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Only halfway thru eppy 2 and I'm loving it.  So great seeing Syleena from RBD!  She can replace Fraud any day.  The wounded thing Fraud does really makes me cringe, and her new friends will soon find out what a trifling backstabbing social climbing witch she truly is.  M2M does not need her and its time to find a replacement.  Plenty going on to not have to deal with her fake feelings!  

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Toya showed her ass big-time at that party. Putting Contessa on speaker and trying to humiliate her in front of her guests.  Speaking of Contessa -- how fast did she grab her daughter and save her from choking?? That was an unreal moment, she was so on the ball and afterwards acted like all in a day's work!


Eva Marcille was sort of... engaging to watch on M2M....? Can't believe I am saying that. Apparently Dr. Jackie will be appearing on RHOA as her ob-gyn.


Heavenly is so unsettled by Mariah, lol. I really do like Dr. Damon, though. He looks very cuddly.


The Fraudster continued frauding her way through the WWHL episode that followed. Dr. Jackie was there to hold her hand while Quad leaned into the role of heroic victim. What was especially interesting to me was how engaged and present Andy Cohen was! He really, really enjoys M2M, probably because the marriage drama is pretty authentic.

Edited by Cat
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I'm a Toya fan, but that really pissed me off.  Heavenly had no business calling and Contessa's husband should not have allowed her to.  This was awful on so many levels.  Toya needs her ass stomped for that move.  It was not pretty, especially when your husband is visibly disgusted!  


Toya takes good care of her hubby and she appears to be a freak so he's staying put, but sometimes, I feel he's too good for her.  Then I remember, this is how plenty of marriages are.  The man is laid back while the woman controls the relationship.  Eugene needs to stand up to his wife!  

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Yeah, Toya has grown on me a lot since her first season! I always appreciated her sense of humor and quickness in figuring people out. But this was a tantrum from a spoiled child. Moreover, it embarrassed and emasculated her husband in front of his work colleagues and the viewing public.


LOL you are right, I know a lot of couples like this, and I never know what to make of it, except maybe the guy was treated like this by Mother growing up, and therefore this is the standard by which his chosen female is measured!

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Seriously!  Her hysterics are ridiculous!  And I love how Simone could not be bothered and ate the food she came there for.  


I did agree with Contessa in that Heavenly invited Quad to her home and should make sure her guests, even Fraud, are ok.  Take control of your house!  


Hoping Toya gets her ass whipped this season.  Love her but when she's being nasty and ugly, I have no use for her.  


I don't wish to see Contessa's father's story play out onscreen.  I don't watch this show to feel sad.  She needs to find another story or quit!  


Mariah!  Just happy she's back  


Jackie and Simone will have a job on this show for as long as they want it.  Toya's security is pretty solid as well.  The rest have to work OT to keep their jobs.  


Fraud needs to go!!!! The end!  


Edited by ChitHappens
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Well I see a Toya/Contessa feud definitely starting up. I like Toya, but they might be evenly matched. 


Mariah continues to be love. And it's very interesting that all that stuff went done and yet Mariah was the only one to get Quad to calm down. Their relationship is complex.


I admit it...and I had to think about it for a while...but I do feel conflicted. She brought it on herself because she knew Dr. G wanted kids and she was not ready and/or would never be. Eventually, that would lead to drama and look at her now. So...I think she is genuinely hurt by Dr. G stepping out though she should not be surprised. But then I have to think like Simone...yes, you get time to mourn your divorce, but then people see you on your show and hanging with new friends and what are your old friends to think? Especially when you have a history of stepping over people to get a come up?




I agree with Heavenly. If Jackie was there...



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