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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I think he might say, "lol Angie was shot to death and Jesse's off in Europe looking for her killer lol" and then bring Cassandra in. She was raped, so he must be salivating. Then if he has Darnell come in for a day, he'll get a gold star for loving those AMC vets and honoring Agnes.

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If you aren't hearing anything about the ending of AMC as we know it, it's really out of shock. I am also trying to allow PP to have the moment to contact all the actors and explain what is and has been going on with AMC, and then gather themselves to try and explain it all to you, the fans.

I can confirm what Debbie Morgan has shared already, that we were given assurances that we would be continuing with the series and then were very recently contacted and told that, with great regret, AMC won't be going back online this year, or in this particular incarnation. Certainly hope springs eternal that we will yet again, spring from the dead.

I do feel confident in sharing my opinion that PP and all "the powers that be" involved in making AMC and OLTL truly loved the shows and did their utmost to make continuing them possible. The premiere in NYC was one of the most exciting moments I have had the privilege to be a part of in my career. I am not privy to the behind the scenes decisions, however. Like you, I can only experience those choices second hand and guess at the reasons why this is happening now.

Instead of going into the "What Went Wrong" question, I think I'd rather focus on the gratitude I feel for having been asked to continue with the show. If I am still wanted as an actor on daytime, it is all because of YOU, the FANS.

I am so very grateful for your support. To have had the opportunity to be a part of an innovative experience that strived to keep American soaps alive via a new medium, to be a part of the continuing fabric of your lives through daytime storytelling, and to be able to work with dear friends who I've known all my life was a very special experience for which I have you to thank.

So THANK YOU for all the cheering, love, and support, daytime family. You've been AWESOME.


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As I have made perfectily clear I only watched soaps for 5 years. The only one I ever watched reliogusly was AMC and I got hooked with the tornadoes. I initially watched the episode were it was revealed when Janet had Trevor in the freezor but I didn't know how to program a VCR and my parents didn't want me to get hooked because they were die-hard for many years and by then they moved on. They knew I would become a mega-fan because it was in my blood. Then I watched Jesse/Angies reuinon. I decided I wanted to become full-time. From that point to the Tornadoes I "Educated" myself on the show by watching YT clips (and telling everyone how cool it is to know that AMC was black and white. God I was stupid), reading the 25th anniversary book and reading the AMC trivia book. I was hoping that the reason why AMC was so bad and dark was because of the Tornadoes. I though after the aftermath it would be back to "Normal".

I never gave up hope though.

I was exited when LB returned because the show felt like the AMC I educated myself on. Then David/Donna took over which led to the cancelation. I never gave up hope then.

Basically, these 40 episodes are the only current episodes that feel like the Real AMC out of the 5 years I was watching. I just don't want it to end because they spoiled me. I hoped that the show wouldn't end again because it felt like I was watching my parents AMC plus the only time me and my father gets along 100% is when we watch the show together.

I am still not giving up.

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On a selfish note, I don't want her working for GH's current regime. I want her to be employed and okay, I would be fine with her playing Ellen, a role she seemed to enjoy until she decided to quit. But I just don't trust what kind of character f^ckery they might try to pull with Angie if they regain the rights to do so. Geesh, this irrational anger begins to bubble up when I think about someone on GH invoking the name of Erica Kane. I shouldn't even speak that into existence.

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I agree with this. IMO the smartest thing to do would have been to run with that, which was supposedly floated by some affiliates at some point, but ABC won't do that - at least it appears they won't - and that to me signifies that for all the happy talk by the new regime, ABCD's "commitment" to GH and soaps in general in 2013 only goes so far as to the point that they can develop truly viable lower-cost programming. The soap bloggers can be as charmed by Vickie Dummer as they want to be, and I'm sure she's a very nice woman who may have genuine affection for GH and the ABC soaps of the past, unlike Brian Frons. But she's also a businesswoman and it's clear to me that ABC's bottom line for the future does not include soaps. Otherwise they had steps they could've taken here.

I don't take this as a failure for soaps, though. I consider it a management issue. As marceline said, this isn't a typical case of a network making an executive decision based on ratings or a show's budget. AMC and OLTL and their casts and crews got onto the track and were running. They were let down by poor upper management and a lack of funding. That's all. And that to me is not failure for anyone but the upper management. Soaps are as viable for the future as they ever were and as I've always said they were, IMO. It's simply a question of having the tools in place.

And all that said, do I really think OLTL or AMC are done for good this time? No. I thought they were in 2012, at least for five or ten years, then a few weeks later OLTL hit GH. Then they went on Hulu. I think we'll see them - some pieces of these shows, anyway - again, in some way, in some format. Sooner than later, IMO. They'll be back. I wish ABCD would pony up the dough to continue the new shows in their current configurations, but I can't have everything.

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