Members KMan101 Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 Heh. I was never a daily watcher of ATWT, though I quite love the show. I'd have to say I liked the earlier version of Jack. He and Carly always got on my nerves on ATWT and I REALLY wanted to love. Like I did but for some reason they both just really got on my nerves, but I liked early Jack and Carly. I remember a little bit of Janet taking over ATWT but I wasn't following as much in 2009 and started watching again more often in 2010. I remember Emma suddenly being gone what seemed like well before the end but I guess I just ignored Janet (most likely) or never paid her much attention. Jean Passanante was so bad for ATWT for the most part. I think she some moderate success early on but I stopped watching in 2009 for a reason LOL. She was awful. For DAYS, I can't stand Dannifer. They're much better in a story with JJ now though but during the Chloe story I wanted them deader than any soap character. I'm also at the point where I sigh, cringe and roll my eyes anytime Maggie and her ruffles show up. Which sucks because her being killed off made me love the character after she was wasted for the entire 90s and most of the 80s, give or take a year here and there when she was tossed a storyline. On AMC, I couldn't stand Ryan or Greenlee. I thought apart, and written differently, they were better, but they were ... ugh. Zach too. I never minded Kendall but she ate the show up for a while and I just didn't like the writing for Kendall, Ryan, Greenlee or Zach. With better writing and less dominance, they could have been fine. Everyone has their fans but people acting like the show couldn't exist without them (not necessarily on here) proved how much they were shoved down viewers throats as all the newer viewers (say 2002-2012) had to go by was seeing them everyday. On OLTL, I went from liking Rex and Gigi, as their own characters, to hating them after being put together. So awful. Jessica and Antonio were god-awful. I hated them. So much. I never liked Antonio and was so happy when he finally left. Bree Williamson worked fine as Jessica but the character became a total joke. I'm glad we're not stuck with her on the new OLTL. For GL, I usually liked everyone but couldn't stand Jeffrey, Gus or Jonathan. That show was DETERMINED to make them happen. I probably wouldn't have minded Jonathan/Pelphrey but acting like he was the second coming to GL instantly turned me off. It wasn't even the kissing cousin loving storyline that resulted in Tammy's useless death while Jonathan sneers another day. And I hated he became Reva's only child (and then her pregnancy? LMAO) though I think if handled better I think I could have bought it all a lot better. Passions ... pretty sure we were supposed to hate Gwen but I always rooted for her against Theresa, even though Theresa was entertaining in a really annoying train-wreck sort of way. I hated how JER often refused to go out of his bubble with characters. I remember Natalie Zea/Ryan McPartlin working well together around 2001/2002 (the double wedding disaster) and wishing they'd pair Hank and Gwen. I probably have more but that's what came to mind to start with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 Johnny Bauer (GUIDING LIGHT). He always seemed to be sick with cancer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ann_SS Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 LOL! Jack went from being interesting to a judgmental prick. Yet she was made out to always be the one in the wrong. As far as I was concerned Jack was responsible for almost everything that went wrong in that relationship. He is the one who turned his back on Carly and married Julia. His lies about his feelings help send Julia over the edge. Anything that she did to him, he damn well deserved. Even after Jack lost his memory, he was the same way picking Julia over Carly. What a dumbass! I never understood how Carly put up with him for all those years. She belonged with Hunt Block's Craig, period. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members rhinohide Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 I don't know if I was "supposed" to like these characters, but they weren't set up as clear villains. Y&R: Sharon Newman and Lily are the reasons I finally stopped watching the show. Obviously one or two characters shouldnt alone really do that, but Sharon especially made me hate to tune in and the rest of the show wasn't offering much either. I just finally found it very easy not to watch. Surprisingly, I'm actually finding it not so unpleasant to watch Sharon these days and I'm really interested in many other characters. Still indifferent to Lily and generally just delete the days she's on without watching. Nick and Avery are snooze worthy. GL: Cassie Winthrop. I like Laura Wright and liked Cassie when she first came to Springfield, but after they made her a princess I began to hate her smug self righteousness. When Nicole Forrester took over the role, I lost all interest. NSA's Michelle Bauer. Gus whatever his name was. OLTL: Jessica Buchanan. Kelly Cramer. Nora Buchanan. Evangeline Williamson. