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I just rewatched the final part of Endgame thanks to a YouTube recommendation.  Haven’t seen it since it aired.  That was awful in almost every way.  I had kind of blacked out just how bad it was.  I would love to know what Tony Geary’s actual story idea was that they bought and turned into this.  I know he wanted to end the Cassadines, so it was probably more ambitious than the mess we got.


Even the background music was over the top and ridiculous.


So much promise was held by these characters initially.

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I know the show pushed Nik/Emily way too much, but I think they were sort of popular.  I know they don't hold up well and aren't not liked on here, I would absolutely consider that his main pairing.   I think TC's personal issues and tendency to phone every scene in is what did him in.  I do think TC had a lot of unnecessary pairings-lydia, Sarah, Katherine, Courtney, Mary, Nadine, Britt, Brooklyn, Rebecca, Hayden and Liz lol.  Too bad he never interacted with MR as Gia.  That may have clicked.

Remember when Brenda and Nik started having random scenes together in 1998?  Like the hospital bed monologue Brenda gave Nik and then they had a few other deep conversations which were just clearly pandering to VM/TC so they could have scenes?  They were so random I kept thinking why is Brenda having conversations with this teenager about life?  I think VM said she pushed for the pairing at one point.  Thank God, the writers and Wendy Riche prevailed.  Lol!  I can't think of a single scene between Brenda/Nik since they broke up IRL.  

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I didn't like them but I third this opinion. I think that on a broad sense they worked. It is just that we were so over NL's Emily and the writing was so horrendous.
But I still bought them then and buy them now as a "endgame" type couple rather than a throwaway pairing (that ship has sailed but you know what I mean) so technically so far it was the most successful of his couples

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So now I might sound like a Nik/Emily shipper and I am NOT.  I don't think they were turning the audience off in a way that Sonny/Emily did or were flash in the pan like many of Nik's romances.  I do think they had a decent fanbase.   I am not sure if I can articulate this right, but they were one of the last couples on GH to get that fairytale writing and sweeping romance type stories.  With Nik being a prince and her his princess.  On the flip side their stories were crappy and they had her raped then killed her off but I think the intention of an old school romance was there.  They didn't have fire chemistry or were my cup of tea, but at their best they were pretty look at and sweet.  Outside of Gia, they certainly had better build up than any other Nik pairing.   Idk, I could be wrong, but I wouldn't say the pairing was a flop just a good portion of their stories.

Amber Tamblyn got on my nerves too.  But I think I preferred her.  She could be obnoxious though.  I just never like the precocious child butting into business that wasn't for her and I feel like Amber played that for awhile.  She got better as a teen.

Edited by carolineg
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 When she was pre-teen her exasperation at Edward or the Q's would annoy me.   I mean these people did take you in when you had nowhere to go and our giving you a pretty good life.  So shut it Emily!   Fawn over Jason somewhere else!  I did like her with Nik, Liz, and Lucky when they were teens and loved her with CB's Zander.  Idk, Lucky just always seemed like the cooler pre-teen to hang out with.  Or maybe Sly!  Poor kid just disappeared.  I know the Eckerts are not a thing to talk about after Monty, but they should have brought him back for that teen scene.

Natalia Livingston was okay.  There were times when I liked her and times I liked her less.   I thought she did really well interacting with friends.  She wasn't one of my favorites and the Sonny stuff was creepy, but time and being killed off brutally heals my old wounds.  I just know some people hated her, and I am more in the meh?  She's fine group.

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Guza made Amber's Emily his mouthpiece for his hatred of the Quartermaines, and it completely ruined the character. She was utterly unwatchable. They took her in, they took in her dying mother and made her last months comfortable, and all she could do was hurl abuse at them. What kind of a person is THAT heartless? 

Ironically I think, for all of her judgment and self-righteousness toward Alan, Monica and Edward, Natalia's Emily was somewhat closer to the family.

Edited by DRW50
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Yeah I am pretty sure we didn't need TC in dual roles when he was hardly managing to play just one.   Typical GH of the era, brutalizing woman and all that though.

Emily was just a brat, but her attachment to Jason was the strangest.  Everyone else made efforts with her and she just thought Jason was where it was at.   I agree it was probably Guza's dig at the Q's but I also think we were supposed to find cute and sassy.  NL's Emily was much closer to the family I think.

Fair.  That's true.  He could have easily been Zander though.

Wasn't it 2002?  The year she only wore velour sweatsuits and UGG's and had that stupid dog?  The only reason I vaguely remember the year is because I wanted funny Jason/Brenda shenanigan's with the Q's a we got that instead.  Why did Frons and Guza like that character so much?  

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