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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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I was thinking the exact same [!@#$%^&*] thing! I usually try to give actors credit in their last days on soaps - usually it's often their best work - but all I can think when watching Muhney in these big scenes is "this is his face when he found out he got fired."

I can't fault Billy Miller, I think he's done good work here, though not always. With Muhney it's impossible to separate the sleazeball onscreen from the alleged sleazeball off.

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Do you see differences in her interactions with Jack and her interactions with Devon?

I did not know this about the SOD thing and I missed Devon asking her out for a date.

Re: Billy Miller comments in other posts - I thought he was better today but he has not been very good for the last few days. I think it would be easier if he was a parent. The way he walks is distracting to me, not in a good way.

Friday will be a brand new day, people! tongue.png

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I have to agree with ChitHappens, it is basic soap writing 101 that Jack is a temporary infatuation (even if temporary means a few months). It's not always the case that pairs are obvious from Day 1. Many times, it is more interesting (to me anyway) if the pairing are NOT obvious in the beginning. My main problem with Y&R of the last few year is that the pairings were too obvious and 'on the nose' and had no intrigue about who would end up with whom.

I know many have probably not seen much of ATWT but a few of us were discussing this in the Cancelled Soap threads, about a couple like Lyla and Casey, who were a surprising, yet wildly popular pairing. In the beginning it looked as if Casey would be paired up with Frannie (played by Julianne Moore) but in the end he ended up with his landlady Lyla Montgomery.

One of the things that I find brilliant about that coupling was that no one knows whether it was intentional all along or whether the head writer saw the chemistry and later switched course but the transition was so seamless because the writing suggested that romance was blossoming in one direction but seeds were surreptitiously being planted in another direction. While everyone was paying attention to Casey and Frannie (who had the classic opposites attract chemistry) Lyla and Casey had slowly been building a friendship and mild flirtation which bloomed into a full on love affair. It was a slow build and that way it was written was great because it took everyone by surprise (family, friends, etc).

To me, it would be far more interesting if there was a gradual build to a Hillary and Devon romance but I wonder if today's viewers have the attention span for that. I also wonder if the writers have the talent to pull off such a story without boring us to indifference.

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So I decided to watch Y&R this week to see MM and BM's exit after a taking a break, damn is this show still awful. Only positive thing I can say is that I did like Chloe and Chelsea scenes at the end of today's episode. Rest....blah. Can we PLEASE get a Victoria recast (since it's slim to non chances of Heather Tom returning to the role)?

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I actually see more with her and Devon. She seems different with him than with anyone else on screen. The chemistry is different. I can't put my finger on it exactly what it is. It could just be the things they discuss more so than anything. She seems very mature even when they are joking and playful. There is nothing giggly or silly about them (side eye at Chelsea and Lily). Devon is definitely at his best with her. They are just great together.

The reason I think she has a crush on Jack is because of her actions, not so much the chemistry. She has the same chemistry with him that she has with everyone, including Sharon and Kyle. It's just that the writing has her doing things that point to her having romantic feelings. Like constantly worrying and asking about him, sexual innuendo in the conversation, etc.

Devon asked her out weeks ago. She told him she would let him know. Weird.

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Amelia Heinle is not going anywhere as she just renewed her contract and is celebrating 9 years at Y&R. She is going into year 10 as Victoria thats a great run. Heather Tom is at B&B get over it. No to Sarah Brown a Victoria shes way too harsh plus I haven't sen anything impressive abou Brown since her early Carly days. She was a one hit wonder. Her other roles I don't if it was the writing or the chemistry but she just didn't do it. Billy Miller will be a mega primetime superstar mark my words. He has nothing to worry about. He had a five and half year run with two emmys and might earn a third emmy in the role. David Tom has alot to prove its been 12 years since he played Billy plus the kid has ZERO SEX APPEAL at all. I thought he absolutely stunk on OLTL so I hope he brings it on Y&R. Give Jean Passanante credit as she revved up this finale the best way she could. Again Y&Rs ratings dont match the creative disses.

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