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Not keeping the baby isn't the issue. Karen giving that boy up is that child's version of winning the lotto. The fact that she wanted to sell him to the highest bidder, no matter what there parenting skills is the problem. Also, she considered having one every year a viable business plan. She called the poor thing all sorts of nasty names, got high and drank while pregnant, the list goes on and on. If you don't want to give the kid a healthy start, abort, but she didn't because she wanted to sell the kid. She's a sociopath with not a single redeeming quality as far as I can see. Lip was interested in her because she's basically Monica, except Monica has a heart when her brain chemicals are in balance. I was thrilled when Mandy ran her over to save Lip.

She couldn't really call him on his true secrets because she never knew about them. She didn't even know he was leaving the family to go to Michigan until the end.

See, if I didn't understand what Fiona was trying to save, I wouldn't find this show compelling. She was 15 years old when this started. No one had to ask her to save her siblings, it was her natural instinct. All she knew to do was save these kids who had nothing and no one else. Everyone knows the foster care system is a nightmare. I don't think she's acted like a martyr at all. Jimmy was whining about something that was ultimately nothing and none of his business anyway. She talked to him about it, but he was moping over it for weeks. Grow up, JimmySteve. His father's personal life effects him in no real way. Fiona had much bigger fish to fry, even Jimmy had much bigger fish to fry, given the cartel was on his ass. That's a problem. Being angsty over you're father getting some dick when you are 25 or so, isn't.

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I think we just have to agree to disagree on Karen. I'm not a huge fan of the character in any way, so I can't disagree that she's done some nasty things, but as far as putting her near or below Frank, I simply can't see it. Frank has been worthless scum since the first frame, and he's shown absolutely no interest in sincerely caring for his kids unless it serves him in the end. It's only gotten worse as the character's gotten more cartoonish, and I just can't imagine ever putting any other category in the same class as him

In regards to Fi calling out Jimmy's double lives, I meant the revelation of "Jimmy" when he was still Steve. I would have been totally with her if she's reminded him of the fact that he'd kept all of that from her in the beginning, and even with the current stuff with Estefania, when/if Fiona finds out, I'd back her if she went in on him for that. But I can't deal with the "Your problem isn't as big as mine, so shut up" angle. I don't particularly view Jimmy's issue with his dad being mainly about him being gay -- I think he's disturbed by his dad having sex with a 16- or 17-year-old boy, even after said boy turned out to be his son's girlfriend's little brother. He's realizing all of the things his dad has lied to the family about, and that can make anyone at any age feel betrayed in a major way. Is he a wounded victim? Nah, because Jimmy's been a liar since episode 1, but that doesn't absolve him of the pain of familial betrayal.

IDK, maybe I take up for characters like Karen and Jimmy because I feel as if they're two of the few characters left who aren't being written as total caricatures at this point. Karen was a huge burden before she left, but she returned in the last ep I watched, and she's once again changed, but I don't know what her motives are at this time.

The fact that Fiona had to get half of the required paperwork for custody of the kids forged speaks volumes. She doesn't have a full-time job, she doesn't own the house. But hey, those are just formalities, because she loves her brothers and sisters. She's a 22-year-old with a GED and no job. How is she the best option for two high school students (only one of whom works), two preteens, and a baby? Not to mention taking care of herself. It makes no sense. And then the gross scene of everyone at the Alibi Room cheering Frank on because he got to keep his kids. Disgusting.

The only storylines at this point that make sense to me are the ones that directly involve the Gallaghers and their relationships. Ian/Mickey, Lip/Mandy, and Fiona/Jimmy scenes are always extremely well-done. Now that Karen's back, Sheila's depth might return.

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The Frank/gay rights storyline is stupid and I won't comment any further on it or that ridiculous character. I truly, truly hate him, and I will celebrate if/when he dies.

WTF Karen! I don't even know what the heck they're trying to do with her anymore. I feel like the only reason she came back was to push Lip and Mandy closer together. They established her as not giving a damn about Sheila, but I don't get the point of any of that.

I wish Mandy hit Frank instead, but whatever.

DA HELL, Mickey!! I know I'm supposed to loathe Mickey after what he did to Ian, but Noel Fisher does such a fantastic job with this character, and even when he's on for just a few minutes per episode, you can see this massive arc with Mickey that rests totally on NF's shoulders. He's an incredible actor, and he keeps me invested 100% in this storyline. I need for Mickey to finally open up verbally and move heaven and earth to make this right, if he ever can.

The circumcision plot with Kev and V was good old-fashioned Kev and V for me, and that really made me feel like the show is getting back to the way it was in the first season, before it descended into the contrived outrageousness of season three. I wish they would just get over the surrogate story with her mom.

Fi and Jimmy...sigh. I'm a Jimmy fan. I don't know why, but I just am. Justin Chatwin goes right in that Noel Fisher category of making me enjoy characters that I'm probably not meant to sympathize with. The weird SUV guy (I always forget his name) totally had it right when he said that Jimmy was failing as trying to go from riches to rags. It might have looked like an interesting adventure when he first met Fiona and the kids, but he's learning that this just isn't the life for him. He's putting forth a valiant effort, but it's not happening. Fiona, meanwhile, has been tolerable for me the last few episodes. I'm glad she's doing well with the temp job, but if she's serious about making things better for the kids, there has to be a bigger goal in the long run.

Only three episodes left before I can move on to the fourth season! The season premiere is free on Showtime's website, so hopefully I can view it before it goes off. Don't know where/how I'll see the rest of the season.

