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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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That dress is to clearly mock the relationship, which is a joke and written as such, but the vets are on, so I guess it's ok. I'm rooting for AnaL now! For real! I can't take this any longer! Luke, forget about L & S and go back to Anna! !@#$%^&*] it!

Yesterday was a "I hate John McBain" day if ever there was one! Pity Party for one...right this way, sir jeal0002.gif What has John done onscreen to warrant any kind of sympathy from the audience? I just can't stand this guy with that Prell ass hair, like anybody uses that chit anymore! Ugh! Hate him!

Scam, the perpetual monotone drone! Someone needed to yell "cut" and tell Kelly to REMOVE JASON'S RING FROM Sam's FINGER as she wails about missing John McBain. There was never anything written to justify Scam going on and on like that. REEEEEEEdiculous! Sometimes, I just want to glue Kelly's tongue to my car battery to give her some kind of charge. I don't get it. Does she need GV back? She's such a corpse!

Todd - UGH!

Bye Pluto !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lulu passed out! Yay! We've approached the end of Julie's run as the soul draining harpee! YAY!!!!! I wanted Dante away from Lulu, but we'll see what Emme can do with Dom. Anything is better than Julie!

Poor Fin, she's gonna miss Michael. I felt for her but not Anna because that was clearly all Fin. Things aint looking so good for McPain returning. Another Yay!!! Anna, get out of the roach motel and go find Luke!

Yes Lucy's character is to NEVER be taken seriously, but her time should be used on the NB and not this crap with Scottie! We've seen very little planning, but of course, it will be a glorious event that everyone worked so hard to put together when, onscreen, the committe has spent .087% of their time planning! REEEEEEEdiculous!

Another Clownless eppy! Thumbs up!

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I still want to beat Frisco to death. I don't understand why they expect us to want them back together after so few scenes and so little effort on Frisco's part towards anything close to an apology. I grew up watching Mac raise Felicia's girls and be their father. I have zero interest in Frisco taking that back. Zero. Yet I can tell Ron is already positioning Mac to have a consolation prize - Agnes Chu, who hit on him pretty heavily. Those scenes were not coincidence. She will be back for Mac. They were cute, but Mac and Felicia are it.

Mac: "While listening to a string quartet playing 'Lady of my Heart!'" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Frisco's barely been on, too. Or had real scenes with either Felicia or Maxie really plumbing into this stuff. Yet Maxie is like 'oh hey Dad.'

Felicia is right - no one is the priority for Frisco but Frisco. So why should I want them back together?

I do like the Anna/Felicia coffee klatch too.

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