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Jamey has never liked AMC care. He and Nelson Branco were responsible for the charge to get AMC cancelled over OLTL and it all started with AMCs move to LA and it didn't end until the cancellations came and they had egg on their faces.

He doesnt look at shows objectively., He pimped Guza and GH for years and still does and had the gall to blame the issues with the show on the new writer. As long as his beloved Jason and Carly were on non stop and pimped to no end he didnt care that the ratings kept dropping or that the show was systemactically destroyed under Guzas reign. I find his comments about DOOL odd not consideriung how he for years bitched about Higley and what she did to that show which was less destructive than Bob Guza. It is and always had been about him not whats best for the shows or the genre

And all this crap about VI this and Agnes that blah blah.The issue is Money. Thats one fact in print that cannot be refuted

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My response to this is a quote from one of your posts...

It can't be every which way.

It has long seeped through that he takes satisfaction in AMC's failures in front of and behind the scenes. For example, he really didn't give a crap about AMC's fate until he learned OLTL was in danger. Then it was AMC, OLTL rah, rah as long as he needed AMC in the mix. I don't pay enough attention to Jamey and his postings to say there's drops of those feelings in everything he does though. I'm not sure if that was going on in Saturday's postings. But as has been pointed out, a lot of AMC actors have taken issue with him and it's usually been while he was dancing on the grave and using their names to do it. I can't argue that.

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Ripping on OLTL because he doesn't like a story or an actor is very different from the way he actively campaigned for the death of AMC. When the shows got canceled Jamey wrote a (very bad) column testifying about why he thought AMC deserved to be canceled but OLTL didn't. Now we're supposed to believe he gives a [!@#$%^&*] about AMC or the actors? Sorry, no.

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Sorry but IMHO That aricle was why ABC was stupid to Cancel OLTL. Im sorry but If U go off just the basics than any other TV exec uses Poor ratings and not able to balance the shows budget,, AMC shoulda been canned but thats all on ABC. They coulda saved it but ABC didnt care & thats why they kept an EP who cant budget a show and bad writers one after another

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Why are we acting as if the poster on Vin's FB didn't get the idea that VI and LB are "why AMC was postponed" from Jamey? That's the issue here -- the fact that he's acting as if he has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with that poster's question. Bitch, you talk sh!t and talk sh!t about your site and how many people read it, yet when you post something, and people respond to it by going and questioning the person involved, you want to act like you ain't do nothing?

Get the F.

And please, let's not act as if that "Why OLTL should not have been canceled, too!" nonsense. We can pretend like that was all about finances, but...yeah, let's not. Do I have to pull out the excerpts? I mean, to each his own, but are topical! and brazen! words that you would use to describe OLTL in the last year? Has OLTL been scapegoated for AMC nonstop since the early 70s?

I'm almost done with this semester. When I turn in my last research paper, I am soooooo ready to go that round.

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As a fan of '80's DAYS, Ron, I must take umbrage with your use of Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero" in connection with "the Jamey." That song belongs to Bo, Hope, and Bo's motorcycle. End of story. :)

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