had to die...but damn that he's the one who turned Lucious in, that's what he went to talk to Andre about. And Rhonda, pregnant, oh what a mess!

Anika and Hakeem?! The pillow?! The gifts?! There was just so much going on in the show, it could have been an entire season. I loved it and I hated it...but I can't wait to see next season.

Jamal is so unlikeable now, he turned his back on his own mother when she had his back from day one!

Cookie, this episode, was very Alexis...when she had her moment to destroy Lucious, she didn't. She took her younger man, had him, let him go, got in a great catfight, and then ended things in a gorgeous neglige in a showplace penthouse. It was exquisite.

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The finale was written in a way that would have worked if the series lasted just one season, so I was okay with the fast movement of the some of the plot. The battle lines for next season are definitely set.

From the start, I figured that Lucious would end up having some other disease, so I was not surprised at that part.

I knew the second that Rhonda picked up that object that Vernon was finished.

Jamal and Lucious clash, but tonight we saw that Lucious also favors him in a way (which we saw slight hints of throughout the season).

Cookie and Anika's fight was so blaxploitation, but I loved it.

Lucious telling all his misdeeds while medicated was so dream like, but it was a clever way for Cookie to learn the truth.

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