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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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I am liking Dylan and Avery a lot more these days. I think it is because they have stopped trying to shove them down the viewers throats like they did when JFP first took over with JG. You can tell Jessica Collins was one of his pets and he was determined to make her his new leading lady. I wouldn't have minded if he wasn't so heavy handed about it. No one likes being forced feed things, especially soap fans. But JG is gone and Avery is back to being a supporting character with moments if leading potential -- like this upcoming storyline with Ian Ward.

Tomorrow BM and MM exit the show. It's been real. Now I am ready for a new era to begin. Y&R without Adam Newman. Remember that? I do. I liked him but I think everyone needed this break.

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She was his girlfriend for 8 (?) years. She may not have been given screentime but he always mentioned where she was, what she was doing. And they were always very together when TPTB did give her screentime. I think it's silly to think their years together and all that he went through weren't significant, at their impressionable ages. Whatever. Agreeing to disagree.

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You know what. You are right. It was more like 6 years though. But I don't see a big difference in 6 or 8. That is a looooong time, especially in soap years. We can only imagine how significant it was to their lives because we sure didn't see it. Honestly, it is easy for me to dismiss her and their relationship because I want more for the character of Devon than to be stuck in some off screen relationship with a day player who has no last name. It does nothing for his character's story or airtime. So, while I liked Roxy a lot and wanted the writers to give her a story. It was clear that they never would. I was happy to see her go.

Take heart,I don't think we have seen the last of her though. At least I hope not. I am pretty sure that she will show up a couple of years from now with a tot. She will do to him what Harmony did to Tucker. He insinuated she was a gold digger the same that Tucker did to his mother. I can see her being pregnant and not telling him. Maybe she comes back because she is sick or something. Well, if I was writing this show that is definitely a story I would tell.

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These eppies are lacking and are not packing the emotional punch I had hoped. With the exception of EH, I'm very underwhelmed. Why Vicboria has a POV is beyond me. Miller and Muhney can't leave soon enough! Imagine the likes of the late Michael Zaslow and (give me another name) working these scenes. It would be totally different and the audience, as a whole, would feel something!

I am, however, really looking forward to Ian/Nikki/Dylan [Avery can die}. Ray is terrific at being bad. All he has to do is walk into a room, and I get chills!

I hope to see my Hevon babies really soon!

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I was reading Brent Boyd's twitter and he posted a picture of this confrontation outlines posted on a board in the writers' room. He tweeted something like 'We put a lot of work into this, hope you guys enjoy these scenes'. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and pity these writers. Is this their idea of emotional, gripping ending/confrontation/whatever? I can't help but wonder if these people have actually ever watched Bill Bell's Y&R, or even any other soap opera in its glory days.

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Right...EH/Chloe is the only person I feel anything for. And Victoria has had too much of a presence in the story for my liking...but then, so had Kevin. But at least he had a purpose while working at the police stating so it made sense...not his working there though.

Speaking of Hevon babies? Am I the only one that wants Devon to go by the name Winters? Sometimes they did use it but for the most part they didn't. I don't know why the writers have been so reluctant. At first it was because I thought that they were still angling for a Devon/Lily pairing one day. But I think that they have finally given that up. Finally! And when Roxy gave him that monogrammed song writers journal with the initlas DW, I thought that was where we were headed. But nope. It sure didn't take this long for Adam to start going by Newman.

What?! I thought Billy was adlibbing these scenes. it's so repetitive.

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