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GH50: December 2013 Discussion

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Ugh, he is such a troll. I really do believe Felix is based off of him; tacky, desperate and certainly NOT funny.

I have lost all desire to even YouTube this show anymore. It's just not good whatsoever. And when it is, it suddenly isn't. I'm sure I'll be back next week tho when my short term memory fails me yet again.

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I liked Spinelli/Maxie (surprisingly), Britt/Nik and O/Anna.

Sonny vs. Julian continues to be laughable and how the writers find ANYTHING to stop them from killing each other.

It was an OK episode I guess. I REALLY could have done without Felix and Brad though.

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"You're right. I don't fall for men that lock me up in catacombs for days on end" BURN!

The Britt/Nik stuff was amazing. Love them. That love scene was hot. Ugh to them dragging the truth out again. How many times can they almost have her tell him?

LMAO at Sonny saying Ava was a tramp

Felix surprisingly wasn't as annoying today without Sabrina's name coming out of his mouth

I don't like them but that was good material between Spin and Maxie and nice montage. It highlighted how awful she looks now compared to the past




Wow, so now Duke is officially a Sonny lackey. He looks like his dog just died.

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Wednesday Dec. 11:

Carly is acting so OTT about a stupid dream... and all because she thinks Franco had a nightmare about losing her. :rolleyes: How self-centered can a horse be?

I love-love-LOVED the Scott/Lucy/Kevin scenes. Really fantastic stuff.

It was annoying how many times they did false tags in one episode "I know what happened last night," "I'm gonna tell you what happened last night," "I know about you and Lucy" or whatever. This is not DOOL, people!

Meh on Duke/Anna/Robert

Suckrina was all ready to nail herself on that cross when that bitch from hell, Felix, changed her mind. STFU, Felix, and Suckrina, lemme help you crucify yourself.

Patrick & Emma were adorable.

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FF all of Spixie! I'm just happy that rancid pairing is finally over. Too bad Maxie was not going with him and Ellie sticking around, but whatever. FrogFace is gone and soon KS will be gone - I'll have to settle for temporary.

It's bad enough that PCPD has their mitts on Dr. O AFTER her terrorist activities, but now Anna is entertaining her? Plot point trash! The FBI should have O. How freaking ridiculous! There was nothing to enjoy here at all.

Brik was nice, but Kelly needs to loosen up a bit. And if we are to believe that Britta is really attached to Ben, a few scenes of her with him might be nice. She dumped him on Leslie, then he returns and she dumps him in one of those rooms at the estate. For this kind of story, we should be seeing Britta practically smothering that child with affection.

What's next Julian and Sonny? Rock, Paper Scissors? I swear this has gone so far beyond ridiculous! Jason did more in the parking garage beating down Ric than Julian and Sonny combined have done since The Naked Mobster arrived. REEEEEEdiculous!

Felix and Brad Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

YRBB, you need to hurry and catch up. I don't wish to wait days for your reviews :(

OMG! Horrible!

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