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Big Brother 14: Discussion Thread


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I HATE when there are endurance competitions and the show spends s much time focusing on it! The next episode always devotes like the first 20-30 minutes to it and its ridiculous especially when it could be consolidated to 5 and focus on the drama that comes from the aftermath of the win.

Thank god that Frank was barely on the show last night. I couldnt take much more of him

Yay to Ian being the mastermind behind getting Boogie and Frank nominated! Loved how he betrayed them and they dont suspect a thing

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They could have added so much drama, especially since the entire alliance wanted Frank/Boogie up for their own personal reasons. They also could have shown how naive and cocky Frank and Boogie are, but they usually get kind edits.

The show seems so afraid of strategy so it's always just bad filler, like that "date."

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They should've showed this.

Ah okay, thanks. I never heard of that product.

Agreed. All you need is 10 minutes tops. Like how many times can they show someone falling. Come on, Grodner!

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Another fantastic episode because it was all game play. I love that Mike still doesn't know about Ian and I can't wait until he finds out Thursday night when he's talking to Julie. Sure Mike can be a dickhead, but I like how he talks strategy and tries to convince others to do things that favour him. I'm going to miss that part about him once he's gone. No surprise Frank wins veto - that guy is a beast and, right now, deserves to win this game. Why didn't Ashley "stay" when she went head-to-head against Frank? By folding, she automatically gave the win to Frank. That girl is too dumb for this game. From now on, let's get real competitiors instead of these dumbasses who serve nothing to this game. We rarely see her, Jenn, or Joe strategize. Why did Shane put up Jenn? I would've put up dumb-Ashley, who is the least threatning houseguest.

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