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B&B: November Discussion Thread

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It looks like they're still putting up Susan's favorite moments. Apparently they're up to #7. This talks about one of B&B's best stories - when Stephanie was homeless and had lost her memory from a stroke. The woman who played her friend on the streets, Ruth (I think), was a wonderful actress. Sadly she passed away a few years ago.

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I think most of Felicia and Kristen is a B&B Brad Bell wasn't directly involved in, so he doesn't care. Bringing Katie and Donna back was easy because they were blank slates. Felicia and Kristen weren't.

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Susan Flannery tearfully looking into the camera at the end of todays ep sad.png OMG! So sad. Fantastic episode today.

Steffy looks the best at the party. Caroline once again looks hideous w/her mustard dress.

Was Felicia giving a cold death stare off in the distance toward Donna when she was talking to Stephanie? LOL! Wasn't sure.

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I wonder how they are going to explain him not coming, if they keep saying he's on his way?

I'm afraid to say that at this point I don't care if Ridge returns or not, but he DOES return, if will be funny to see everyone give him hell for not being there for his mother.

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The best thing to do for the Ridge character is that his jet goes down and they never find the body. Classic soap, leaving it open for a Ridge return one day. But I have a horrible feeling that Brad Bell has let his anger at RM get in the way of the show and he will have Ridge call and say he can't deal and won't be there, which would be THE worst cop-out ever.

See, this is the way I sometimes watch B&B. Even when it does solid stuff like Stephanie's goodbye, I am bracing myself for Brad to tip his hand and ruin it somehow. Like, watching Lesli Kay and Winsor Harmon and wondering why these two (especially LK) do not have a contract. Melchior as Kristen I can take or leave (I'd rather Maura West or Brenda Epperson were playing the character), but Lesli came on Friday and was like a breath of fresh air. Of all the Forrester children, she IS her mother's daughter. She should be butting heads with Brooke and her siblings over FC, not regulated to a Christmas/death appearance once a year.

Today's episode is going to be a tearfest, I can feel it.

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You just know that after Stephanie is gone, the show will go back to Liam/Steffy/Hope with Brooke/Bill in between.

It's sad, I'd actually watch if they'd have Thorne and Felicia going up against Brooke.

Plus, if they do ONE more montage of either Liam/Steffy or Liam/Hope. :eyeroll:

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TELL me about it. Did you miss their parachuting escapdes in Aspen this past week? Don't worry if you did -- Brad will be repeating that montage forever and ever and ever (along with Steffy catwalking towards Liam in a minidress, snowboots and a wedding bouquet) whenever they need to prop up this insta-couple.

(And yes, it totally is an unconvincing, fake-ass insta-couple -- Steffy coerced that weak-ass, spineless fruit-fly into marriage when he was on the rebound. When he found out it was all a set-up, he dumped her ass and ran straight back to Hope. What a winner).

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