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members LindaTNo1 Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 I am with you on Ryan, Greenlee, Zack and Kendall over the top writing. Too much dominance and airtime for their characters BUT they have such HUGE fanbases out there. Fans wanting Rylee and Zendall back on AMC badly. Way too much focus on these characters at the expense of other characters/actors who deserved equal airtime and focus. Just terrible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members reallyhateskateonlost Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 GH Courtney Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 Ah, forgot about GH. Sabrina and Courtney top top top top that list. By far. Hate them. I'm numb to Sabrina now but talk about two of the most propped characters I've ever seen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members frequentsoapfan Posted June 16, 2013 Members Share Posted June 16, 2013 Damn how did I forget about Ryan,Kendall, Zack, and Greenlee? I hated all of them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ellabelle Posted June 17, 2013 Members Share Posted June 17, 2013 I still hate Dixie. I'll add to my AMC haterade list of characters: Cara Castillo, Maria Santos, Anita Santos, Matteo, Del, Di, Becca Tyree, Ryan once he hooked up with Greenlee, the last two Colbys before AMC left ABC, Laurel Banning, Trevor, Angelique Marick. On Days, I never liked Jennifer and never understood why everyone thought she was so fabulous. On Passions, I really disliked Theresa from the start and thought she was obnoxious as hell. I rooted for Gwen the whole time. Individually, they had some redeeming qualities, but together it was just horrible. They ate the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members full hearts Posted June 17, 2013 Members Share Posted June 17, 2013 Can it be primetime because I HATED Kelly Taylor. I thought my Kelly hate had subsided but I had to change the damn channel everytime they showed that Dylan/Kelly/Brandon Old Navy commercial. Phyllis Summers circa 2005 and onward. Oh, how I loathed that red-headed shebeast running around GC like her sh*t wasn't stank. Courtney Matthews...ugh. Kung Fu Barbie. Robin Scorpio during the late 90s. I was so Team Carly during those days. Couldn't stand the pixie. Love her now though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members All My Shadows Posted June 17, 2013 Members Share Posted June 17, 2013 Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Boring, self-righteous, hypocritical, immature, etc. Hated her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ajsp35801 Posted June 18, 2013 Members Share Posted June 18, 2013 Y&R Sharon Collins. I hated her from her first doe eyed look. Hated her on sight. People were going gaga over her and I just never got it. I will say that the writing of her these last few years have made me feel sorry for her and sympathize with her because I thought it was done to prop Phyllis and make Phick more palatable. Which brings me to another I despise. Phyllis. No explanation required...but just imagine how annoyed I was with the show when it centered around that stupid triangle with both my hated characters. Lily Winters. I want to love her because she is the offspring of my favorite soap character, Dru. But I just can not get into this girl. She is a younger version of Sharon. But at least Sharon wasnt a drip...and Sharon was entertaining. Lily isn't. GH Carly Benson. She is THE reason I stopped watching the show. Along with them continuing on with Jason's brain issue. And them making Stephan Cassadine and Alexis siblings. Wasted chemistry there. Back to topic. Was I suppose to sympathize with her? I never did. And the story pushed me away. OLTL Natalie Balsom. She is a younger version of Phyllis. I am convinced that they used her as a model for the character. Self explanatory. ATWT Katie Peretti. All that perkiness was insupportable. B&B Taylor. A more self righteous person never was written. I can tolerate her more now than I could years ago. Brooke. Must every man fall for her. I don't even know why I watched this show. Ridge. I never saw why he was so coveted. Steffy, Hope, Liam...this triad is pathetic. However I do appreciate the writer's attempt to make them all sympathetic and not demonize one while deifying the other....I also haven't watched in a while so I don't know what is happening. I think part of my problem is that I don't like any character that becomes the writers favorite...whether they are the heroine or anti heroine, the writing always tell the tale. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Nate4 Posted June 18, 2013 Author Members Share Posted June 18, 2013 GH Rafe, Molly, Kiki, Silas, Franco, Sabrina, Spinelli, and Ellie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Pine Charles Posted June 19, 2013 Members Share Posted June 19, 2013 Ryan Lavery is the first that comes to mind (mostly when they paired him w/ Greenlee; I liked him with Gillian and Kendall). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Pine Charles Posted June 19, 2013 Members Share Posted June 19, 2013 Rylee had a "HUGE" fanbase? For realz? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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