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The Panic Room, the Contagion arc, the first Laura wakes up from her coma, Brenda is alive and the Metro Court hostage event were all entertaining to me.  The Laura one was the only story that was all heart and character work versus plot and action, but I enjoyed them all.


The problem was during Guza's first two runs, I enjoyed enough of what happened in between his big events that I was still a regular viewer.  Some of that I have learned was because Riche was forcing his hand on including characters he would later ignore or write out.  With JFP, I began to hate more of the events, and the treading water between events, and the near total domination of misery and the same 5 characters being featured all the time.  If you weren't Jason, Sam, Sonny, Carly, or Michael (no child character from baby to teen to adult has ever been the focus of more on this show than him), you were on twice a week at best, and only if you were in Luke's orbit, or in the orbit of those 5.

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