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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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The only person to blame for this is Prospect Park. Season One for both of these shows could've been more successful if they had an actual promotional team in place. Nothing they did ever made sense. None of the press releases and double talk helped matters. I also think they should've focused more on syndication deals. When they got a huge spot like OWN, they should've worked with OWN to come up with a schedule that made sense from the start. They should've lined the cast up on major talk shows (it was summer time, this is easy!), buy promo spots all over OWN, but especially during The Have's and the Have Not's. They should've been selling these shows in Canada (find a way to make FX Canada work), UK, Australia, etc.

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The big thing pp did wrong was not really adapting these for online viewing they went with the old soap format that didn't work online plus getting down to 2 episodes a week the writing was on the wall and I didn't see all the abc fans watching in droves. 2011 was a horrible year as our shows were cancelled it was painful but many moved on. All shows come to an end at some point. These were experiments they just failed.

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Hulu was in charge of all the promotion. That is fact.

Prospect Park has All My Children & One Life to Live for 10 years. I know its hard that it looks like they wont be back soon. HOWEVER I doubt Jeff K & Rich Frank are just gonna give up. From what I hear they are working on this & I for one am confident both shows will be back sooner than later. Keep the faith fans

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Hulu has done a great job of promoting them within Hulu. Prospect Park is responsible for everything else, including any syndication deals of promotion on OWN. That is what was a failure. Hulu did it's job in spite of not receiving what they were promised and constantly having the schedule jerked around.

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why are people so hung up on the # of episodes a week. Hell id take 13 eps a year if they are written and produced well. IMO both shows were getting their groove and UNTIL PP says we give u, I will believe season 2 will occur for both shows

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That is nonsense. They were lucky to be on OWN or FX Canada. This is a new product, they should've been doing whatever it took to get the word out. They can't depend on those networks to promote the shows. OWN, for example, got them for cheap and they did their job. However, had PP bought regular promotion (or good promotion in the right spots) then they could've doubled the ratings for each show. That means more money in their pocket and the better chance OWN would want more episodes.

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FX Canada was CRAZY with the ads. They were on every major Canadian network, I would catch them popping up online, and I even saw a billboard. That's why I found it a little crazy that after spending all that money, and apparently getting ok numbers, after three weeks they threw in the towel when PP changed the episode numbers.

Of course some people found the tone of the ads (oh no organ music) insulting, but...

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The problem is that PP and company only promoted that they were coming back, but didn't continue promoting it after it finally debuted. For soaps, you have to run constant ads especially if a plot is coming to a climax. For example, they should have advertised the chandler party, Cassandra being rescued, Dimitri coming back, etc... but there was virtually no advertisement after the debut.

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