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GH50: December 2013 Discussion

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For a seasoned criminal, Ava has the worst [!@#$%^&*] poker face I have ever seen. Her pop-jaw expression when Diane mentioned the cops calling from NYC was hilarious. Then again, I think we're led to believe Ava came into the picture only as the Jeromes proper began to disintegrate - it seems most of her end of the business may have been white-collar. That's my fanwank, anyway. (Being crazy enough to go after Connie is one thing, but her doing her own assassination work was so ridiculous.)

Morgan's hands jazz [sic] after he shot Max - who just randomly walked over, that was terrible blocking and cutting to make that beat happen, it didn't feel legit for him to freak out over Max just stepping up to Sonny - was also pretty funny. The location looked a lot better at night, especially with the police lights, but it's still not a patch on some of the stuff AMC and OLTL did this year on location, which was primetime-ready. Carlos amuses me, but he is the most ineffectual hitman I've ever seen. One gut shot and he crawls away, leaving Beta House pledge Morgan and David Geffen, the turtlenecked Land's End mobster, to fire their pew-pew guns aimlessly. Who was Morgan even shooting at?

Bryan Craig is not terrible, and definitely not as annoying as Kelly Thiebaud IMO, but he's wildly overrated by people just because his character gives Michael, Kiki and Sonny [!@#$%^&*]. The characterization of Morgan is a dumb himbo, and Craig's only sometimes able to elevate that. Morgan used to be the smartest, most sensitive kid in that family. Slashing and burning Morgan's character for a clumsy thematic parallel to A.J. and Jason is a waste of what talent BC does have, and certainly of Morgan.

It's been a year and Rafe's weird-ass hair has only gotten worse. Look at that [!@#$%^&*] in profile - what is it?

Is anyone ever going to admit Silas might be the least disastrous of the new OLTL3 characters, but he's still boring as [!@#$%^&*] and anything interesting about ME and KM together has long since run aground? It's like a B or C story now. This whole Silas/Ava New York thing is already as tedious as Maggie, Steve and Memphis was, it's just a horse of a different hue.

I loved Robin, Robert and the digeridoo. Her reaction was great. As was Anna being through with Sonny and his BS. I wish she and Robert would just knock him around for real with the justice system, stop this pussyfooting around. She's seen a million guys like Sonny, she needs to shake him down.

I am amused that they are finally addressing the T.J./Shawn issue in terms of his guardian being a mob hitman. It took long enough, but I guess it's good they're finally doing it. I assume that's T.J.'s exit. At least he's not dying as I feared (so far).

I wasn't really pissed at Sabrina in this hour - until she suddenly seemed utterly shocked, shocked! that Patrick wasn't choosing her. She's been listening to Felix for too long. And then they laid it on a little too thick with Patrick's sadness and reluctance - get over it, dude. The final scene with Patrick and Robin was great, but they really need to give over at least the same amount of segments to those two that they did Sabrina and Patrick yesterday - refocus on his commitment to Robin. Patrick seemed far more resolute in the final segment with Scrubs than he had for the whole hour. But to RC I know all too well that just getting people back together is considered "enough" for their fans. Take your one segment and be happy, you got what you wanted, that's his line. I don't think it's Carlivati being rueful or bitter about this either, because I don't think he wanted Patrick and Sabrina; it's just how he is, the perpetual, high-on-himself naïf as a writer, who only focuses on his plots and his big beats and lets everything else slip away. It's something he simply doesn't get. He genuinely doesn't understand why or how people might be annoyed with them milking the Patrick/Sabrina break-up scenes and then only giving over a small increment of time to Patrick's testimonial to Robin - in his mind, they got back together so nobody should be bothered, right?

And man, what a lame throw.

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Vee, Max just walking out like that was the absolute worst part of the entire thing. The shoot out was embarrassing, but Max was involved so how could he just prance in as though nothing was going on? Then Sonny telling Shawn to leave and get TJ to safety? Really?

Ava and Molly standing there lamenting over their teenage boyfriends? How weird was that? Now we are supposed to care about Moron/Ava? It makes no sense that Carly has not ripped this woman's hair out like we know she would have by now.

The Jeromes and Morgan are 3 people who can exit now! I don't think anyone will question it. William DeVry's greatness is in his mind! Don't expect anyone to make Hamlet out of this campy crap, but WD is delivering extra camp! He and moRon are soul mates!

Don't care about Scrubs at all. And I sure as hell don't care about Sobby and Pigpen!

Craptini's Bathhouse aka General Hospital is so off track. We are in Trassions territory now.

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That shootout was so so so bad. I actually laughed when Max walked in and got shot, it was just so bad.

That's my complaint about Carly. She does NOTHING. Why is she not more involved? Not that I want the screaming banshee back, but Carly would be all over the Jeromes and in Ava's face. Ron's sucked the life out of her just like he did Blair.

Morgan's a plot point who will eventually go the way of others, as I think Vee pointed out.

DeVry has been awful as Julian.

And speaking of the 'reunion' between Patrick and Robin, it was awful. Patrick's breakup with Sabrina was more romantic and written better. I know that they probably get a full episode reunion but the slanted writing was evident. Let's focus on Sabrina's devastation and less on Robin's issues at being away from her life for 2 years. Um, OK. Not that I care to see Robin whine but still ...

I did love the Scorpio/Drakes together. Emma is so much better and back to adorable when she's Robin's daughter and not Sabrina's.

I feel like Frank runs around the set telling everyone to camp it up because I swear everyone is acting awful. It's all hysterics, screaming, over-exaggerated hand gestures ... Lucy has been one of the worst. I never found her as annoying as I do sometimes now.

It's really bad camp.

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What was the little comment from Anna and Duke about Emma recognizing Robert? I think it was "If only some people weren't as perceptive [about disguises]." I figured it was a nod to the masks but wasn't sure what they meant cause it was sure as hell a good thing they figured out Faison was wearing a Duke mask.

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Despite my criticism of Cartini, I honestly thought that Monday's GH episode was the best episode of any soap that I have seen all year. The only part of the show that I did not care for was the Sabrina/Patrick/Robin stuff.

MB really showed how good of an actor he can be. I could not believe that Morgan did not even try to assist Sonny as he (Sonny) was trying to save Max.

Maura West is absolutely outstanding as Ava, although I still don't understand why a new character was created when Olivia (Jerome) could have been brought back from the dead.

I really hope that Anna--in the end--chooses to be with Robert. While there are many good things about Duke, the sad fact is that he is cannot stay away from criminal activity.

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I remember when Rafe first came on Frank Valentini wasted no time in getting him shirtless, even though he has the face and demeanor of a thirteen year old. He was actually hairy IIRC, which was just visually disconcerting. Fortunately he's kept his clothes on since. I assume a little restraint won out, which is a nice change since it took til Cole Thornhart's exit for FV to stop showing Brandon Buddy shirtless on OLTL despite his weight gain and increasingly ill appearance. Maybe they were trying to shame BB.

I think Duke backsliding into the underworld makes sense for the character, but there were much more slow, character-based ways to explore this stuff with richer writing, with an old dog trying to learn new tricks - instead it's just another plot point in a bigger story. I have always preferred Anna and Robert, but I was fine with Anna and Duke. They just haven't really given them much to sink their teeth into. Even now they're in separate corners, and IB is often too low-key.

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