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Ronn Moss' Wife slams BB

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RS & ES took 50% plus paycuts when OLTL was at ABC the last few years. Its happening all over. Devin needs to STFU your husband cant act and hasnt learned to in 25 plus years. You should be greatful he had the job that long

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I'm certainly not surprised that someone would be outraged at a huge paycut when they've been at a job for 25+ years (especially people as dramatic as actors are). I'm prepared to at the very least understand the notion that a pay cut might be just too big.

At that point, you decide/weigh your options. If you don't like what the show can offer and are positively morally outraged, then fine. Walk. Which he did.

But I don't see why his wife is bitching about it. In the end, it was Ronn's decision. And, according to Tylo, Flannery walked for the same reason.

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The thing is B&B makes money internationally and if things got better for the show financially he would have been screwed long term as I doubt that Brad would have increase his salary again if things got better (this is different than OLTL which didn't have such a revenue stream.) With prime time television, sometimes as a concession to save money they'll give actors a percentage of profits and a lower salary. That would have been something B&B could have contemplated perhaps...

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Bell has slowly made the veteran characters supporting while building up the next generation, which is what a soap needs to do for long term survival.

However, IMO the ratings have sustained and/or risen for all the remaining soaps because there are just less shows to watch. The remaining audience of those cancelled shows have chosen one of the remaining shows to watch, and I'm not sure it entirely has to do with the quality of any of them.

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