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Debbie....BITCH! Talk about stank attitude. Im not liking the new her and she needs to get smacked. Watch her get pregnant by the end of the season. She's on her way to turning into a fast ass trick


LOL when Sheila showed up, I thought what the heck is she still doing around there and then Carl asked the same thing.

Fiona's sex scene was hot! Man was he getting it in


Awww, Mickey misses Ian.

tumblr_mz0zrdV8z01qblutwo7_r1_250.gif tumblr_mz0zrdV8z01qblutwo8_r1_250.gif

This boy....


Lip going to college looks like it could be a good new development. Glad to see him finally doing something with his life. YAY to seeing another Greek alumni, but too bad it looks to be a one time sighting


She lost weight and looks awful

For once Frank wasn't annoying. Almost feel bad for him

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Thoughts on the end of season 3.

I was absolutely disgusted by Lip and Frank "bonding," and even more disgusted with the way everyone was concerned with Frank's health. How many people have they written off in the last three seasons for doing much less than what Frank has done to them their whole lives? I'll never understand this part of the show, ever, and I'm just going to give up on trying. It's pointless. I wasn't even touched by the scene of Carl cutting Frank's hair because it was all based on a storyline in which Frank lied to Carl and told him he was dying of cancer. Like WTF!! I hate Frank!

Ian and Mickey. BRUH! I know I sound like a broken record here, but Noel Fisher just delivers in every single scene he's in. I loved that Ian finally gave up and decided to remove himself from this toxic environment he lives in. He's by far my most favorite character now because he seems to be the only one who sees everything around him for what it really is. I still root for Ian and Mickey to get back together. Hopefully Mickey gets his sh!t together and is ready to make it up for all the bad things he's done by the time his Gallagher comes back.

I can't believe Jimmy is dead! I read that they meant to film a definite death scene for him but were unable to. What a sad, anticlimactic ending for one of the central characters. I wish Fiona would know that he's dead so that she can learn a timely lesson out of this. She shot from the hip and then wanted to be rational later, but in this scenario, there was no "later." Hopefully things go well for her at the cup company.

Sad to see Karen and Jody go, but seeing as they really only brought Karen back to push Lip and Mandy together, I can deal with her leaving again. I'm gonna miss the dynamics of Karen, Jody, and Sheila, no matter how weird they were together. I have no idea what they're gonna do with Sheila now.

All in all, the third season improved greatly in the last few episodes, for the most part. I'm officially done with Frank, so that's whatever. The rest of the stories ended well, and I'm looking forward to the new season.

Just glancing at the premiere, why in the heck haven't they updated the opening sequence? Jimmy's dead, but his ass is still the last frame. Ian looks nothing like that anymore, and the other kids have grown up, too.

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Just watched the premiere.

Carl is GROSS/disgusting/obnoxious and proud of it. Sad. I'm not at all surprised at how he turned out, though. He's definitely on a fast track to nowhere. Frank is still not worth my time, and I could have done without him teaching Carl how to masturbate.

Sheila sad.png Her lonely dinner was so sad. I hope they find a solid way to keep her tied to the show or just let her go.

I'm loving Lip's college storyline so far. SO REFRESHING to see this once-remarkable character in a totally new setting. I like that he's putting forth a good effort, for the most part, to do well. This story and seeing the guy from Greek reminded me of how much I want to get into that show at some point. REALLY hoping Lip gets a new love interest at college.

Mickey sad.png Mandy, nobody cares, bye.

I'm still liking Fi/Mike. Glad Jimmy was only a passing mention here, but I want them to revisit that later in the season.

I knew V would get pregnant!

It was a solid start for the season, IMO. The show definitely needed a good shake-up.

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First of all. Omfg @ Mickey keeping a picture of Ian stashed inside of a hangdun magazine in the bathroom. Awesome scene! I could've done without him punching the mirror though. I mean, I got it, but for that scene I think it really should've ended on a "happy" note ;-).

Glad they aged Liam a bit. I really hope this show lasts long enough for us to see him as a teen. He's going to be the most f-cked up one. LOL! How terrifying he witnessed Frank coughing up blood like that.

The Carl/Debbie developments are believable and compelling! Loving & hating watching these kids grow up! With Carl, the only thing I don't like/believe is him sympathizing with Frank, going as far as retrieving booze & stuff for him - WTF? Also, the masturbation angle was a bit much. Would've come across much better I think if he confided in Lip or Ian about that. Even Kev. But Frank? Just disgusting! OMG @ Carl going to Costco and getting a large jar of vaseline.

Debbie's FAST ASS. Loving it. Love the awkwardness, the boots, the pumps, everything. So cute. She's adorable with her new pizza guy BF and I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a sleaze.

Mike ain't sh!t in bed. Fiona seemed underwhelmed. Hot scene though. I hope they last. That was cool how they hit the 401k angle w/Fi's job; her reaction was so on point!

Kev finds out he's having two babies, one w/his girlfriend and the other w/his mother in law, and he's over the moon about it! Love it! LOL. So happy V's pregnant! It just had to happen!

LMAO! Exactly!

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Am I the only one who thought Debbie's guy looked way too old for her? I mean, I know the story is that she and her friend were going after high school boys, but she still looks so young in her face that any pairing of her and an older guy just looks so wrong to me.

I kinda sorta got Carl sympathizing with Frank. I feel like Carl's in that "Yeah, Frank's the sh!t, he just drinks all day" phase. I was so pleased that Fiona and Debbie seemingly didn't give two sh!ts about Frank and Fiona was ready to just dump his ass on a park bench.

I watched the censored version, so I couldn't even tell if Mike was doing good in bed :(

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