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Y&R: December 2013 Discussion Thread

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What a Zzzz filled eppy. Dylan and Nick are so lame with the screw faces. Billy talking to a newbie about grief and Delia is not the least bit interesting. Plus they have zilch chemistry assuming they're headed in the Phick direction. Speaking of zilch chemistry, Chloe and Kevin ugh go away. Sorry writers but all these cutesy supportive scenes ain't working on me. I see we're back to Adam being isolated with Chelsea. That is one of many reasons this pair never did much for me. That and lack of heat. As for Fen in prison and the whole Baldwins mess, I'm straight sick of it.

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Eileen looked so good on the show, it's pretty clear Y&R is setting up for her to return, I just wish it wasn't to the detriment of DAYS where Eileen does her best work as Kristen...though I also love her Ashley, especially with EB.

Jess's hair is essential for the character of Jill. She needs long hair. What the hairdressing department needs to realize is that her hair needs to be bigger. Tease it, spray it, I don't care what they have to do, but cut out that wavy crap and give us lioness mane hair. It was so refreshing to see JW and PB in scenes together, that's a relationship that went ignored for a decade. Jack is so much more tolerable when he has to deal with Jill. She looked great in that red coat, the wardrobe people have somehow been reminded of how Jill used to dress.

Jess Walton/Jill Abbott is the core of this show, ironic that she's recurring...but it's true, she IS Y&R now that Jeanne Cooper/Mrs C is gone, and her character is still viable, in ways that Katherine Chancellor never was. I hope we continue to see an expanded and more visible role for Jess Walton.

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The lack of heat...yep that's it. Not just for Chelsea and Adam but for Chloe and Kevin. I figured Adam and Chelsea were not over when she had yet another child. But there is no reason to put Chloe and Kevin back together. And if she gets pregnant by him, I will have to write the character off for good. I do think that is where this is headed. *sigh*

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What a yucky ideal but Chloe getting pregnant by Kevin wouldn't surprise me since it looks like TPTB are rebuilding them. I know some people assumed/hoped it would be Victoria but I figure it would've happened by now and who knows what the plans are for Villy now that DT is coming back.

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Hush your mouth! No way do I need Chloe screeching and screaming her way through labor on my screen again. And Rodent as the daddy? No. No, no, no.

It's funny, people have really taken against Steve Burton on the show, but I honestly think that as newbies go, Dylan is not the most egregious offender. I don't feel visceral hatred when he shows up in a scene. Boredom, sometimes, yes, and I'm sure the saintliness will wear on me. But hey, at least he hasn't run over some tyke in the road or left his mentally unstable 'one true love' to rot in jail on her own. Yet.

But I just CANNOT anymore with Kevin, Chloe and Chelsea. Adam & Chelsea must be the most chemistry-free couple on the show after Chlovin (and that is quite some feat). Chelsea is endlessly yapping about nothing except Connor Connor Connor and Delia Delia Delia. I wish she'd go to some European design capital and take her poor little baby with her. We all know Adam can't be raising his own son (parallels, people, parallels). Chlovin, meanwhile, are so offensive to my sensibilities that Adam needs to get loaded on some moonshine, jump behind the wheel of an oil tanker and flatten them into the Wisconsin tarmac.

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With respect to kevin and Chloe having a baby, I would think that for that to happen, the writers would have to show then having sex. Something that rarely happened in their many years together. So that gives me some hope.

Agreed. I wonder about Adam's future with Dylan on the show. He, like Kevin with Fen, has become obsolete.

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Obsolete and written into a corner. As if burning fetuses weren't enough, he has now run over some little tyke in her Halloween costume. It feels like jail-time is the only possible option at this point. As if that weren't bad enough, he is saddled with listening to Chelsea prattle on and on and on for the foreseeable future. It's times like this I almost wish Sharon and Adam were in a SL together because at least I believed that somewhere inside of him, Adam felt something for her. And also because SC is a chemistry fiend who has chem with pretty much everybody she gets scenes with.

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I don't think Adam hit Delia but that doesn't matter very much. It's the way he reacted when he thought that he did which is the measure of the man. He didn't hit Delia on purpose so the act itself doesn't matter as much. But I don't see how anyone can expect me, as a viewer, to take this cowardly gas lighter fetus burner who will not take responsibility for his actions seriously as a romantic leading man. What woman would want Adam? I just don't see it.

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