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For sure. TV money is pretty good compared with our normal civilian jobs, lol. That's why so many HWs are so upset when they get fired! That's a nice paycheck to get, especially if you have a mortgage on some McMansion monstrosity. Or owe $$$ to the IRS. Naming no names, of course. 

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Yeah, the fact that Dr. Jackie helped so many women have a baby and has been unable to conceive is heartbreaking. You can tell she loves babies.

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I agree.  If Q doesn't want any kids, that is her right, but don't get with a man who wants a family and string him along.  I hope Greg leaves her sorry ass!  He is not getting younger and wants a kid to grow with him. 


Toya is a dumb ass.  She brings M around and gets upset because of the group's NON REACTION?  GMAFB!  


Heavenly is trash and needs to be off my screen.  


Mariah looks so damn stunning!  


I hope Simone's marriage makes it, but I don't see how.


Jackie remains the epitome of class, and I hate that she didn't even get the chance to adopt because Curtis didn't want to.  I thought it was funny how she accepted Mariah's forgiveness but gave no apology.  That was delicious!  

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Wow, Quad is really feeling herself this season. This bitch is on some serious f-ck sh-t. She really showed her ass in the latest episode, buying a car without consulting Greg, blocking his number and hanging up on him. I dont get how I see people on her side on other boards just bc she plays up the victim role this season. Im 100% on Dr. Greg's side. She's been full of sh-t since day 1

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Plus, what she's doing to Dr. G is the same sh-t she's doing to Mariah. Quad is a user. Once she gets where she needs to be and is done using you, she'll cast you aside. I hope this results in her ass leaving the show for good. I'm long been over that dusty potato. 


SN: Mariah did another FB live with her sister, Lake, and her mother, Lucy. Boy did they go in!

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Well they can't deny that Mariah isn't an asset now b/c ratings bounced back up once she popped back up. Mariah does provide balance to this show. As she said in the video, who wants to watch people in depressing marriages during the holidays? I sure as hell don't. I want drama and messiness and Mariah provides it. Some could say Heavenly does too, but my issue with that beast is that she goes overboard; she gets too personal and has no boundaries. If someone was to say something about "Daddy" or Alaura, she'd be ready to fight. 


But she [Bullfrog] better leave the Huq family alone b/c that ain't what she wanna play with. Mariah, Lake, Ms. Lucy, and even Ayden seem like the type that they'll f-ck her up if push comes to shove. 


And I don't even care for Quad. We all know that she's a fraud and everything Mariah said about her is true. Mariah just needs to leave Quad alone b/c Quad will self destruct in due time. People like her always do. She'll crash & burn; especially, when Dr. G finally leaves her ass and she doesn't have a safety blanket anymore. 

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Greg is saying the same thing that Mariah has been spouting for years. Quad is all about image and herself. She doesn't give a damn about anyone else. Now she feels she does not need Greg, she wants to discard him, but not before presenting the image that she is the victim and Greg is the bad guy. It's the same card she played with Mariah. Same book, same strategy, different person. 


Again, Quad's downfall is gonna be glorious. 

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Heavenly is a nasty, vile, pice of work. I really wish Mariah would give a good old beatdown with her purse like she did Toya in s1. 

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 And Heavenly ain't gonna stop until someone beats her down for uttering "yo momma." She ought to know better than anyone that we don't play that mess in the Black community. That's an automatic a** whooping.


I'm over these chicks using Mariah as their kicking post. It's old. If anything, they should all be thanking her as she's once again saved this season from being in the dumps. Don't nobody wanna watch all their depressing asses fret over their failing marriages. I don't. 


Jackie is gonna get back with Curtis too. You heard it here first. Her face says it all. She wants to punish him. Funny b/c she was the one that said weak people seek revenge, which is what I believe she's doing. I've never bought Jackie's false prophet acting behind. 


Simone continues to be mess with her bucked mouth a**. But when you're miserable like she is, it's normal. Speaking of miserable, Quad continuing to moan about her marriage is draining too. Like Mariah, Quad is now tossing Greg to the wolves b/c she feels she can't use him anymore. Same tactic, different person. She's trying to paint him as the bad guy while playing the victim. Ugh. I can't with her.

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B continues to go hard for hers EVEN WHEN THEY ARE WRONG!  Now, Heav saying "yo mama" is childish and stupid, but Mariah taking issue with it and issuing an award because of it was equally, if not more, stupid. BITD, folks fought over this stupidity!  It was high time someone mentioned that Lucy is no saint.  Hell, we used to call her Lucyfer.  Her stroke was unfortunate and I'm happy she's on the mend, but Lucy was a dirty birdy and jumped in on Toya during that fight with Mariah.  I loathe Heav, but I'm super happy she brought it up because no one else would.  

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