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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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Yes, the last good one they did was with Diane and Victor. And I seem to recall Victor and Nikki's, under Hack Bitch from Hell LML, took forever and then, suddenly, was resolved within two episodes.

BTW, random thought, but I've been wondering if ABC will be tempted to move REVENGE to Sundays once HOUSEWIVES is over. It seems like a good spot for soaps but I don't know if they want to move a show that actually found its audience and not have something for Wednesday night, which they have been struggling with.

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Besides which, it's on a night where it works well as counter programming. It's true that ABC on Sundays has far more soapy shows than the other stations as well, but I think the competition is stronger for some similar viewers (and depending if Smash can live up to its excellent pilot--and that'll be very hard I admit--they might have more...) And as YRBB said, ABC has had a tough time with Wednesday dramas--I think it would be foolish to move Revenge, especially after just one season.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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They should keep Revenge where it is at. Grey's use to be on Sunday nights back in the day but did fine on its own when they moved it Thursdays. I don't see why ABC's Wednesday night line-up wouldn't work, I mean for a good twenty years(1984-2004) NBC's Thursday night line-up of comedies and then a heavy drama worked quite well.

I absolutely love the high stakes drama of the show. I've gone back and re-watched every episode now as the plot reaches its mid-season climax(going back to the shooting in the pilot). I loved how the divorce lawyer Victoria hired was also in Emily/Amanda's plot.

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Victoria's lie that David raped her was epic. It provided a great reason for Emily to return to her revenge and might be useful for the divorce fight.

Oh, Daniel... the guy's hot but he's not a great actor. Bless him.

The proposal scene was very iconic; I loved it.

And Conrad calling Victoria a "pathetic, washed up bitch" (or something like that) was hilarious.

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I like the show but it seems like they kind of rush resolve some of the aspects of the show without any long-term fall out (i.e. the harvard hustler, fake Amanda leaving, and Lydia being spirited off). While I like the revenge aspect, I certainly think that the other plotlines need to be fleshed out so that the concept of the show is carried out long-term...

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