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Of all the people mentioned I actually would go for JY last. Not that he is not good-looking obviously. But JJ, TC, CB can come to my house anytime first.
So I wasn't making a case about their attractiveness in general - such a subjective thing anyway - but we are talking stereotypes of what's "good-looking" per soap standards and while I strongly disagree with Vee's dismissal of it as "usual", I certainly agree with them that JY was a case of abs-based hire.
I simply think it is particularly surprising they went there in this very specific case and I hear nothing that makes it convincing to argue it is not.
Funny thing though is that in the end we all agree it was a miscast which was the point so no need to belabor whether it was as "to be expected" as ya'll seem to think.
I do think YOUR point which is that it is possible to be insanely attractive without looking like an underwear model is 100% correct and I'd argue anyone who watches soaps knows it is perfectly possible to find attractive-in-various-ways people who can act. And soaps do more often than it commonly believed aka my point.
We will never fully know what was in their heads when they misfired so badly with JY.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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JJ made Lucky as a cop totally work when it never had before, AFAIC. He and Dante should've run the show for years to come like Luke and Scorpio.

No one needs to convince you - it's simply how the network worked in the early 21st century. I had a huge crush on Jonathan Jackson as a kid, so it's not a question of me not finding him attractive. I thought he was very hot. That doesn't change the fact that had the network or the execs there had their choice, they would never have cast him as their teen heartthrob. The higher-ups are often very shallow and focused on more conventional types of 'beauty'. JJ and Amber do not fit that shallow mold. These are facts. That doesn't make them any less beautiful people, but they are not the cliche soap 'type'.

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So many tears on JJ's return.  So much time spent on Siobhan and Liz/Lucky went nowhere.  Liz/Lucky may have been too damaged to repair at that point, but the show spent so little time on it.  RH/JJ still sparkled together, but throwing Lucky into the Balkan mess was a miss.  JJ wasn't great as a cop, but an undercover WSB spy did sort of work for me.  As a child he was very savvy with computers, had a sense of fearlessness and adventure, and it does seem like something he might be into as an adult.  Idk, he tried his best and got a few emmys for it.  I wouldn't put the return in the miss category like Brenda's, but in the so-so pile.

I guess it was just an attempt to sex Lucky and Lucky/Liz up a bit.  Before this everything was pretty chaste and virginal with those two.  And GH probably felt it was time to move them forward.  IIRC, which I might not, there was a big push with that young adult scene around that time.  I remember all those black/yellow ads they had and remember Liz/Lucky strongly featured.  JY was just a strange choice.  They easily could have found an actor with the qualities they wanted that had stronger chemistry with RH because she has chemistry with almost everyone.

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Talented actor that he is, I was never a big fan of JJ's Lucky, even at the best of times, so admittedly I am biased, but the scenes of him telling Liz that the high point of his feelings for her was when he found her bleeding from a rape just reinforced everything that ever put me off about that pairing, even back in the day. 

Edited by DRW50
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I don't blame him or even Lucky for that; that was Guza. JJ explicitly said he left again after only a couple years because of the excessively grim and dark writing that failed to reunite that couple in a healthy way, which is what he felt had been promised him.

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Which doesn't seem like a big ask?  There were many ways to reunite them in an organic way and JJ coming back made it easier to accept some things that happened with the JY and GV recasts.  Although Lucky saying Liz/Nik were "rutting like farm animals" was amazing.  I died.  That was a legendary line lol.

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It was Guza, yes, and it was a disgusting scene, but in some ways it was what Guza had built up all along. Michele Val Jean wrote some beautiful material for Liz on her own terms, but any time Lucky got involved, it became all about him, similar to how Laura's rape revisit was so much about him and about Luke. The natural endpoint of that era of the pairing, and Guza's vision, was for Lucky to remind us, one last time, he could only truly love Liz in the forever moment of him finding her bleeding in the snow.

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Due to that scene, several viewers think Lucky never should return again and that he is essentially worse than Peter August. I, on the other hand, disagree with that. They're characters who have done and said far worse things than what he said, and they get reprieve after reprieve. My dream casting for Lucky will be Jeff Branson. I think some people forget Lucky Spencer has ties on the screen other than Liz; 

He has a son he hardly sees and stepsons he hadn't seen since Obama was in the White House. 


If the show was motivated in bringing back Lucky, Tommy Hardy, and Serena Baldwin. I swear I would shut up on Twitter wishing for it everyday. 

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I know there are a thousand and one Liz apologists on this board but just no to Jonathan Jackson's Lucky not being able to return to the show because he called Liz out on her whoring around GH like a common tramp. What Guza did to GV's Lucky was disgusting, and the way he used Liz to apply endless abuse, after endless abuse was something out of a farce.

It was vindicating to watch JJ's Lucky call her out on all of her despicable actions after Liz cheated on Lucky with Jason, Nikolas and then pretended Jake was his. Enough with the crocodile tears for Lies Webber. 

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But, see, this is why this is so bizarre.
They wanted to sex up Lucky/Liz up a bit? Why not?
They thought they needed a hunkier guy to do that? Sure. Why not?
They don't care how good an actor he is? Now it starts to become puzzling, but fine let's take Vee's argument that it is par for the course at face velue.
But they didn't even hire someone who had any chemistry with Liz? This makes no sense.
So I will go to my grave thinking there was something uniquely weird about this casting.
And I say that without even touching on the later rumors.

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LOL, this is not "my argument". It's what literally happened! It has happened countless times throughout the history of soap operas, let alone network television. TV executives routinely make tacky decisions. Why is this so impossible to believe? This is not a forensics debate society.

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