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Ronn Moss' Wife slams BB

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Perhaps finances aren't as good as she would like and that is what prompted this whole tirade. Obviously, actors don't always manage their money well. If RM was playing a money game, it obviously failed, because Bell didn't play. RM has little acting skill, so he's the last person who could play a money game, all he had was seniority and being a main cast member from episode one, which isn't enough to demand more cash when you can't really act.

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And if money was the problem here, and I think it was, Bell's assessment was right on the money. Whatever RM thought he might be worth, the current numbers show that he was no loss to the show. RM may have other projects here and there, but a steady stream of income has to be missed, especially when you might have a superficial entitled bitch of a wife!

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Last year Joanna Johnson (ex Caroline and Karen Spencer on the Bold and the Beautiful) told Italian Vanity Fair that it was all about money issues. I live in Italy, Two weeks ago Ronn Moss was interviewed in a popular tv show: he didn't seem too pleased when they showed him a photo of the 'new' Ridge. "I don't know him', he said coldly about Kaye . He's focusing on his music career and his next challenge will be getting a movie role.

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Hunter Tylo left under bad conditions, so much so that Bell showed her in the coffin, so she would/could never come back... and while she is gone again (because of money issues), she did indeed come back.

Susan Flannery retired, and probably would have done so no matter what, but money was also an issue.

Ronn Moss left because of money issues, not because he needs any, he could retire many times over, but because he wasn't being offered what he felt he was worth to the show. His wife is speaking out, not necessarily in the best taste, but it wouldn't stop Bell from ultimately bring back RM's Ridge if need be.

While the show is doing well on the ratings front - I don't think it has as much to do with Bell's writing as it has to do with less soaps on the air, and an audience who is still looking for a show to watch in this genre. All My Children no longer airing at the same time in any market has more to do with their gains.

All that said, B&B makes its money overseas. It is the one show that could most likely make it on the internet because it has an international audience... not as large as it once was, and never as large as the show has claimed, but its appeal overseas is huge... their actors are treated like rock stars... an actor could just make public appearances in Italy alone, and make a steady living...

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This may be unpopular

I understand that actors need to be paid to support families etc. However You would think soap starts like Moss, Stafford and Miller would be good with money as far as spending and plan ahead.

Now Im not saying they dont but what gets me is if MONEY is the reason u stay or go, maybe U should just go.

Shouldnt it be more about playing a role that is creative and chalenging and less about the salary

I look to the PP situation, I doubt any of those vets made salary like they did with ABC but many signed on

For me it would be more about the role and less about pay

If Pay was dictacting them to me its time to move on because I would have lost that spark that made me wanna do the role justice.

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money pays the bills, not love of the job. How many on here and in life stick with jobs, not bc they necessarily love it, but bc they need it to support their themselves and their family. It's easy to say just quit if you only stay for the money, but you do that and you find yourself unemployed and with no job on the horizon, your savings will eventually dry up. IMO, saying someone should just leave their job that they primarily stick with bc it financially sustains them is very shortsighted and not practical. Unemployment in this country would be sky high if that were the case

In Ronn's case there was nothing creative or challenging about his role. All he's played in the last 7 years was some variation of his triangle with Brooke and insert Nick or Taylor, mixed in with feuding with Rick. Rinse, lather, repeat. And that's not his fault but rather Bell for his repetitive stories and unoriginal take on the character.

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Maybe I'm missing something in your post, but where in Ronn's wife's Tweets is Ronn dissing B&B? Also, Ronn worked hard as an actor on this show. B&B didn't "'give' him and her a living their whole life." He acted a role and in exchange for it he got a paycheck. Did B&B 'give' him his first acting break? Yes. But he clicked with the audience, helped bring in ratings and profitability for Bell-Phillip Productions, so it was a mutually beneficial arrangement. Also, in this day and age of only four soaps, EPs are offering more "take it or leave it" deals, knowing there are a lot of out of soap actors (and directors, writers, production folks) willing to fill spots if actors don't re-sign with the offer the EP or production company presents. O'm not saying that's what happened with Ronn and B&B, but the guy's never seemed to be the type to throw his weight around or make unnecessary demands. All his co-workers like him a lot. Maybe he was disheartened that after working for B&B twenty-five years, they were trying to nickel and dime him, if that was the case (which I have no way of knowing, just speculating aloud here).

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I don't expect actors to be any better with money than anybody else. It's not like financial acumen is a requirement. Entertainment history is filled with performers who ended up broke either through their own negligence or the malfeasance of others. It's a tale as old as time.

Try paying a mortgage with "creativity" and "challenge."

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Bell is the one who doesn't understand a budget. B&B has revamped their scheduling more than once to allow Brad to get his act together and write more than two weeks of shows in advance.

The actors are lucky if they get a week's worth of scripts in advance, which is costly to the production because everything else needs to be rushed to get eight shows taped.

Their taping schedule should allow for advanced planning, but Bell doesn't get production. He landed into his role because of his family dynasty, he may understand the components of writing (although I think his style lacks), but his role as executive producer is in name only. I don't care much for Frank V., but what he does with scheduling and budget would make Bell's head implode.

The show is top heavy with producers and writers, which eats into the ever shrinking budget, Bell mismanages the budget, and then expects the actors to take cuts in pay to make up for what is missing in the budget. Do you really think that it is coincidental that three of the top paid stars of B&B have left in the last two years? If Bell is offering these great deals, then why would three of the top stars walk?

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If you want to be able to own a home, own a car, eat, wear clothing and shoes, pay your bills, and take care of your family then pay isn't an issue, it's THE issue. And when you're in the television business, whose sole motivation is making money for shareholders in the corporations that own the networks, the notion of creative and challenging roles are a byproduct of the business, not the motivation for it.

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As I understood it was not so much less money but a reduced episode guarantee (ok, this means less money but hey) - as Ridge plummeted from 200 episodes a year to like 120 - plus the supporting player position he was given the last couple of years. Yet, his exit was very sudden - so I don't think Brad Bell played that much hardball. Maybe Moss really just wanted out.

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Ronn's exit was sudden, but his contract renewal negotiations weren't. They'd been on-going for some time before he exited. But unlike other HWs and EPs who sense an actor might really leave and lessen their air time (or send the character off somewhere while the negotiations are on-going) Bell continued to write for the character of Ridge right up to the last days of the negotiations, and had to scramble to write the character out when the negotiations fell apart. That's not Ronn's fault or Brad's. It's just how it went down. Some viewers seem to think Ronn up and quit, leaving B&B high and dry. Not the case from what I understand.

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