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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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Alright but…When Sam thought she was raped, they acquired a sample of Franco's DNA which showed that he was Jason's twin so…How are they gonna explain that one? I mean I know they CAN, but why go to all this effort? Robin Matson deserves so much better than this [!@#$%^&*].

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Apparently, Frank and Ron want Le Shatner to join GH and deVry -- who doesn't own the school, by the way -- is putting on his best persuasion.

Frank and Ron have also put out feelers for GH alum Mark Hamill. Seems like Ron has a FANTASTIC idea for tying his old GH character, Kent Murray, to Luke Skywalker from the "Star Wars" movies. (And he can do it, too, now that Disney owns the rights.)

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Heather's stupid paintings were about sandwiches. Really?


Haha, this was well timed. Sean talking to TJ, whips out his phone and this plays on the screen with the poster of DA Scotty In the background


Me when Heather said Scott is Franco's father. I CANT with these writers and their revolving door of paternity/maternity. This is one cliché they have overused. If this nonsense is true, why did we waste the past 2 years with him as Jason's twin?

With that said, Im betting Julian isn't actually Sam's father. We all know they'll likely change this

Olivia is so damn annoying. I really need to see her get shot again, but this time in the head

Where the F is AJ? I heard the excuse that its "realistic" that he'd be in jail awaiting trial but AJ isn't the first or only character to be thrown in jail. Other shows manage to get material out of that. We cant see Michael visiting him? Liz has completely written him off? They cant show him strategizing with his lawyer, etc...

What explanation needed to be given. Franco THOUGHT he was Jason's twin, hence why he was obsessed with him. He wasn't privy to the truth

family members that lookalike isn't unheard of. Jason and Franco don't look alike so this isn't the issue. The ONLY family members that can have identical DNA are identical twins, not cousins. The genetics aren't even close enough to be somewhat of a match

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I really liked A.J. and Liz, and I liked even more the all-too-brief build of Liz/A.J./Carly. Why RC abandoned that - and Michael and A.J. at ELQ - I'll never understand, but all he cares about are his big ideas. A.J. and most of his stuff, it seems, were only ancillary to ideas that didn't pan out for Todd, or Jason, or whoever else. It's such a waste. You could run on these characters and their different dynamics for years.

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I don't think Ron cares about anyone on GH. He cares about his pet issues (making fun of mental illness, bad camp, why rape isn't a bad thing, dead-eyed twinks with their mouths hanging open and their only interesting performance being whether or not they can maintain ab definition), but he does care very much about proving to the world that his OLTL three are superstars. I think he assumed Franco would be a big hit, because of the rape element (which meant "buzz" to Ron and Frank, most likely), because of Carly, and because he could bicker with Tracy, insult Monica, and lord over AJ (who is fat and grotesque compared to hilarious and hot Franco).

None of this panned out, so Ron has now moved on to something else to try to make people care about Franco (maybe they had good response to his scenes with Heather).

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RH's original run as Franco was HORRIBLE and that is the reason it was dropped.

He is no longer a Q, he is not Kika's father, his past history was Ava is forgotten.

TPTB are starting fresh with the character and created a new insta-past for him. Heather could have been a mother figure without another rewrite.

Silas has morphed into John without any problems, the same can be said about Kika who is less annoying version of Star. RH is fun and interesting to watch doing what he does, the only problem is that someone has to write a real character for him. He is not Franco the artist, he is not Franco the killer, he is not Franco the Q, let's see if he can be Franco Baldwin. And then what is next? He is Frank Smith's son and he becomes a mobster?

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