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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I didnt decide to hate them, i learned things from several people that really turned me off. I wont get into details, its not my story to tell and even if i did it wouldnt convence you that i am right in my opinion, because yours is different.

And i truly wish the shows well. I gave them both a fair shot, and have kept in with amc waiting to really be captivated, it hasnt happened yet. OLTL has never been my soap, and i really didnt care for the new version so i tuned out, but that doesnt mean i dont want its fans to get to enjoy it.

in my case, even if i were to watch all 4 episodes a week, id be much more likely to watch them in a batch as i do with most shows. Even primetime shows, i let 3 episodes or so build up then bust through it. I have the time to watch it daily, i dont have the desire.

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Someone made a good point the episodes int he can now aren't crafted for the 2 day a week format but for the 4 day a week format. I bet we get ALOT of editing of scenes and things that will leave us scratching our heads wondering if we missed something

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That's nice, and I've heard plenty of things myself, but in the end none of the BTS gossip we are sometimes privvy to has anything even remotely to do with the actual shows they put on air that we can watch - and the programs should be judged just for that content, not for all the incestuous inside baseball that 99% of their actual audience does not give a [!@#$%^&*] about. The same goes for GH or any other network soap. That's something the amateur soap media often forgets, but in its defense most of the entertainment press does that, really. Film press people can be especially boring - you can barely get them to stop bitching about what a publicist did to them when they tried to get in somewhere two years ago long enough to shut the [!@#$%^&*] up and watch and appreciate a movie.

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And thats exactly why I watched both shows and have simi-stuck with AMC. I can separate the company from the product.

And im not talking about third hand stories from the press or media. Id never judge anything off that [!@#$%^&*].

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“One Family, One Goal…Stay Together.” Today Prospect Park made an announcement regarding AMC and OLTL that has resulted in mixed feelings from the fans. We need to remember that Prospect Park is a new member of the soap family and they are moving through uncharted territory to bring cancelled shows back and put them online. Right now this member of our soap family needs patience and support as they work to figure out how to keep these shows in production, embraced by old and new fans, and profitable. So let’s take a positive moment and identify some things regarding Prospect Park’s efforts to bring back AMC and OLTL that you do like. We’ll start the ball rolling by saying we are thrilled that the return of these shows has given jobs to 200 people. Your turn- please share in the comments some things that you are happy with regarding the return of AMC and OLTL.

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I'm wondering if perhaps Hulu agreed to showcase both shows in the hopes of increasing subscriptions for Hulu +? Even though viewership appears to be decent, perhaps Hulu/PP are unsatisfied with the amount of increases for Hulu +?

I know that when Passions was picked up by DirectTv, it was hoped that subscriptions for Direct Tv would increase by a certain amount. Even though ratings for Passions on Direct Tv were very good (with a lot of interactive shows, etc), they opted to not renew the show for another year.. and in fact, ordered less episodes (so it went from 4x to 3x a week).

Just a theory.

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That is what I predicted.

In Depth: Once you've gotten a chance to see how this new schedule does, might you consider going back to a four-episode week down the line?

Kwatinetz: Of course! We always said that we're going to adjust to the audience. This give us more time to work with you guys about marketing the show and making the show its own event. The last thing we wanted to do is slow down the pacing because everyone loves the shows themselves. I have not been involved with TV that has gotten such great reviews. We don't want to screw around with the content. We just wanted to make sure that people can keep up.

You can watch it for free.......

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I don't see the point in "hating" a faceless company myself, but your posts previously gave me the impression you could not and would not separate the two even before they aired. Still, if you have, I'm glad.

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